[QUOTE="willy279"] In fact, scientific theories change all the time. The theory of evolution has changed every few years based on new evidence in the archaeological record, studies in genetics, and so forth.
The Loose Change guys shouldn't be disrespected because their theories are riddled with problems; on the contrary they should be treated with respect for questioning the official story. After all, the official story is questionable.
There are some aspects I question myself but those are relatively minor ones, in stark contrast to what The Loose Change guys present.
There are architects and engineers out there (not a majority of sorts, but some fairly credible individuals with a scientific background involving high level understanding of mathematics, physics etc) who have been questioning the official story for years.
I know of that, but there are individuals who have the same sort of credentials you have already specified who have already torn apart said theory you present.
You can read about them HERE http://www.ae911truth.org/. Moreover, this business about THE FAMILIES. Read this quote: "An alliance of 100 prominent Americans and 40 family members of those killed on 9/11 today announced the release of the 911 Truth Statement, a call for immediate inquiry into evidence that suggests high-level government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11th attacks to occur. The Statement supports an August 31st Zogby poll that found nearly 50% of New Yorkers believe the government had foreknowledge and "consciously failed to act," with 66% wanting a new 9/11 investigation." It's from HERE http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20041026093059633. I had heard recently that the MAJORITY of families' victims don't believe the official story but I would have to dig that up.
National events, even tragic ones always have people doubting the official story, and or criticizing the story as to what actually happened, no disrespect towards the families.
Lastly, the "conspiracy theories" have been rebutted, they have not been debunked. Stating as such only demonstrates your faith in one side of the debate. Your allegiance is toward the government's side. (Well, in fact, there are hundreds of government officials who have come out and said the government they worked for LIED about many issue regarding 9/11. That may be another issue though?) This guy Theo, who will surely insult the hell out of me in this thread, again and again, linked to a National Geographic "debunking" piece. If you don't look at REBUTTLES TO THE REBUTTLES, then you're not following a debate.
On the contrary. I used to be a supporter of the conspiracy theory that the loose change guys, and other present about 9/11. But I (And this is my opinion, no offense intended), I saw how ridiculous those theories were. I mean, where are those bombs anyway? I have already formed my opinion, listening to both sides, good sir.
You're getting a machine like stop on one end, and you're lending faith to the last spoken side of the "debate." Here's a link that rebuts the rebuttle made by National Geographic http://911research.wtc7.net/reviews/NationalGeographic/index.html So yeah, there's your opinion, then there's a slough of information that contradicts it.
I'll look at it, but I don't think my mind is going to back towards it's original state of believing the 9/11 conspiracy theories.
And before you go on tearing my opinion apart, I don't have one yet. I tend to distrust government, but I don't feel comfortable saying 9/11 was an inside job with confidence, especially for how crazy it makes a person sound, and because there is no smoking gun evidence to it.
When you say it like that, some people might think you already have a pre-determined bias. :P
I am in support of a better investigation
Don't know and or think such a thing would happen, though.
Bbut I also think government has more important things to do with its time, like hurry up and start putting less carbon in the atmosphere...
Well, the government isn't the only force(s) responsible for doing so.
My response is above.
I was making more of a general statement, not one towards the families, but towards everyone who doubts the official story. No I don't think the families of those lost are crazy.
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