Yes...*sigh* i've said this before. God created Man And Woman to create more man and woman. Not man and man to make...*sigh*...loud...obnoxiously loud...enourmously loud conversation.clash76-grunger using a condom a sin?
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[QUOTE="clash76-grunger"]Yes...*sigh* i've said this before. God created Man And Woman to create more man and woman. Not man and man to make...*sigh*...loud...obnoxiously loud...enourmously loud conversation.-TheSecondSign-
There are almost seven billion people on Earth.
How many more do there need to be?
Over 9 thousa...oh, wait nevermind[QUOTE="clash76-grunger"]Yes...*sigh* i've said this before. God created Man And Woman to create more man and woman. Not man and man to make...*sigh*...loud...obnoxiously loud...enourmously loud conversation.MrGeezer using a condom a sin?
yes it is and so is premarital sex but still most of us do it which is why we shouldnt judge gay people. i personally dont like them but i dont act like im better then them because im a sinner to. nobodys perfect, we all sin.Since I'm no longer a religious person, I cannot say if a something is considered sin. All I will say is that homosexuality goes against nature, but that doesn't make that person any less of a person.JustPlainLucasHow does homosexuality go against nature when nature itself creates homosexuality?
[QUOTE="Mr_sprinkles"]homosexuality isn't a lifestyle choice, it's just the way you are. It's like calling somebody a sinner for being too tall.supercubedude64
Damn tallies... they'll be the death of us all.
God hates tall people!Remember the story of david and goliath!
[QUOTE="-Karmum-"]No. You have a right to be with whomever you want. Just leave me alone, and I'm fine. I don't care if they live on my street, or if I know long as they don't hit on me.SSCyborg
Hey there sweet thang.
shh..he's mine
[QUOTE="supercubedude64"][QUOTE="Mr_sprinkles"]homosexuality isn't a lifestyle choice, it's just the way you are. It's like calling somebody a sinner for being too tall.Mr_sprinkles
Damn tallies... they'll be the death of us all.
God hates tall people!Remember the story of david and goliath!
David sent his best friend to war just to bang his wife[QUOTE="clash76-grunger"]Yes...*sigh* i've said this before. God created Man And Woman to create more man and woman. Not man and man to make...*sigh*...loud...obnoxiously loud...enourmously loud conversation.-TheSecondSign-
There are almost seven billion people on Earth.
How many more do there need to be?
It has been looked into, and 10 billion is our carrying capacity. Any more than that and there will be a bunch of starved babies (That is, a larger number (or equal) of deaths to births)
[QUOTE="JustPlainLucas"]Since I'm no longer a religious person, I cannot say if a something is considered sin. All I will say is that homosexuality goes against nature, but that doesn't make that person any less of a person.DeeJayInphinityHow does homosexuality go against nature when nature itself creates homosexuality?
You know.. this really isn't that hard of an idea to grasp. The male gender is mean to mate with the female gender. It's as simple as a round peg into a round hole. Am I saying there's something wrong with trying to stick a triangular peg into a round hole? No. Knock yourself out, but that's not what it was designed for.
How does homosexuality go against nature when nature itself creates homosexuality?[QUOTE="DeeJayInphinity"][QUOTE="JustPlainLucas"]Since I'm no longer a religious person, I cannot say if a something is considered sin. All I will say is that homosexuality goes against nature, but that doesn't make that person any less of a person.JustPlainLucas
You know.. this really isn't that hard of an idea to grasp. The male gender is mean to mate with the female gender. It's as simple as a round peg into a round hole. Am I saying there's something wrong with trying to stick a triangular peg into a round hole? No. Knock yourself out, but that's not what it was designed for.
There's really no proof that homosexuality is unnatural. Alternatively, there's no proof it's natural, either. So using it against or for homosexuality is a moot point.How does homosexuality go against nature when nature itself creates homosexuality?[QUOTE="DeeJayInphinity"][QUOTE="JustPlainLucas"]Since I'm no longer a religious person, I cannot say if a something is considered sin. All I will say is that homosexuality goes against nature, but that doesn't make that person any less of a person.JustPlainLucas
You know.. this really isn't that hard of an idea to grasp. The male gender is mean to mate with the female gender. It's as simple as a round peg into a round hole. Am I saying there's something wrong with trying to stick a triangular peg into a round hole? No. Knock yourself out, but that's not what it was designed for.
Appeal to design? O_Oyes but all men are born into sin and all men can repent and be forgiven... I would know since I am definitely not perfect!battlefront23
Exactly, we're all sinners by nature. Its up to us to ask for forgiveness. The Bible says that it is a sin, so therefore I must believe it to be. You cant do religion half assed.
[QUOTE="CIoud_S"]If homosexuality was such an evil as many would like us to believe maybe Big G would have left it on the tablets for Moses.
That honestly makes perfect sense.
Im pretty sure that if God smote the people of Sodom and Gomorrah for being homosexual, he isnt preferential towards it, commandment or not. There arent only 10 catagories of sins, those are just the important ones.
[QUOTE="SpiritEmu"][QUOTE="CIoud_S"]If homosexuality was such an evil as many would like us to believe maybe Big G would have left it on the tablets for Moses.
That honestly makes perfect sense.
Im pretty sure that if God smote the people of Sodom and Gomorrah for being homosexual, he isnt preferential towards it, commandment or not. There arent only 10 catagories of sins, those are just the important ones.
Well I'm not religeous but I've heard the bible says that all sins are equal. I don't really understand how lying to your gf about her being fat and murdering someone and being gay are all considered the same thing, but that's what the bible says.
[QUOTE="SpiritEmu"][QUOTE="CIoud_S"]If homosexuality was such an evil as many would like us to believe maybe Big G would have left it on the tablets for Moses.
That honestly makes perfect sense.
Im pretty sure that if God smote the people of Sodom and Gomorrah for being homosexual, he isnt preferential towards it, commandment or not. There arent only 10 catagories of sins, those are just the important ones.
I thought they got worked over for inhospitalityNo, it is absolutely not a sin. People are just made gay and if you believe in God, then guess what...God made you gay If not, then more power to you.
Hom0sexuality is a genetic flaw, however, and while I have no problem accepting it I hate how it is both encouraged and even trendy. Think about, if everyone was gay it would be the end of the human race.
Nope, hom0sexuality is just something that happens and we should accept it, and not point it out or blow it up into a big deal.
How does homosexuality go against nature when nature itself creates homosexuality?[QUOTE="DeeJayInphinity"][QUOTE="JustPlainLucas"]Since I'm no longer a religious person, I cannot say if a something is considered sin. All I will say is that homosexuality goes against nature, but that doesn't make that person any less of a person.JustPlainLucas
You know.. this really isn't that hard of an idea to grasp. The male gender is mean to mate with the female gender. It's as simple as a round peg into a round hole. Am I saying there's something wrong with trying to stick a triangular peg into a round hole? No. Knock yourself out, but that's not what it was designed for.
Yup nature does a lot of different things with whatever it creates, we wouldn't be here if it didn't. Evolution; I suggest you study it some time. Homosexuality is as chemical as formulating your own purpose, making it as natural as thinking.[QUOTE="JustPlainLucas"]How does homosexuality go against nature when nature itself creates homosexuality?[QUOTE="DeeJayInphinity"][QUOTE="JustPlainLucas"]Since I'm no longer a religious person, I cannot say if a something is considered sin. All I will say is that homosexuality goes against nature, but that doesn't make that person any less of a person.DeeJayInphinity
You know.. this really isn't that hard of an idea to grasp. The male gender is mean to mate with the female gender. It's as simple as a round peg into a round hole. Am I saying there's something wrong with trying to stick a triangular peg into a round hole? No. Knock yourself out, but that's not what it was designed for.
Yup nature does a lot of different things with whatever it creates, we wouldn't be here if it didn't. Evolution; I suggest you study it some time. Homosexuality is as chemical as formulating your own purpose, making it as natural as thinking.
It could be purely nurture, not nature.
homosexuality is dumb. imo.Lil_Dwayne
Could this be the best arguement of the night? Ah well, at least he said imo, lol.
homosexuallity is a fetish.
just like some people like fat girls
some people like the same sex. you cant help that you like fat girls
you cant help that you like other men.
[QUOTE="SSCyborg"][QUOTE="-Karmum-"]No. You have a right to be with whomever you want. Just leave me alone, and I'm fine. I don't care if they live on my street, or if I know long as they don't hit on me.Mr_sprinkles
Hey there sweet thang.
shh..he's mine
Noooo :cry:
I seriously don't think ho mo sexuals are bad at all. They don't hurt anyone by being gay so I don't see how it can be immoral or sinful. I can see nothing wrong with it, so I won't do anything to stop it. If God is really against it, then he can deal with it himself, he doesn't need us to do it for him.Is it a sin in the Bible? YES. Obviously.
That's a tough one.
I was born and raised Catholic, so in that sense, I should believe it is a sin.
Yet, there is the fact that homosexual people have no choice. You are born gay Why would anyone actually choose to be gay So, in a way, didn't God create homosexuals?
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