No. He is the leader of the Catholic Church...yes. But faith is a personal relationship with God. No two people are exactly the same.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
No. He is the leader of the Catholic Church...yes. But faith is a personal relationship with God. No two people are exactly the same.
[QUOTE="Lansdowne5"][QUOTE="SolidSnake35"]I don't really care. There might be a God; there might not. Either way, we have no idea what he's like or what his intentions are.SolidSnake35
Don't say 'we' say 'I' because then you are just speaking for yourself.
We don't know what he's like. We know what other people claim he's like, sure... but then, their accounts don't really mean much. I mean... he's perfect? Oh great, that explains a lot. :roll: Nothing is and will ever be perfect. It's impossible.That is what makes him god...he is perfect. Otherwise we would just be following another mistake-bound human. Amirite?
There is a crack in everything that's how the light gets in.
For some reason I lol'd at that.
[QUOTE="Lansdowne5"]But in your last message you said it was our creator?foxhound_fox
I suppose you could say the sun helped in creating life but it was not the sole contributer. In fact all it ever did was provide energy and heat. The planet itself was formed from the remnants of the supernova before our sun exsisted, and the life and water on our planet (most likely) originated from Cometary impacts during the early years of our planet. I will concede it's also possible organic compounds first formed on the Earth Itself, it's really 50/50 at this point from what i've read. Could've been here, could've been a comet. Either way, water came from the comets.
But i digress..
Being the christian i am of course, i believe god set it all in motion with the big bang. Do i doubt his exsistence? Occassionally, but every time i come to the same conclusion, he exsists. And i choose to continue my faith in god and our lord and saviour. Of course, there are no shortage of people who will insult me purely on the basis of my religion.
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"][QUOTE="Lansdowne5"]But in your last message you said it was our creator?Tolwan
I suppose you could say the sun helped in creating life but it was not the sole contributer. In fact all it ever did was provide energy and heat. The planet itself was formed from the remnants of the supernova before our sun exsisted, and the life and water on our planet (most likely) originated from Cometary impacts during the early years of our planet. I will concede it's also possible organic compounds first formed on the Earth Itself, it's really 50/50 at this point from what i've read. Could've been here, could've been a comet. Either way, water came from the comets.
But i digress..
Being the christian i am of course, i believe god set it all in motion with the big bang. Do i doubt his exsistence? Occassionally, but every time i come to the same conclusion, he exsists. And i choose to continue my faith in god and our lord and saviour. Of course, there are no shortage of people who will insult me purely on the basis of my religion.
Me too, but do you believe in Evolution or what it says in Genesis about the first two humans being made straight from the dust of the ground?
[QUOTE="Tolwan"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"][QUOTE="Lansdowne5"]But in your last message you said it was our creator?Lansdowne5
I suppose you could say the sun helped in creating life but it was not the sole contributer. In fact all it ever did was provide energy and heat. The planet itself was formed from the remnants of the supernova before our sun exsisted, and the life and water on our planet (most likely) originated from Cometary impacts during the early years of our planet. I will concede it's also possible organic compounds first formed on the Earth Itself, it's really 50/50 at this point from what i've read. Could've been here, could've been a comet. Either way, water came from the comets.
But i digress..
Being the christian i am of course, i believe god set it all in motion with the big bang. Do i doubt his exsistence? Occassionally, but every time i come to the same conclusion, he exsists. And i choose to continue my faith in god and our lord and saviour. Of course, there are no shortage of people who will insult me purely on the basis of my religion.
Me too, but do you believe in Evolution or what it says in Genesis about the first two humans being made straight from the dust of the ground?
Short answer, however is that i do, infact, believe in evolution. I believe Genesis is a mix of speculative writing based on what god told him (ie filling in the blanks himself) or a form of symbolism/metaphor. Something tells me god would not even attempt to explain biological functions, evolution, and quantom physics/astronomy to a man of that era. All of which would be necessary to even get a basic understanding of how god made the universe. I assume he kept it simple.
Besides, knowing the how is not something he needs to tell us, because we dont need to know that to know what is god's will. He gave us free will and intelligence for a reason, we can figure out the how ourselves. And perhaps that is something that will one day bring us closer to god, by truly understanding how he made the universe, maybe one day we will learn why, and come to a whole new level of intelligence that will bring all mankind closer to god on a whole new level. But that's pure speculative philosophical thought and a whole other topic.
[QUOTE="Lansdowne5"][QUOTE="SolidSnake35"]I don't really care. There might be a God; there might not. Either way, we have no idea what he's like or what his intentions are.SolidSnake35
Don't say 'we' say 'I' because then you are just speaking for yourself.
We don't know what he's like. We know what other people claim he's like, sure... but then, their accounts don't really mean much. I mean... he's perfect? Oh great, that explains a lot. :roll: Nothing is and will ever be perfect. It's impossible.Maybe our universe is perfect, just not in the way that we want it to be, but that is part of the perfection. For example, if you look at some things that humans want, no violence and no death, if you take away one of those you will create an imbalance and who knows what that imbalance will lead to. For the first one, it might lead to the destruction of the human race because currently we might not be ready for a violence-less life. For the second one, it might lead to the corruption of the universe because again, we might not be ready for immortality. If god or whatever intended for our existance to be without violence and death, then there wouldn't be any. Supposedly god gave us the choice to do whatever we want, so we are working our way towards those 2 goals, among others. But other things need to change in the meantime before we reach those goals, so that we (and maybe even the universe) become ready for it.
Just imagine if we all became immortal tomorow. What do you think would happen with our planet? With our current instincts we will overpopulate the planet in no time. If we move to another planet, the same will happen. And if you send people away to other planets, who decides who needs to go? Some people won't want to go and will create chaos. Instincts have to be changed first or extremely strict cultural rules must be applied and everybody must follow them but looking at the past, people will break the rules and instincts supposedly don't change as fast as would be needed. This is just an example of a population problem, then there are other problems, like what do you do with idiots and the violent people? Wars might go on forever because the people can't die. It's total chaos.
Maybe death is currently a good thing, no? For all this time, thousands of years, we are still alive and doing pretty well. There were some close calls but overall we are doing better and better with each passing day. So maybe in a certain way life is perfect?
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"][QUOTE="Lansdowne5"]But in your last message you said it was our creator?Lansdowne5
We're getting into creation now but just to summarise, it would have been a major factor of survival after creation but not the actual 'process' of creation. I really really don't want to make this into an argument but I am curious, how do you believe the Sun came to be?
gravity pulling together gases, and when this ball of gas was large enough a nuclear fusion process initiated in its core, creating our sun.
No point.
If God forgives all, wouldn't he forgive the lack of faith if you still lived a life wherein you helped people?
If we are to take the Bible seriously, only Christians without any doubts in religion would get access to heaven. Since that probably isn't the case...The bible is a...*some profane words*.
Yes but then there is purgatory.
[QUOTE="Lansdowne5"][QUOTE="Tolwan"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"][QUOTE="Lansdowne5"]But in your last message you said it was our creator?Tolwan
I suppose you could say the sun helped in creating life but it was not the sole contributer. In fact all it ever did was provide energy and heat. The planet itself was formed from the remnants of the supernova before our sun exsisted, and the life and water on our planet (most likely) originated from Cometary impacts during the early years of our planet. I will concede it's also possible organic compounds first formed on the Earth Itself, it's really 50/50 at this point from what i've read. Could've been here, could've been a comet. Either way, water came from the comets.
But i digress..
Being the christian i am of course, i believe god set it all in motion with the big bang. Do i doubt his exsistence? Occassionally, but every time i come to the same conclusion, he exsists. And i choose to continue my faith in god and our lord and saviour. Of course, there are no shortage of people who will insult me purely on the basis of my religion.
Me too, but do you believe in Evolution or what it says in Genesis about the first two humans being made straight from the dust of the ground?
Short answer, however is that i do, infact, believe in evolution. I believe Genesis is a mix of speculative writing based on what god told him (ie filling in the blanks himself) or a form of symbolism/metaphor. Something tells me god would not even attempt to explain biological functions, evolution, and quantom physics/astronomy to a man of that era. All of which would be necessary to even get a basic understanding of how god made the universe. I assume he kept it simple.
Besides, knowing the how is not something he needs to tell us, because we dont need to know that to know what is god's will. He gave us free will and intelligence for a reason, we can figure out the how ourselves. And perhaps that is something that will one day bring us closer to god, by truly understanding how he made the universe, maybe one day we will learn why, and come to a whole new level of intelligence that will bring all mankind closer to god on a whole new level. But that's pure speculative philosophical thought and a whole other topic.
OK, thanks for explaining.
[QUOTE="Lansdowne5"][QUOTE="Tolwan"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"][QUOTE="Lansdowne5"]But in your last message you said it was our creator?Tolwan
I suppose you could say the sun helped in creating life but it was not the sole contributer. In fact all it ever did was provide energy and heat. The planet itself was formed from the remnants of the supernova before our sun exsisted, and the life and water on our planet (most likely) originated from Cometary impacts during the early years of our planet. I will concede it's also possible organic compounds first formed on the Earth Itself, it's really 50/50 at this point from what i've read. Could've been here, could've been a comet. Either way, water came from the comets.
But i digress..
Being the christian i am of course, i believe god set it all in motion with the big bang. Do i doubt his exsistence? Occassionally, but every time i come to the same conclusion, he exsists. And i choose to continue my faith in god and our lord and saviour. Of course, there are no shortage of people who will insult me purely on the basis of my religion.
Me too, but do you believe in Evolution or what it says in Genesis about the first two humans being made straight from the dust of the ground?
Short answer, however is that i do, infact, believe in evolution. I believe Genesis is a mix of speculative writing based on what god told him (ie filling in the blanks himself) or a form of symbolism/metaphor. Something tells me god would not even attempt to explain biological functions, evolution, and quantom physics/astronomy to a man of that era. All of which would be necessary to even get a basic understanding of how god made the universe. I assume he kept it simple.
Besides, knowing the how is not something he needs to tell us, because we dont need to know that to know what is god's will. He gave us free will and intelligence for a reason, we can figure out the how ourselves. And perhaps that is something that will one day bring us closer to god, by truly understanding how he made the universe, maybe one day we will learn why, and come to a whole new level of intelligence that will bring all mankind closer to god on a whole new level. But that's pure speculative philosophical thought and a whole other topic.
I was just thinking about what you wrote. I presume you believe in Jesus and the ressurection? So building on that, when Jesus was alive he told us that all of the scriptures (AKA the Bible) were entirely factual and the complete truth. And I don't see (and probably can't see) why God would have to have started a big bang and everything to just get us to the point we are at now. He could of just created us, as it says in the Bible, from nothing in an instance, after all God does not apply to the physical laws that we study, he created them. But anyway, moving on, I think we underestimate the Bible's significance. Yes it may just be a factual account, but I think it is much more than that. Before I go on. Have you ever heard of the Bible Code?
[QUOTE="Tolwan"][QUOTE="Lansdowne5"][QUOTE="Tolwan"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"][QUOTE="Lansdowne5"]But in your last message you said it was our creator?Lansdowne5
I suppose you could say the sun helped in creating life but it was not the sole contributer. In fact all it ever did was provide energy and heat. The planet itself was formed from the remnants of the supernova before our sun exsisted, and the life and water on our planet (most likely) originated from Cometary impacts during the early years of our planet. I will concede it's also possible organic compounds first formed on the Earth Itself, it's really 50/50 at this point from what i've read. Could've been here, could've been a comet. Either way, water came from the comets.
But i digress..
Being the christian i am of course, i believe god set it all in motion with the big bang. Do i doubt his exsistence? Occassionally, but every time i come to the same conclusion, he exsists. And i choose to continue my faith in god and our lord and saviour. Of course, there are no shortage of people who will insult me purely on the basis of my religion.
Me too, but do you believe in Evolution or what it says in Genesis about the first two humans being made straight from the dust of the ground?
Short answer, however is that i do, infact, believe in evolution. I believe Genesis is a mix of speculative writing based on what god told him (ie filling in the blanks himself) or a form of symbolism/metaphor. Something tells me god would not even attempt to explain biological functions, evolution, and quantom physics/astronomy to a man of that era. All of which would be necessary to even get a basic understanding of how god made the universe. I assume he kept it simple.
Besides, knowing the how is not something he needs to tell us, because we dont need to know that to know what is god's will. He gave us free will and intelligence for a reason, we can figure out the how ourselves. And perhaps that is something that will one day bring us closer to god, by truly understanding how he made the universe, maybe one day we will learn why, and come to a whole new level of intelligence that will bring all mankind closer to god on a whole new level. But that's pure speculative philosophical thought and a whole other topic.
OK, thanks for explaining.
I find it a bit ironic that if we ever reach the condition that will allow us to speak with god, he might tell us that religion is absolutely useless or he might tell us that non-religious people are fools or maybe we are all wrong!
"Sorry folks, there is no afterlife, only death. I'm working on an afterlife right now though, give me a few billion years."
Or maybe he will say:
"Everybody can get into the afterlife, no matter what you belief in. All your beliefs are wrong anyway, nobody got it right."
or maybe he will say:
"Sorry non-religious people, I must be very strict because (insert reason here that we can't figure out on our own without gods help) and that is why you all must go to hell."
[QUOTE="Welkabonz"]No, I do not doubt that I exist.Severed_Hand
I have doubts you exist.
That is understandable.Nope. I look up to the sky every morning to see my God, my creator, my life-giver shining down on me from 149.600,000 kilometers away.foxhound_fox
Your arrogance blinds you master foxhound
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]Nope. I look up to the sky every morning to see my God, my creator, my life-giver shining down on me from 149.600,000 kilometers away.Dark-Sithious
Your arrogance blinds you master foxhound
So nobody gets it that he was mostly speaking in metaphors? And say what you want but it doesn't even compare to some of the arrogant metaphoric speeches the religious people make. But at the end none of that matters, the arrogance, that is. You shouldn't feel offended by such speeches.
I hate ignorant people who assume god is a man, that exists at a certain place. If a god exists, It's more of a force that exists throughout the entire universe.Dark-Sithious
Uh... What? You might be right about the force part but that ignorant people part is just wrong. Maybe you are wrong, did you think about that? There are dozens of logical explanations that could contradict your opinion.
I sometimes get a little doubtful but mainly from just some of the crazy random ideas atheist have and how one gets these random ideas.nirvana563
Really? Like what ideas ?
I see atheism as the most basic rational thought there is ... (not mystical or bizarre in any way)
I don't see it as absolute truth, but I understand atheism a lot more?
[QUOTE="nirvana563"]I sometimes get a little doubtful but mainly from just some of the crazy random ideas atheist have and how one gets these random ideas.soren008
Really? Like what ideas ?
I see atheism as the most basic rational thought there is ... (not mystical or bizarre in any way)
I don't see it as absolute truth, but I understand atheism a lot more?
It's not always the most logical thought, though.
[QUOTE="Dark-Sithious"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]Nope. I look up to the sky every morning to see my God, my creator, my life-giver shining down on me from 149.600,000 kilometers away.BlackAlpha666
Your arrogance blinds you master foxhound
So nobody gets it that he was mostly speaking in metaphors? And say what you want but it doesn't even compare to some of the arrogant metaphoric speeches the religious people make. But at the end none of that matters, the arrogance, that is. You shouldn't feel offended by such speeches.
I hate ignorant people who assume god is a man, that exists at a certain place. If a god exists, It's more of a force that exists throughout the entire universe.Dark-Sithious
Uh... What? You might be right about the force part but that ignorant people part is just wrong. Maybe you are wrong, did you think about that? There are dozens of logical explanations that could contradict your opinion.
Don't be silly, you know I'm right.
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]It provided the energy to our planet that gave life the ability to form and continue to survive and develop. The object in space didn't "decide to create" life, it was just conveniently there to provide one of the contributing factors.Tolwan
I suppose you could say the sun helped in creating life but it was not the sole contributer.
[...] it was just conveniently there to provide oneof the contributing factors.foxhound_fox
In fact all it ever did was provide energy and heat. The planet itself was formed from the remnants of the supernova before our sun exsisted, and the life and water on our planet (most likely) originated from Cometary impacts during the early years of our planet. I will concede it's also possible organic compounds first formed on the Earth Itself, it's really 50/50 at this point from what i've read. Could've been here, could've been a comet. Either way, water came from the comets.Tolwan
Your arrogance blinds you master foxhoundDark-Sithious
[QUOTE="Tolwan"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]It provided the energy to our planet that gave life the ability to form and continue to survive and develop. The object in space didn't "decide to create" life, it was just conveniently there to provide one of the contributing factors.foxhound_fox
I suppose you could say the sun helped in creating life but it was not the sole contributer.
[...] it was just conveniently there to provide oneof the contributing factors.foxhound_fox
In fact all it ever did was provide energy and heat. The planet itself was formed from the remnants of the supernova before our sun exsisted, and the life and water on our planet (most likely) originated from Cometary impacts during the early years of our planet. I will concede it's also possible organic compounds first formed on the Earth Itself, it's really 50/50 at this point from what i've read. Could've been here, could've been a comet. Either way, water came from the comets.Tolwan
Your arrogance blinds you master foxhoundDark-Sithious
I think you place a little too much on our sun. For us to come about yes, but there is no telling that life itself is completely reliant on it. I recall a special on either The Universe (History channel) or something on nat. Geo about life that lives in the furthest depths of the ocean that get 0 light and heat from the sun and live purely off the geo-thermal energy of the Earth's Core.
Scientists also feel that's a reason life may be found on moons of jupiter (Especially the ice one, the name escapes me currently) feeling that life could rely on both Geo-thermal energy and energy emmitted by Jupiter.
Summary: The sun is not always important, but definetly for humanity (until we learn to replace it in 3 million years :lol;)
[QUOTE="a55assin"][QUOTE="Lansdowne5"][QUOTE="a55assin"]I like to hope that some kind of higher being exists so that we can all ascend while our bodies rot. I don't follow any single religion.
Besides the fact that I would like some kind of life after death, I try not to think too much at all regarding the subject of God.
Well you better make your mind up pretty quick because the only way to go to 'heaven' or some better place when you die (assuming any specific religion is correct) is to truly believe in it without having doubt, if you don't believe it you won't be allowed in.
Actually, the Christian Bible states that God allows one to enter heaven whether one believes or not. As long as one lives a life not trying to hurt others, but helping them, one will receive a one-way ticket to paradise.
On the other hand, if you get really rich during life, you'll be able to buy your own.
Where the heck did you just get that information from? Because it certainly was not from the Christian bible. It states in the real bible that, 'those who truly believe that Jesus Christ, the son of God, died for mankind to remove all sin from the world, will have eternal life in heaven' 'but those who disbelieve and do not repent for their sins will be thrown into the lake of fire'.
Nice god.[QUOTE="Tolwan"][QUOTE="Lansdowne5"][QUOTE="Tolwan"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"][QUOTE="Lansdowne5"]But in your last message you said it was our creator?Lansdowne5
I suppose you could say the sun helped in creating life but it was not the sole contributer. In fact all it ever did was provide energy and heat. The planet itself was formed from the remnants of the supernova before our sun exsisted, and the life and water on our planet (most likely) originated from Cometary impacts during the early years of our planet. I will concede it's also possible organic compounds first formed on the Earth Itself, it's really 50/50 at this point from what i've read. Could've been here, could've been a comet. Either way, water came from the comets.
But i digress..
Being the christian i am of course, i believe god set it all in motion with the big bang. Do i doubt his exsistence? Occassionally, but every time i come to the same conclusion, he exsists. And i choose to continue my faith in god and our lord and saviour. Of course, there are no shortage of people who will insult me purely on the basis of my religion.
Me too, but do you believe in Evolution or what it says in Genesis about the first two humans being made straight from the dust of the ground?
Short answer, however is that i do, infact, believe in evolution. I believe Genesis is a mix of speculative writing based on what god told him (ie filling in the blanks himself) or a form of symbolism/metaphor. Something tells me god would not even attempt to explain biological functions, evolution, and quantom physics/astronomy to a man of that era. All of which would be necessary to even get a basic understanding of how god made the universe. I assume he kept it simple.
Besides, knowing the how is not something he needs to tell us, because we dont need to know that to know what is god's will. He gave us free will and intelligence for a reason, we can figure out the how ourselves. And perhaps that is something that will one day bring us closer to god, by truly understanding how he made the universe, maybe one day we will learn why, and come to a whole new level of intelligence that will bring all mankind closer to god on a whole new level. But that's pure speculative philosophical thought and a whole other topic.
I was just thinking about what you wrote. I presume you believe in Jesus and the ressurection? So building on that, when Jesus was alive he told us that all of the scriptures (AKA the Bible) were entirely factual and the complete truth. And I don't see (and probably can't see) why God would have to have started a big bang and everything to just get us to the point we are at now. He could of just created us, as it says in the Bible, from nothing in an instance, after all God does not apply to the physical laws that we study, he created them. But anyway, moving on, I think we underestimate the Bible's significance. Yes it may just be a factual account, but I think it is much more than that. Before I go on. Have you ever heard of the Bible Code?
But if god just created everything in aan instant, why did he leave all the evidence for us to conclude that it wasn't created like that at all? Is he trying to trick us?I hate ignorant people who assume god is a man, that exists at a certain place. If a god exists, It's more of a force that exists throughout the entire universe.Dark-Sithious
You hate people who assume God is man? No-one has even said that on here. And Dude, you just majorly missed the point and completely contradicted yourself by saying he was arrogant. He wasn't saying the Sun is God he was just saying it is HIS God, which in itself was a metaphor with a deeper meaning. He was purely saying that without it we would not be here because it was one of the major factors of creation. And how do you know God is more of a force that exists through the universe? You must have based that statement on something? Was it your own experience of the world or from facts of religion that you have heard about? Either way, try to look for the hidden meaning in what people say before commenting on their arrogance, when you yourself are being arrogant in not looking for the deeper meaning.
But faith is a personal relationship with God. No two people are exactly the same.LJS9502_basic
Which is why no two gods are exactly the same. You just proved what I said weeks ago. Everyone makes up their own god in their minds. There are as many gods as there are believers. And with that many gods being possible, the odds are slim that anyone has it figured out. At this point in the chain of enlightenment, it would make sense to just bar any sure-footed claims into the existence of a deity, wouldn't it? At least until the field is narrowed down just a little bit?
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]But faith is a personal relationship with God. No two people are exactly the same.Deity_Slapper
Which is why no two gods are exactly the same. You just proved what I said weeks ago. Everyone makes up their own god in their minds. There are as many gods as there are believers. And with that many gods being possible, the odds are slim that anyone has it figured out. At this point in the chain of enlightenment, it would make sense to just bar any sure-footed claims into the existence of a deity, wouldn't it? At least until the field is narrowed down just a little bit?
Wrong interpretation. Same god....different relationship. Like dating a girl.....your relatiionship with her will be different than the last dude that dated her....same person....different combination of personalities. So that doesn't align with your idea.;)Nope. I look up to the sky every morning to see my God, my creator, my life-giver shining down on me from 149.600,000 kilometers away.foxhound_fox
Meh...Some pagans worshipped the sun. Nothing new.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]But faith is a personal relationship with God. No two people are exactly the same.Deity_Slapper
Which is why no two gods are exactly the same. You just proved what I said weeks ago. Everyone makes up their own god in their minds. There are as many gods as there are believers. And with that many gods being possible, the odds are slim that anyone has it figured out. At this point in the chain of enlightenment, it would make sense to just bar any sure-footed claims into the existence of a deity, wouldn't it? At least until the field is narrowed down just a little bit?
True but if there is a god, then it can be the same god that all those people belief in. It just means that the people's opinions are different on what god might be and what he might want. But that still leaves the question, who is right?
[QUOTE="Deity_Slapper"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]But faith is a personal relationship with God. No two people are exactly the same.LJS9502_basic
Which is why no two gods are exactly the same. You just proved what I said weeks ago. Everyone makes up their own god in their minds. There are as many gods as there are believers. And with that many gods being possible, the odds are slim that anyone has it figured out. At this point in the chain of enlightenment, it would make sense to just bar any sure-footed claims into the existence of a deity, wouldn't it? At least until the field is narrowed down just a little bit?
Wrong interpretation. Same god....different relationship. Like dating a girl.....your relatiionship with her will be different than the last dude that dated her....same person....different combination of personalities. So that doesn't align with your idea.;)What!?!? :lol:
All of the people involved in a love triangle, or square, or pentagon...will all be real, living beings. Of course the relationships will be different, but it doesn't change who the people are! With god however, no one knows anything, and make it all up in their heads, and by not even having a common, shared foundation, the amount of concoctions that have been created in peoples imaginations is absolutely staggering.
Talk about not being aligned...
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="Deity_Slapper"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]But faith is a personal relationship with God. No two people are exactly the same.Deity_Slapper
Which is why no two gods are exactly the same. You just proved what I said weeks ago. Everyone makes up their own god in their minds. There are as many gods as there are believers. And with that many gods being possible, the odds are slim that anyone has it figured out. At this point in the chain of enlightenment, it would make sense to just bar any sure-footed claims into the existence of a deity, wouldn't it? At least until the field is narrowed down just a little bit?
Wrong interpretation. Same god....different relationship. Like dating a girl.....your relatiionship with her will be different than the last dude that dated her....same person....different combination of personalities. So that doesn't align with your idea.;)What!?!? :lol:
All of the people involved in a love triangle, or square, or pentagon...will all be real, living beings. Of course the relationships will be different, but it doesn't change who the people are! With god however, no one knows anything, and make it all up in their heads, and by not even having a common, shared foundation, the amount of concoctions that have been created in peoples imaginations is absolutely staggering.
Talk about not being aligned...
*sigh* You just don't get it. :roll:Please Log In to post.
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