OWS movement is NOT saying they want more goverment.
Listen carefully becuase its not hard.
what they are saying is 'please give us the bank bailout money back'
thats it. why do you and others have a problem with that idea?
because stealing again is not a fix to the problem, the problem is that people allowed their government to get away with giving gifts to private interests. if you agree with some subsidies you have to take the ones you disapprove with as well, as you accept the power of the government to give gifts to private interests. if youre ok with giving money to green tech then in principle you are fine with giving money to the banks.I will use a elementry school playground example.
OWS: 'bobby stole my money and I want it back'
opposition: 'I dont understand how we can create a system that will do that'
OWS:'I have an idea, how about a system that is based on not stealing money from me'
The 'alt' economic system that is suggested by the OWS is one where we do not provide regular sceduled bailouts to large economic companies, there are people here as well as other places who clearly think that is 1. not possible. 2. shouldnt happen because they think large companies SHOULD get bailouts or 3. are wanting to agree with OWS and not like them at the same time becuase they are deathly afraid of being labeled a hipster.
banks never stole anything (regarding the bailouts) they only accepted what was offered to them, the crook was the only guy in town with the legal power of force.....
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