@jointed said:
Protein World is a disgusting and reactionary business venture. Their anti-feminism is part of why America is an embarassment to the rest of the west.
In a parallel Universe, the West is an embarrassment because it doesn't pander to radical Feminists.
The ''Capitalist'' culture they're representing comes with freedom of expression and liberty; if you think the principles of freedom of expression and free speech makes the West an embarrassment, then I fear for you. Because the only countries that do not plaster hot women on bill-boards are religious countries which push Neo-Puritan, reactionary ideology - having full control over the people, scarily authoritarian I'll pay you the compliment in assuming that you're not a Marxist or Fascist.
The Feminism of the West (in it's current form) is why the West is quickly becoming a joke; hence why 83% of females in America do not even consider themselves Feminists (but still believe in equality) - I've traveled outside the West and I can tell you straight away, the PC nonsense the West pedals, especially with Feminism has people laughing at America and Britain and how over-sensitive we've become. PC Western Feminists would die of getting triggered so much if they travel to non-Western countries.
Protein World is not ''reactionary'' - Protein World is refusing to bow down to ''Feminists'' who clearly aren't the customer - if Protein World was reactionary, then they would listen to authoritarian hipsters who want to censor an advertisement they dislike. Bowing down to entitled ''Feminists'' who think they have the right to vandalize and deface something they personally dislike is reactionary.
True Feminism is about the empowerment of women. Since the West is gifted with freedom of expression, we have a woman who is very proud of her body, which she achieved through hard-work showing herself off on a poster - a body she worked hard to obtain, and is choosing to advertise; that, is empowerment.
An example of how Feminism embarrassed the West was the Matt Taylor incident. You had a minority group of bigots who exposed their insanity once they bullied a man into apologizing for wearing a T-Shirt - because in their insane mind, hot women = misogyny. Such radical groups must be mocked and ridiculed, which is exactly what Protein World is doing.
To summarize, not pandering to a radical and entitled minority who act like arrested children is exactly what needs to be done to prove that the West isn't a joke.
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