I dont think you should get penalized for being to school late. I have to wake up at like 5:45 to leave to school at like 6:40 at the latest to make it to school on time at like 7:00. Alot of the time (not most of the time but alot) Ive been late like 2 or 3 minutes to my 1st Period class because either my dad is doing stuff in the morning, like he goes out to this place to work on cars and stuff and he's always up very very early, or sometimes I just wake up late and end up getting to school still no later that 7:10-7:15. Some of my friends have gotten detentions for being late to school and even referrals. My teacher, luckily for me, doesnt give detentions for being late. He didnt say anything about it most of this first semester....
Out of nowhere like 2 weeks ago he said that each time you were late to class you lost 5 points in you participation grade. Thats ridiculous! I pay attention in that class like crazy because its chemistry and he's never brought that up until that moment. I asked alot of my friends in that class to and they all say that was his first time bringing it up. So I talked to my counselor about it and she told me to check the syllabus my teacher gave me at the beginning of the year to see If it said we lost five points every time we were late.
BTW, if you dont know a syllabus is a paper of class rules that the teachers make up for their class and hand out at the beginning of the year.
Well yeah I checked the syllabus and it never said that you lost 5 points in participation each time you were late so by the time I was warned I was alredy late like 15-20 times.
It barley brought down my grade though once he put in the participation grade in. But still its dumb.
But I dont think kids should be penalized at all for being late to school. Of course I can see if they are late to classes after period 1 then I can see them punishing them. Unless they really just got to school at 3rd period for whatever reason then they could get a note from their parents or something.
But really, the school doesnt know what goes on at your home! Maybe their are kids who are depressed, and dont make it to school on time because of family issues, and im pretty sure getting a detention is not going to make things any better.
So I was thinking on writing a persuasive essay to the school (the principal or something) on why kids shouldnt be penalized for getting to school late so I need help with some good points. Unless if im missing something then im pretty sure kids shouldnt be punished for getting to school late.....
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