Typically, as my experience has proven, those kinds of people are usually pricks. Not a fan of pricks.aRE-you-AFraidSame here, like I said. If you have ever came into the contact with these people they are the most conforming set of pricks you can find. Tight shirt wearing pricks because you can say the "D" word here, and stuck up chicks. An also for some reason they think A&E and Areo are high end fashion. But what really makes me laugh is when I see 40 Year + people wearing that stuff. I get that "Were all conformist" Stuff, but at the same time that style is just plain an boring. The only style that I can't stand more than that is this rapper promoted Gucci, Loui, and other high end fashion fads that these kids are so set on obtaining these days(I'm black and live in the black community so you may not get this). But like I said, from experience they are stuck up most of the time. I have nothing to say, because personally I have a hoody from there that my sister gave me, who thinks that I like AE and Aero, but I wear it out of the kindness of my heart. But any hardcore hip-hopper , rocker, or what ever wouldn't dare touch that stuff. I have friends and family rockers, and hip-hop fans who still wont come up on these popular styles of today my Hip-hop friend had a girl friend who wanted him to wear that stuff, but he's a sweat pants, baggy clothes, white tee type guy, and my other friend only dress from the Hot-Topic and some other girl stores she likes, she wouldn't dare touch an American Eagle or like types. Me, I just hit the Old Navy for jeans and jackets, Hot-Topic for accessories and band tees, the footlocker for shoes, and maybe online for something rare you can't find in the brick and mortar clothing store.
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