@GazaAli said:
@Aljosa23 said:
@comp_atkins said:
just ignore the clown jumping up and down in the corner folks
he'll be gone soon enough
Gone to the White House?
Precisely. Denialists of Trump's ability to make it to the White House at this point in the race are detached from an emerging American reality that remains arcane to many. But even if we were to disregard said reality, a cursory appeal to history would still remind us that Hitler started as an outsider to German politics that envisaged his evanescence. Mainstream German politics, just like its contemporary American counterpart, underestimated the power of divisive politics and demagoguery in a democratic polity in its twilight.
There's poetic justice in what's happening in the U.S. It concocted and publicized the concept of Islamic terrorism worldwide - shaming and disgracing a third of the world's population in the process - and contributed to the rise of different insurgencies in the region - destroying and displacing entire peoples in the process - as a part of its military adventurism and imperialism. Now a tyrant is in the making, and he's capitalizing on the same prejudices and fears that the U.S created.
Trump is the natural evolution of the American regime that disregards any conciliatory rhetoric as shameful and pandering. There's infinite irony in Trump's words about the incomprehensible hatred of Muslims.
Honestly, what do you know of American reality? You have never been involved in US politics; I kinda doubt you even lived in the US for an extended period. All of your information seems to be second or third hand, not to mention incredibly biased. Election is still almost a year away and primary polls don't reflect the presidential race outcome in the slightest. Truth is, there's nothing to deny, the reality is even if Trump win the nomination and that's a big if, then he has zero chance of actually winning against Clinton or any democrat candidates for that matter. In fact, as many political experts have already noted, Trump winning the nomination essentially dooms GOP chances of winning the general election. As much as he motivates his under-educated white male core audience with his divisive approach, it galvanizes the rest (i.e. majority of Americans) against him. As for the Hitler analogy, it demonstrates your poor grasp of actual history. Hitler was not elected to position of power but he did so through intimidation, political dealings and exploitation of loopholes in German election law at the time. For anybody who knows anything about American political system, it should be obvious that something like Hitler's manuver would not be possible to replicate in our election.
"Concocted and publicized"?! lol Islamic terrorism isn't a myth of American invention. It's a real issue. Now whether we are actually responsible for making ourselves a target of Islamic extremists is another topic entirely. Hell, it's not even a solely western world problem. Both Russian and the Chinese have had to dealt with Islamic terrorists domestically and internationally. Those two countries have publicly condemned Islamic terrorism just as US and western nations have. As for "shaming and disgracing" a third of the third world population (kinda doubt that figure considering population of poor non-Muslims in South America, China and India but besides the point), you are essentially saying media should never state the fact of a criminal's race or motivation or background since by doing do so, it's "shaming and disgracing" all members of that race, ideology, or background? That's the most ridiculous shit I've ever read. That's borderline Trump logic (which I will go into later). If Muslims are shamed about Islamic terrorism then it's their problem because western countries as a whole have been very careful in disassociating Muslim terrorists with the rest of the Muslim populations, much more so than the Russians and Chinese whom are more inclined to tie ALL Muslims with terrorism. Yet you seems to think US is leading the charge on besmirching the Islam faith.
The irony is Americaphobic individuals like you want Trump in the WH just so you can be vindicated in all your "death to America" BS. It is as much fantasy fulfillment as the individuals who buys into Trump's garbage. Further irony is the fact that your some of your political outlooks actually align with Trump's and really any religious conservatives, like your stance on drugs and alcohol bans as well as the general belief that strict moral standards need to be enforced onto each and every members of a given community. In that way, it does share similarity with facism in that morality is something dictated and controlled by the authority.
As much as you want to generalize an entire country or even just our government, American politic isn't an unified entity with singular opinion on various issues. Trump might reflect the position of fringe faction of our population but he's not representative of the government or even GOP. So to say that Trump is somehow an natural evolution of this supposed American war on Islam is absolutely bullshit. There's good business to be made in getting people to focus their collective fear on some alien element so they blindly follow the leaders. This is true whether we are talking about conservatives with immigration issues or liberals with gun control issues.
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