[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]SNESbeatsps3360Which in essence means you have no proof to offer :lol:
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[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]SNESbeatsps3360Which in essence means you have no proof to offer :lol:
how can u trust the FBI and CIA after the whole Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction scandal.SNESbeatsps3360That was Bush claiming truth in reports from someone that was questioned. The person never said anything about WMDs.
[QUOTE="PannicAtack"]No. The conspiracy theories are ridiculous.SNESbeatsps3360especially the mainstream media's Once again, are you planning on providing a proper counter-argument any time soon?
[QUOTE="PannicAtack"]No. The conspiracy theories are ridiculous.SNESbeatsps3360especially the mainstream media's Ahh, the old "the official explanation is the conspiracy theory!" Classic deflection. No, an accepted explanation is not a conspiracy theory. You are the conspiracy theorist, not us.
you guys just can't see past ure tv screens, it's rediculousSNESbeatsps3360Do you have an argument to present? Then present it. You're self-righteous "You're all blind sheep!" argument isn't fooling anyone. You are simply making yourself look petty.
[QUOTE="PannicAtack"]No. The conspiracy theories are ridiculous.SNESbeatsps3360especially the mainstream media'sStill waiting on some facts from you.....
you guys just can't see past ure tv screens, it's rediculousSNESbeatsps3360Petty insults won't win you the argument.
[QUOTE="SNESbeatsps3360"]you guys just can't see past ure tv screens, it's rediculousLZ71And apparently you can't see past your rediculous theories, no matter how much evidence is used to debunk them. there is no evidence for the offical explanation! just fake tapes
[QUOTE="LZ71"][QUOTE="SNESbeatsps3360"]you guys just can't see past ure tv screens, it's rediculousSNESbeatsps3360And apparently you can't see past your rediculous theories, no matter how much evidence is used to debunk them. there is no evidence for the offical explanation! just fake tapes We've already countered this claim with evidence in prior pages. The burden of proof still lies with you.
No, I don't see how America or the world has benefited in any way from it. kruesaderI heard the owner got insurance money, and must have been loads. - But I myself don't know.
[QUOTE="kruesader"]No, I don't see how America or the world has benefited in any way from it. b3yondstupidityI heard the owner got insurance money, and must have been loads. - But I myself don't know. What? Wasn't he already getting rent? XD
[QUOTE="b3yondstupidity"][QUOTE="kruesader"]No, I don't see how America or the world has benefited in any way from it. deepdreamer256I heard the owner got insurance money, and must have been loads. - But I myself don't know. What? Wasn't he already getting rent? XDYes. Lost business and going broke trying to rebuild? Worst. Insurance Fraud. Ever.
[QUOTE="-Chimera-"]Okay, this guy has to be a troll.deepdreamer256Wasn't this obvious from the beginning? You can never tell.
[QUOTE="-Chimera-"]Okay, this guy has to be a troll.deepdreamer256Wasn't this obvious from the beginning? Well yeah, that's part of why I chose to stay out of the argument, since it would be a waste of time. It's just that I wasn't completely sure, since you never really know what to expect from people that actually believe this crap.
i'm not trolling, i'm answering the op's question, but you guys can't handle the truthSNESbeatsps3360[QUOTE="PannicAtack"]Let's look at the first point you raised - WTC7 You say it couldn't fall without something hitting it? Debris from the falling towers is certainly "something hitting it." For that matter, NIST published a lengthy, peer-reviewed analysis of the collapse, and found nothing off. What makes you think you know better than NIST, a highly reputable body, which consists of experienced physicists and structural engineers, some of which are Nobel laureates? Answer me, please.
[QUOTE="SNESbeatsps3360"]i'm not trolling, i'm answering the op's question, but you guys can't handle the truthPannicAtack[QUOTE="PannicAtack"]Let's look at the first point you raised - WTC7 You say it couldn't fall without something hitting it? Debris from the falling towers is certainly "something hitting it." For that matter, NIST published a lengthy, peer-reviewed analysis of the collapse, and found nothing off. What makes you think you know better than NIST, a highly reputable body, which consists of experienced physicists and structural engineers, some of which are Nobel laureates? Answer me, please. if debris was the cuz of the fall, then the ceiling would've been crushed from the start. WTC7 collapsed all at once, and that doesn;'t make sense.
i'm not trolling, i'm answering the op's question, but you guys can't handle the truthSNESbeatsps3360It's not the truth until you've proved it is. And you haven't. At all.
[QUOTE="PannicAtack"][QUOTE="SNESbeatsps3360"] [QUOTE="PannicAtack"]Let's look at the first point you raised - WTC7 You say it couldn't fall without something hitting it? Debris from the falling towers is certainly "something hitting it." For that matter, NIST published a lengthy, peer-reviewed analysis of the collapse, and found nothing off. What makes you think you know better than NIST, a highly reputable body, which consists of experienced physicists and structural engineers, some of which are Nobel laureates?SNESbeatsps3360Answer me, please. if debris was the cuz of the fall, then the ceiling would've been crushed from the start. WTC7 collapsed all at once, and that doesn;'t make sense.Where the building is damaged depends on where it's hit. Most of the debris that hit WTC7 hit the side.
And in any case, that doesn't answer my question. What makes you think you know better than NIST?
i'm not trolling, i'm answering the op's question, but you guys can't handle the truthSNESbeatsps3360
You wouldn't happen to be Jack Nicholson, would you?
Yes, why? -The money that were in the towers were sendt to other banks a bit before the accident -NO ONE important died ( president of a company, chairmen etc) -Perfect excuse to invade Middle east and steal their Oil. Could go on all day....Solid_TangoEr...you know it was the WMD's that was the reason for the war....right?:|
[QUOTE="Solid_Tango"]Yes, why? -The money that were in the towers were sendt to other banks a bit before the accident -NO ONE important died ( president of a company, chairmen etc) -Perfect excuse to invade Middle east and steal their Oil. Could go on all day....SNESbeatsps3360finally, someone here agrees with me, i've had so many pages of nonsense flaming towards meExcept he is not using the facts....
Yes, why? -The money that were in the towers were sendt to other banks a bit before the accident -NO ONE important died ( president of a company, chairmen etc) -Perfect excuse to invade Middle east and steal their Oil. Could go on all day....Solid_Tango
You know, I hated George Bush as a president, but I would never even consider that he would kill thousands of Americans to have an excuse to invade a foreign country...
Er...you know it was the WMD's that was the reason for the war....right?:| And the "steal their oil" point? That's kinda broken, seeing how we really haven't gotten any oil.[QUOTE="Solid_Tango"]Yes, why? -The money that were in the towers were sendt to other banks a bit before the accident -NO ONE important died ( president of a company, chairmen etc) -Perfect excuse to invade Middle east and steal their Oil. Could go on all day....LJS9502_basic
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