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No I do not but sadly my father is a full on conspiracy nutter and believes it was as well as pretty much any other conspiracy theory that's floating out there. It makes it hard to have a converstaion with him at times but then again we rarely talk so I suppose it's not such a big deal...just disappointing.
[QUOTE="streloksbolt"]why Weak.9/11 an inside job?? *facepalm.jpg* x∞
If 9/11 was an inside job, do you know how many people it would take to pull off a plan like that??? Probably thousands. There is NO WAY that many people could keep a secret.
[QUOTE="willy279"][QUOTE="streloksbolt"]why Weak. Click any one of those links, starting with the first. And also, why aren't any of these links here? Some of these links DEBUNK THE POPULAR MECHANICS PIECE mentioned in your wiki link.9/11 an inside job?? *facepalm.jpg* x∞
If 9/11 was an inside job, do you know how many people it would take to pull off a plan like that??? Probably thousands. There is NO WAY that many people could keep a secret.
Not if they didn't plan it. If they just let it happen probably few people would know.
Did you know the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a US Gov't staged event that got us into Vietnam? People back then would have said the same thing.If 9/11 was an inside job, do you know how many people it would take to pull off a plan like that??? Probably thousands. There is NO WAY that many people could keep a secret.
If 9/11 was an inside job, do you know how many people it would take to pull off a plan like that??? Probably thousands. There is NO WAY that many people could keep a secret.
Anyone who couldn't keep a secret would be killed. Along with anyone they told.
I sorta doubt how fire and falling debris could being down the tower. There was something that happened during WW2 I think, where a plane crashed into the Empire State Building. From then on, buildings had certain differences in them that would make them more resistant to plane crashes or similar incidents.
If 9/11 was an inside job, do you know how many people it would take to pull off a plan like that??? Probably thousands. There is NO WAY that many people could keep a secret.
Anyone who couldn't keep a secret would be killed. Along with anyone they told.
I sorta doubt how fire and falling debris could being down the tower. There was something that happened during WW2 I think, where a plane crashed into the Empire State Building. From then on, buildings had certain differences in them that would make them more resistant to plane crashes or similar incidents.
That's a silly assumption that THE GUVERMENT! goes around killing people to shut them up. Do you have any evidence to back this up?[QUOTE="Murj"]
If 9/11 was an inside job, do you know how many people it would take to pull off a plan like that??? Probably thousands. There is NO WAY that many people could keep a secret.
Anyone who couldn't keep a secret would be killed. Along with anyone they told.
I sorta doubt how fire and falling debris could being down the tower. There was something that happened during WW2 I think, where a plane crashed into the Empire State Building. From then on, buildings had certain differences in them that would make them more resistant to plane crashes or similar incidents.
That's a silly assumption that THE GUVERMENT! goes around killing people to shut them up. Do you have any evidence to back this up?No, no concrete evidence. But think about it for a second. Assuming hypothetically that it was an inside job. The twin towers falling would have killed nearly everyone inside it plus others around it. You think they would think twice about killing a few more people after already planning to kill so many of them from the towers collapsing?
And the building thing was in a documentary I saw about 9/11.
[QUOTE="streloksbolt"][QUOTE="willy279"] Click any one of those links, starting with the first. And also, why aren't any of these links here? Some of these links DEBUNK THE POPULAR MECHANICS PIECE mentioned in your wiki link.willy279Sorry, but tl;dr. From what I know about the truthers (people who believe in t3h 3vil governmentz) , it's just one of the thousands of groundless conspiracy theories. I suppose you believe that greys hang out at Area 51, as well? You're lazy and ignorant. The link I was referring to was a website built and maintained by architects and engineers from around the world. Don't make assumptions about peoples' beliefs when they're presenting evidence to you. I don't assume anything about you, although from your approach to this debate I now know you are, simply, lazy and ignorant. Thus far I have shown to you that I am willing to perform research to come to conclusions. I am willing to read material that debunks 9/11 inside job claims, and the opposite. What are greys?
"Evidence." :lol:
Everything you need to know is here.
Popular Mechanics has NEVER been debunked. All the conspiracy theorists have said against them thus far is that PopMecha has done "irrelevant experiements" and is in on the conspiracy. They even claimed NOVA is in on it because they published this. 911Myths has hundreds of links on every Truther subject. There is no conspiracy case, and there never has been; people were spouting conspiracies ten minutes after the towers collapsed, and they didn't have any more evidence then than they do now. Everyone from National Geographic to Structure Magazine to the BBC to ****ing Maddox have debunked it; the "scientists" who think they use science to give "Evidence" in favor of conspiracy theories are all nutjobs like Steven Jones who think they "proved" Jesus came to the Americas; they are in the extreme minority and for good reason: real scientists think they're full of ****.
I am torn. I would believe Bush would attack the towers so he has a reason to invade Afghanistan etc. just so he could get the oil. Another reason it might have been an inside job was because I believe United Airlines Flight 93 was shot down. They made it seem like just a crash but I think they shot it down.But it could have just been terrorists.
I am torn. I would believe Bush would attack the towers so he has a reason to invade Afghanistan etc. just so he could get the oil. Another reason it might have been an inside job was because I believe United Airlines Flight 93 was shot down. They made it seem like just a crash but I think they shot it down.But it could have just been terrorists.
We wouldn't got to war with Afghanistan for oil, we would target, Russia, Saudia Arabia, Iraq or Iran for oil if we needed it that BADLY. Also wouldn't the mass amounts of oil needed in a war before you could take control of the oil fields and rigs without garrenty that they won't be destroyed during the fighting waste more oil than you would probably get back after the war?
Oh Of course! The planes that hit the Twin Towers and Pentagon were actually misslesand everyone on board landed safely (including the Government, the people who tracked the airlines and everyone working for United Airlines), only to keep quiet for the next 8 years. It all makes sense now, Why haven't I thought of this sooner??
I am torn. I would believe Bush would attack the towers so he has a reason to invade Afghanistan etc. just so he could get the oil. Another reason it might have been an inside job was because I believe United Airlines Flight 93 was shot down. They made it seem like just a crash but I think they shot it down.But it could have just been terrorists.
We wouldn't got to war with Afghanistan for oil, we would target, Russia, Saudia Arabia, Iraq or Iran for oil if we needed it that BADLY. Also wouldn't the mass amounts of oil needed in a war before you could take control of the oil fields and rigs without garrenty that they won't be destroyed during the fighting waste more oil than you would probably get back after the war?
Haven't we been to Iraq, Iran and Saudia Arabia? That is why I said "etc."...It wasn't an inside job... simple as that.SoraX64Yes please. Seriously there are terriosts out there back in 2001 pulling something like 9/11 off was not nearly as impossible as it is now with all of the new secruity.
Who makes such claims? Which claims by whom are you even refuting?Oh Of course! The planes that hit the Twin Towers and Pentagon were actually misslesand everyone on board landed safely (including the Government, the people who tracked the airlines and everyone working for United Airlines), only to keep quiet for the next 8 years. It all makes sense now, Why haven't I thought of this sooner??
Hey Conspiracy nuts! If the Government really did plant bombs inside of the towers, why not just stage it as another car bombing, thus explaining why there was an "explosive noise" and why the towers fell like they did? :|
I think the popular theory is the goverment planned the hi-jackings. Either way the the goverment planning 9/11 is a joke and should be treated as one.Oh Of course! The planes that hit the Twin Towers and Pentagon were actually misslesand everyone on board landed safely (including the Government, the people who tracked the airlines and everyone working for United Airlines), only to keep quiet for the next 8 years. It all makes sense now, Why haven't I thought of this sooner??
[QUOTE="St_JimmyX"]Who makes such claims? Which claims by whom are you even refuting?Oh Of course! The planes that hit the Twin Towers and Pentagon were actually misslesand everyone on board landed safely (including the Government, the people who tracked the airlines and everyone working for United Airlines), only to keep quiet for the next 8 years. It all makes sense now, Why haven't I thought of this sooner??
This kid at my school:?.
It is within the realm of possibility that 9/11 was an inside job, but, in light of the evidence and the science behind the collapses of the World Trade Center buildings and part of the Pentagon, I highly doubt it.
because it's really easy for one man to just say "oh hey I want some of y'all to run a plane into the WTC's, the pentagon, and hijack another pnae (United 93) and crash that into something. Then I want y'all to put some bombs in the World Trade Centers so it collapses beacuse mmkay". And even if you think the whole goverment planned it. Don't you think it's a little bit crazy to think people would sacrfice there own lives (the hijackers) so there country could go get some oil. Wait and another thing is why would the goverment want the towers to fall? I can see the arguement of why they would want to hi-jack planes, I think it's stupid and crazy but I can see why one might think that but still. Why would the goverment want to make the towers fall?I am torn. I would believe Bush would attack the towers so he has a reason to invade Afghanistan etc. just so he could get the oil. Another reason it might have been an inside job was because I believe United Airlines Flight 93 was shot down. They made it seem like just a crash but I think they shot it down.But it could have just been terrorists.
[QUOTE="MetallicSoap"]State your sources dawg.No I don't.
That scumbag Osama Bin Laden did this and that little prick will pay one day...
Osama Bin Laden claiming responsibility for the attacks several times over the years.
The hypocrisy of conspiracy theorists: whining about ad hominems and then going "you's teh ignorant" over and over again. Your ignorant videos didn't debunk the national geographic documentary at all; like to explain how they did? You ***** about me being "vague" (what's vague about "conspiracy theories are stupid and the people that propagate them are dumbasses"? Seems quite clear to me) when you haven't even given an argument beyond "look at this link from Alex Jones!!!!" Conspiracy nuts! If the Government really did plant bombs inside of the towers, why not just stage it as another car bombing, thus explaining why there was an "explosive noise" and why the towers fell like they did? :|
Sigh. I've read your links. Have you read mine? I'm getting sick of how much of a tool you are. Did you hear the architect (who is a real scientist you strawhat forming tool!) in the link I provided you in two separate threads explain the difference between nano thermite and the kind discussed in National Geographic? Did you listen to how much material they got from him in interviews but how they edited selectively according to a particular bias of theirs? If you're not open to examining these issues, and you're just going to assume these popular publications - and by the way, I find it highly questionable that you would ever research any of their funding sources, or even consider that of importance because of the amount of faith you place into them - then you're simply not open minded enough to make any of the seemingly "counter" claims you're making. You're providing links to "debunk" sites, then claiming that what they're debunking has "no case," that there "never has been." You're so vague and lack specifics that I'm beginning to doubt that you have looked at what debates there actually are, the nature of them, why they may be of importance, the details and the big picture. It seems to me that with your link giving dismissive, and corrective style, rather than asking questions as people open to research which may contradict their assumptions do, that you place the same kind of religious faith in your sources as ignorant "truthers" do in "the truth movement." Your arguments, if they can even be called that, are unsophisticated and pathetic. Like I said, did you even watch the videos that countered the National Geographic piece? If so, why didn't you respond to me in the two threads where I linked to them, then continued to go debate people who made stupid, general and weak claims elsewhere on the forum? Let me guess, because you're scared. You're scared of facing your own assumptions. You don't even know what they are.willy279
The only "tools" here are the ones that are unwilling to question even their greatest allies. If you don't question everyone, not just the government and not just the conspiracy theorists, you're nothing more than a pawn for your particular side.
Now, to debunk a few of the most widely spread rumors.
There is a theory that the towers collapsed because of explosives, not due to the planes weakening the structure in a multitude of ways. That, and because the South Tower, hit second yet first to collapse, proves that the buildings were destroyed by means other than the laws of physics.
First of all, the South Tower was hit lower down than the North Tower, thus more weight was focused on the already severely damaged superstructure. This caused the South Tower to collapse first.
There is also a theory that the towers collapsed due to explosives because the metal skeleton of the structure didn't melt, thus it wouldn't have collapsed. Metal doesn't need to be melted in order for it to lose structural integrity. Indeed, five thousand years of metallurgy and metal working proves this. For metal to lose structural integrity, it need only be heated to the point where the bonds between the molecules in the steel weaken, not break to the point where it becomes liquid. Basically, it needs to be heated so that it glows red-hot. Something that the burning kerosene and, once that was exhausted, the burning office furniture and paper could easily do.
Once more, there is a theory that the puffs of smoke one sees just below the collapse line when both towers collapse are detonations. The problem with it being that, as the floors above collapse the local atmosphere within those floors becomes compressed to the point where they can shatter glass. Indeed, a similar thing happens when you melt dry ice in a soda bottle and let the CO2 gas blow the bottle up. Once the pressure becomes so great, air itself can shatter glass.
There is also a theory surrounding the Pentagon that it was a missile, rather than an airliner, that destroyed part of it. Although there is no footage of the impact save a grainy few seconds from a security camera, one can clearly see that the object that crashed into it was larger than any cruise, or other sort of, missile. Beyond that, there's also a theory that the plane or missile would have destroyed the entire building, rather than just one section. The fact of the matter is that the Pentagon was designed and built as a hardened structure, capable of withstanding a conventional missile strike. The fact that only a part of the building collapsed is a testament to the farthinking men that designed it.
The bottom line is that those who disagree with you are not automatically crazy. Even if they are, think of them like mental patients. Do you call bipolar or schitzofrenic people names? No, you consider them handicapped. Some people actually think there are aliens and reptile people. Some of these same folks think there were no planes. Some of these same folks think Osama Bin Laden happens to be a CIA operative, etc. It is all belief, it is all subjective, and it all comes from within. If you're not trying to understand where the disagreement is coming from, you're just being a ****. You're not enlightening anybody by telling them they're wrong and calling them names. If they're not willing to look at evidence, maybe they're ********. Go to bed. Examine your value system. If you're a bully, great, go on in life doing that, but there will be people like me who will call you out on being such a cruel person. I'm part ******** and part bully and part genius, and I can tap into each for whichever interaction I'm looking to achieve. (Lucky me, gloat gloat.) It's all about the utility of communication. Don't be a ****. It's just the internet. Wish me luck on marinating this salmon in vinegar and lemon, if I get it right I get **** tonight. G'night.willy279
Very true, but if you don't bother to question the claims made by the conspiracy theorists either (of which I've debunked several of the major ones using simple high-school level particle physics and chemistry) you're just as foolish as those who don't bother to question the claims made by the government.
Technically, he was. He, among others, was trained and supplied by the CIA to fight the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the eighties.
What does that make you then, someone who doesn't bother to question, logically and empircally, the conspiracy claims?
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