^ It is common knowledge that the federal government subsidizes corn, which is a known poision, that should never go into us. also on Flouride, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/thomas-p-connelly-dds/mouth-health-fluoridated_b_641767.html. It is common knowledge that public schools fail, they failed me, I always wondered why I struggled with that system, I felt like it was dumbing me down. But once I went to community college, I definately got smarter, by doing it on my own. Spending 40+ hours is not healthy, there is no reason to spend that much time. I definately will have my kids home schooled. For the reason that you dont work out 40 hours a weak, you dont sit and just listen for that long. All public school does is bore the hell out of you. They have PE classes, but you have been sitting for a lot of hours, which is bad for you in itself.
What makes no sense is you go to college and it is more like 12 hours a week, which is more healthy, your attentioin span can only last for so long. It is still a lot of the same thing, where they are trying to teach you liberal ideas, and screw conservatives. Even college is somewhat bs, you basically have to get into debt to get an higher payying job, what is the point? My brother makes more than a lot of jobs that require college, and he didnt spend a penny. Of course colleges will argue that people who go to college are smarter, etc... Of course they are going to say that, because they are biased. I honestly think college should only be for specific people, not the whole population.
Furthermore there is a reason that young people tend to be more liberal, but as people stop going to college, they are more likely to be conservative. Probably because experience trumps idealogy, once you work in the real world you can see the flaws of liberalism. I think government should not try to run our lives, but to protect us from unfair treatment. I would not say going to a community college was a complete waste of time and money, but for the most part, it really was. All that money spent on driving to campus, buying books, going to classes, most of this stuff I will never think about again.
I think we can apply the same thing to the military, I notice liberals willl usually point out "such budget cut is irrelevant because defense spending is way larger," everything needs to me more moderate. Not just the military. Just look at California, that is the result of liberalism let loose. Liberals do not seem to believe in moderate spending, why is that? The point of this post is not to create arguements but to help people think, I honestly think battling an individual who does not even want to analyze what I say is pointless.
Hell government got into gender issues, look at how that all turned out! I remember in college the subject came up about marriage declines, the professor tried to simplify the issue by sayying "well its just that those people were not right for eachother." Could it be that government interference in people's personal lives has caused people to marry people knowing they can just get some money out of it if it fails, hmm? It should be a hint that something is wrong with the way we interact with each other. I noticed how hard it is to form bonds between people, so many people are egocentric and only care about themselves.
If you think I am wrong about any paragraph or point, please feel free to point out if you notice something I do not. But if you are just going to leave an irrational and emotion retort, do not expect a reply. So address my points, not me.
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