[QUOTE="Robinho1873"][QUOTE="mindstorm"][QUOTE="Robinho1873"][QUOTE="mindstorm"][QUOTE="NaiKoN9293"][QUOTE="mindstorm"][QUOTE="four_of_clubs"] Here is a doozie of a puzzler:
You say that you must follow the path of Christ/God in order to achieve eternal salvation in heaven. Okay, point taken.
But I then bring up the point "Hey, what about poor kids in Africa that aren't able to reach out to a church and learn about god?"
They say "That is mankind's fault for turning Africa poor etc etc etc." Okay, point taken.
But here is the question to you:
Think about First Nation's in North America, whom originally came from Asia thousands of years ago over the magic of the "seasonal ice bridge." Why were they not aware of god? Why is it that only wealthy states were originally aware of the presence of god? Are you telling me that anyone whom lived in these times living in North America simply went to hell because they were not informed?
Well, sorry, they were aware of god. But a different god. Their god. Actually, there were many gods. Why did these many gods exist? You can't simply say that they are false idols... to the First Nation tribes, they actually serve a lot of purpose!
I figure that if god's plan is to have you follow ten rules in order to get into heaven, then every single tribe/state/nation should have been informed from the get-go.
Of course I imagine the rebuttle will be along the lines of a "loss of information", or "but they sent missionaries to help them! (along with small-pox and domination of the land -cough-) but hey I'd like to hear what you have to say, as I could be mistaken and totally wrong.
Not to mention it's late, and my thoughts probably are not one hundred percent coherent.
That is not a flaw and Romans chapter 1 mentions this when it says:(18 ) The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, (19) since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. (20) For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
are you saying that africans go to hell?
Mostly. The verse I mentioned stated that God is made known to them and that they are without excuse. Because of this, however, some may realize they are living how they should morally and need something or someone to save them. Many tribal religions are based off of this idea even. I honestly do believe that one who has never heard the name of Christ can find him if he seeks hard and faithfully enough but I think that would be few. God judges based off of what you know and what position you are in (example, as I'm studying to become a minister I'll be held more accountable for my actions than any of the rest of us). Someone who hears the name of Christ is going to be judged much more severely for rejecting his name than someone who has never even heard the name.
With all of that said, no man can come to the Father except through the Son (e.g. no person can go to heaven without knowing Christ). God alone can judge who goes to heaven or hell and God alone knowns what is in a person's heart (in other words, even many who call themselves Christians will not go to heaven due to their lack of seeking Christ in their lives).
How are you supposed to ''find Christ'' if you don't know he exists. Thats like you searching for a Matabooboo.That's why it's so important that Christians do their duty in spreading their faith.
One can still be convicted by the Holy Spirit that they are a sinner and in need of a savior even if they have never heard the name of Christ. They can still seek to serve him in the best way they know how in serving the Creator and not the Creation and in living a holy life. If a person who has never heard the name of Christ does that then I think they might just have a chance at salvation.
An example would be Abraham of the Old Testament. He only knew of the pagan gods of his father but the Holy Spirit was still able to convict him to do what God would have him to do with his life.
Yeah but that never happens anymore. You never here of anyone being led to God even though he didn't know his name. I just think that religion is like the worlds biggest cult. Your lead to believe lies and then you die and nothing happens. It just so happens that in this case the poison punch is the bible. While I'm here can I just ask, is it possible to be a creationist and still believe in evolution?
Every person who is a Christian was led by God to be one so God does still lead people.About being a Creationist and Evolutionist... One can indeed be a Theistic Evolutionist in believing God used evolution to create the world as it is now. I used to be one myself even. Sure I debate Young-Earth Creationism all the time here but what is important for a Christian to believe most of all is that God did indeed create the world and miracles like that of the resurrection of Jesus Christ actually occured.
How the hell can we prove that the resurrection is true? If it is the zombie apocalypse has already begun!
Hitler was a Christian, was he led by God to do what he did?
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