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What I do know is that had a plane flew into the pentagon that day we would have seen footage of the impact from any of the several sources recording in the area. They did go on to release something like three frames of video but that's nothing to go on and it certainly doesn't show what looks like a plane. Also I refuse to believe that the WTC collapsed the way it did because of those two planes flying into those two buildings. Those buildings were designed to withstand MULTIPLE plane impacts and stay upright, and even if they were to collapse because of the planes flying into them they wouldn't have gone down like that. Finally from what I'm to understand there was another building that went down on 9/11 but there was never any reason given, in fact it is completely ignored in the official 9/11 reports.Something happened that day and it happened for reasons. I'm sure several people around the world have benefited from the collapse of those two towers in more ways then we know. Exactly why and how we might never know.
A plane hit the Pentagon, there might not be tape of it, but there are tons of eyewitnesses saying that they saw a plane hit. Also the WTCs were designed to withstand plane impacts, but not plane impacts of 767s going full speed. It also was not the impacts that made them collapse it was the fires that resulted. The Impacts weakened the buildings, and knocked the fireproofing off. Also how would they collapse?
As for WTC 7, and other building that went down. Here is a good report on what happened.
Don't be a sheep and follow the conspiracy theorist blindly. EDIT: they are just made by the goverment, to make them look better.
I watched a video called zeitgeistSacifTheir is your first mistake and also when I stopped taking your post seriously.
9/11 was actually the work of Islamic terrorist aliens from the planet Cosmatron from a distant Galaxy still undiscovered by humans.
Its not impossible. I doubt it, but you have to wonder why they weren't noticed until the Towers came down.
I can't say who is responsible for 9/11 but I can't believe the given story. Maybe the US government had a hand in it maybe it really was a terrorist group I don't know. Personally I don't think we'll find out what really went on that day in our lifetime or maybe the general public never will.
What I do know is that had a plane flew into the pentagon that day we would have seen footage of the impact from any of the several sources recording in the area. They did go on to release something like three frames of video but that's nothing to go on and it certainly doesn't show what looks like a plane. Also I refuse to believe that the WTC collapsed the way it did because of those two planes flying into those two buildings. Those buildings were designed to withstand MULTIPLE plane impacts and stay upright, and even if they were to collapse because of the planes flying into them they wouldn't have gone down like that. Finally from what I'm to understand there was another building that went down on 9/11 but there was never any reason given, in fact it is completely ignored in the official 9/11 reports.
Something happened that day and it happened for reasons. I'm sure several people around the world have benefited from the collapse of those two towers in more ways then we know. Exactly why and how we might never know.
The quote about the towers being designed to withstand multiple plane crashes is taken out of context. The towers were designed to hypothetically withstand small planes lost in fog crashing into them (after a plane crashed into the empire state building). Bear in mind that these planes would have been a lot smaller than those around today and would have been travelling a lot slower with less fuel on board. Obviously, this does not mean that they'd be able to withstand a plane full of people and fuel crashing into them at full speed at their key structual weakness.
As for the Pentagon the body parts of all the passengers on board the plane were found at the scene. Also, dozens of witnesses on the nearby freeway said they saw a plane. I used to be very sceptical about 9/11 too. Especially the fact there's no clear video of the plane hitting the pentagon. After doing my own research I came to the conclusion that it was not an inside job. Please note that I'm not trying to tell you what to think here :)
EDIT: Ninja'd. Sorry, didn't see your post!
[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]No way in hell.chessmaster1989
Stevo and I actually agree on something... lol :P
Hmm. Come to think about it, I change my stance now... :D :P[QUOTE="dark_orb"]What I do know is that had a plane flew into the pentagon that day we would have seen footage of the impact from any of the several sources recording in the area. They did go on to release something like three frames of video but that's nothing to go on and it certainly doesn't show what looks like a plane. Also I refuse to believe that the WTC collapsed the way it did because of those two planes flying into those two buildings. Those buildings were designed to withstand MULTIPLE plane impacts and stay upright, and even if they were to collapse because of the planes flying into them they wouldn't have gone down like that. Finally from what I'm to understand there was another building that went down on 9/11 but there was never any reason given, in fact it is completely ignored in the official 9/11 reports.
Something happened that day and it happened for reasons. I'm sure several people around the world have benefited from the collapse of those two towers in more ways then we know. Exactly why and how we might never know.
A plane hit the Pentagon, there might not be tape of it, but there are tons of eyewitnesses saying that they saw a plane hit. Also the WTCs were designed to withstand plane impacts, but not plane impacts of 767s going full speed. It also was not the impacts that made them collapse it was the fires that resulted. The Impacts weakened the buildings, and knocked the fireproofing off. Also how would they collapse?
As for WTC 7, and other building that went down. Here is a good report on what happened.
Don't be a sheep and follow the conspiracy theorist blindly. EDIT: they are just made by the government, to make them look better.
I repsect your opinion but I am yet to see anything that convinces me that a plane hit the pentagon. Thousands of people say they see UFOs every year but nobody believes them. Just because "tons" of people say they saw a plane hit a building doesn't mean it happened. I'm quite sure that if a plane did hit the pentagon that it wouldn't have hit the only place without security camera surveillance coverage. If the American government wants to convince people like me all they have to do is release said footage. Even footage of the plane on a collision course would do if there wasn't a single camera along that wall.
As for the WTCs you may be right about them not being designed to withstand full speed impacts of 767s. But I can't believe that those buildings collapsed in the way they did because of plane impacts. You ask how they would have collapsed, I admit i'm not a professional but I'd imagine that they wouldn't have fallen into a convenient neat pile of rubble like you see in a controlled demolition. Fires break out in tall buildings but from what I'm to understand they have never ever caused one to collapse the way the WTCs did that day, same with WTC 7. I would imagine that perhaps they would have collapsed much differently and caused much more damage to the surrounding area then they did.
Finally I don't believe I'm being a sheep and "following the conspiracy theorist blindly" as you put it. I don't know what happened and I don't claim to know. All I'm saying is that from what I have seen many things that took place on 9/11 don't make logical sense. Maybe I'm wrong and your right but neither of us can say for certain, until I see something more convincing I'm sticking with doubt and uncertainty.
[QUOTE="dark_orb"]What I do know is that had a plane flew into the pentagon that day we would have seen footage of the impact from any of the several sources recording in the area. They did go on to release something like three frames of video but that's nothing to go on and it certainly doesn't show what looks like a plane. Also I refuse to believe that the WTC collapsed the way it did because of those two planes flying into those two buildings. Those buildings were designed to withstand MULTIPLE plane impacts and stay upright, and even if they were to collapse because of the planes flying into them they wouldn't have gone down like that. Finally from what I'm to understand there was another building that went down on 9/11 but there was never any reason given, in fact it is completely ignored in the official 9/11 reports.
Something happened that day and it happened for reasons. I'm sure several people around the world have benefited from the collapse of those two towers in more ways then we know. Exactly why and how we might never know.
A plane hit the Pentagon, there might not be tape of it, but there are tons of eyewitnesses saying that they saw a plane hit. Also the WTCs were designed to withstand plane impacts, but not plane impacts of 767s going full speed. It also was not the impacts that made them collapse it was the fires that resulted. The Impacts weakened the buildings, and knocked the fireproofing off. Also how would they collapse?
As for WTC 7, and other building that went down. Here is a good report on what happened.
Don't be a sheep and follow the conspiracy theorist blindly. EDIT: they are just made by the government, to make them look better.
I repsect your opinion but I am yet to see anything that convinces me that a plane hit the pentagon. Thousands of people say they see UFOs every year but nobody believes them. Just because "tons" of people say they saw a plane hit a building doesn't mean it happened. I'm quite sure that if a plane did hit the pentagon that it wouldn't have hit the only place without security camera surveillance coverage. If the American government wants to convince people like me all they have to do is release said footage. Even footage of the plane on a collision course would do if there wasn't a single camera along that wall.
As for the WTCs you may be right about them not being designed to withstand full speed impacts of 767s. But I can't believe that those buildings collapsed in the way they did because of plane impacts. You ask how they would have collapsed, I admit i'm not a professional but I'd imagine that they wouldn't have fallen into a convenient neat pile of rubble like you see in a controlled demolition. Fires break out in tall buildings but from what I'm to understand they have never ever caused one to collapse the way the WTCs did that day, same with WTC 7. I would imagine that perhaps they would have collapsed much differently and caused much more damage to the surrounding area then they did.
Finally I don't believe I'm being a sheep and "following the conspiracy theorist blindly" as you put it. I don't know what happened and I don't claim to know. All I'm saying is that from what I have seen many things that took place on 9/11 don't make logical sense. Maybe I'm wrong and your right but neither of us can say for certain, until I see something more convincing I'm sticking with doubt and uncertainty.
How do you explain the body parts of passengers found in the pentagon wreckage, then? Or the plane wreckage itself for that matter? While its true that no tall building has ever collapsed due to fire alone, those buildings didn't have huge planes crash into them at 300+mph. People tend to shrug off that fact. Also, the towers were designed to collapse inwards when structually compromised. Can you imagine the damage it would cause if they fell over? As for the contorlled demolition stuff, look carefully at the videos of the towers collapsing. You'll clearly see that the towers first start to crumble at the point the plane hit them (specifically the second tower - the one that got hit right on the corner). Controlled demolitions tend to take out the bottom of the structure first.
Zeitgeist is ridiculous. Please don't take it as any more than mindless entertainment.I am kind of split down the middle. I watched a video called zeitgeist that made some good points, however people have been sacrificing themselves in the name of "god" for centuries, so something like this will happen from time to time.
A plane hit the Pentagon, there might not be tape of it, but there are tons of eyewitnesses saying that they saw a plane hit. Also the WTCs were designed to withstand plane impacts, but not plane impacts of 767s going full speed. It also was not the impacts that made them collapse it was the fires that resulted. The Impacts weakened the buildings, and knocked the fireproofing off. Also how would they collapse?
As for WTC 7, and other building that went down. Here is a good report on what happened.
Don't be a sheep and follow the conspiracy theorist blindly. EDIT: they are just made by the government, to make them look better.
I repsect your opinion but I am yet to see anything that convinces me that a plane hit the pentagon. Thousands of people say they see UFOs every year but nobody believes them. Just because "tons" of people say they saw a plane hit a building doesn't mean it happened. I'm quite sure that if a plane did hit the pentagon that it wouldn't have hit the only place without security camera surveillance coverage. If the American government wants to convince people like me all they have to do is release said footage. Even footage of the plane on a collision course would do if there wasn't a single camera along that wall.
As for the WTCs you may be right about them not being designed to withstand full speed impacts of 767s. But I can't believe that those buildings collapsed in the way they did because of plane impacts. You ask how they would have collapsed, I admit i'm not a professional but I'd imagine that they wouldn't have fallen into a convenient neat pile of rubble like you see in a controlled demolition. Fires break out in tall buildings but from what I'm to understand they have never ever caused one to collapse the way the WTCs did that day, same with WTC 7. I would imagine that perhaps they would have collapsed much differently and caused much more damage to the surrounding area then they did.
Finally I don't believe I'm being a sheep and "following the conspiracy theorist blindly" as you put it. I don't know what happened and I don't claim to know. All I'm saying is that from what I have seen many things that took place on 9/11 don't make logical sense. Maybe I'm wrong and your right but neither of us can say for certain, until I see something more convincing I'm sticking with doubt and uncertainty.
How do you explain the body parts of passengers found in the pentagon wreckage, then? Or the plane wreckage itself for that matter? While its true that no tall building has ever collapsed due to fire alone, those buildings didn't have huge planes crash into them at 300+mph. People tend to shrug off that fact. Also, the towers were designed to collapse inwards when structurally compromised. Can you imagine the damage it would cause if they fell over? As for the contorlled demolition stuff, look carefully at the videos of the towers collapsing. You'll clearly see that the towers first start to crumble at the point the plane hit them (specifically the second tower - the one that got hit right on the corner). Controlled demolitions tend to take out the bottom of the structure first.
I'm yet to see any evidence of anything resembling wreckage of a plane the size that was reported to have flown into the pentagon. It's possible that the wreckage was contained within the pentagon but I haven't seen any photos that show what looks like a plane shaped hole. These plane have rather large wingspans both of which feature jet engines. I don't think they just folded in when they hit a building. And why wasn't there more damage to the building? A plane hits a skyscraper and it crumbles into dust, starts a fire in another building that also crumbles into dust, but a similar plane hits the pentagon and the building is still going strong. I didn't know that the WTCs were designed that way but I still don't see why the entire buildings would collapse.
Also if I'm not mistaken the official reason for there being not much wreckage at the pentagon is that the jet fuel for the plane ignited and vaporized much of the plane. If most of a plane made of titanium and steel was vaporized . . . . . . . . . . how could there be body parts left behind?
[QUOTE="chessmaster1989"][QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]No way in hell.Stevo_the_gamer
Stevo and I actually agree on something... lol :P
Hmm. Come to think about it, I change my stance now... :D :P:x looks like we're going to have to have a little change here... yup, Stevo, we're going to change you into our line of thinking :)
I don't think so, but as a person who works in government and regularly witnesses horrifying incompetence, I'd have to say that I assume that several entities knew about it beforehand and that nothing was done to stop it. I think the disgusting opportunism that followed was a byproduct rather than a motive... I don't think our elected officials are really comptent enough to effectively pull off a full-on cover up these days.
I groaned when I saw this thread. Then I saw the results were 70% say No and a wave of relief came over me. Thank God (or Buddha, or Allah, or Science....) at least 70% of GS realizes how ridiculous these conspiracy theories are.
For those of you who believe, or are not sure, I have a thought for you: How many people would have to be involved in such conspiracies and how do you keep them all quiet? Seems to me it would be dozens, if not hundreds of people in the know and keeping that many people quiet, or killing them all, would be difficult at best.
I'm yet to see any evidence of anything resembling wreckage of a plane the size that was reported to have flown into the pentagon. It's possible that the wreckage was contained within the pentagon but I haven't seen any photos that show what looks like a plane shaped hole. These plane have rather large wingspans both of which feature jet engines. I don't think they just folded in when they hit a building. And why wasn't there more damage to the building? A plane hits a skyscraper and it crumbles into dust, starts a fire in another building that also crumbles into dust, but a similar plane hits the pentagon and the building is still going strong. I didn't know that the WTCs were designed that way but I still don't see why the entire buildings would collapse.
Also if I'm not mistaken the official reason for there being not much wreckage at the pentagon is that the jet fuel for the plane ignited and vaporized much of the plane. If most of a plane made of titanium and steel was vaporized . . . . . . . . . . how could there be body parts left behind?
The Pentagon is a huge building, the largest office building in the world IIRC and pretty well built too. Plane have large wingspan, but the wings are weak, the area the plane hit did a large amout of damage, but the Pentagon is just so huge.
For those of you who believe, or are not sure, I have a thought for you: How many people would have to be involved in such conspiracies and how do you keep them all quiet? Seems to me it would be dozens, if not hundreds of people in the know and keeping that many people quiet, or killing them all, would be difficult at best.collegeboy64
That is too low of a number. I would say that it would take at least in the hundreds (that is a low guess), working behind the screens.
Yeah, nobody claimed that the plane was vaporized. And in any case, body parts could have been ejected from the plane by the blast. And really, isn't it enough that there were dozens of eyewitnesses who saw the plane hit?I'm yet to see any evidence of anything resembling wreckage of a plane the size that was reported to have flown into the pentagon. It's possible that the wreckage was contained within the pentagon but I haven't seen any photos that show what looks like a plane shaped hole. These plane have rather large wingspans both of which feature jet engines. I don't think they just folded in when they hit a building. And why wasn't there more damage to the building? A plane hits a skyscraper and it crumbles into dust, starts a fire in another building that also crumbles into dust, but a similar plane hits the pentagon and the building is still going strong. I didn't know that the WTCs were designed that way but I still don't see why the entire buildings would collapse.
Also if I'm not mistaken the official reason for there being not much wreckage at the pentagon is that the jet fuel for the plane ignited and vaporized much of the plane. If most of a plane made of titanium and steel was vaporized . . . . . . . . . . how could there be body parts left behind?
I'm yet to see any evidence of anything resembling wreckage of a plane the size that was reported to have flown into the pentagon.
Oh, please.
Oh my! Plane wreckage at the Pentagon after the government claims a plane hit the Pentagon! There's no evidence at all!
I'm yet to see any evidence of anything resembling wreckage of a plane the size that was reported to have flown into the pentagon.
Oh, please.
Oh my! Plane wreckage at the Pentagon after the government claims a plane hit the Pentagon! There's no evidence at all!
I'm yet to see any evidence of anything resembling wreckage of a plane the size that was reported to have flown into the pentagon.
Oh, please.
Oh my! Plane wreckage at the Pentagon after the government claims a plane hit the Pentagon! There's no evidence at all!
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