yet another religion thread ... sorry .. :P hear me out though
This is a question directed to anyone Religious
Do you doubt your God exists? or have you ever doubted the existence of God?
Kierkegaard wrote something interesting about the "leap of faith"
The "leap of faith" is his conception of how an individual would believe in God, or how a person would act in love.
It is not a rational decision, as it is transcending rationality in favour of something more uncanny, that is, faith. As such he thought that to have faith is at the same time to have doubt.
So, for example, for one to truly have faith in God, one would also have to doubt that God exists; the doubt is the rational part of a person's thought, without which the faith would have no real substance. Doubt is an essential element of faith, an underpinning.
In plain words, to believe or have faith that God exists, without ever having doubted God's existence or goodness, would not be a faith worth having.
your thoughts?
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