Wow. Roberts, Alito, Thomas, and Scalia are quite some hideous, scumsucking human beings. They're single-handedly trying to keep our society in the stone-ages in terms of progression.
I wouldn't mind if we did quite the shakeup in SCOTUS. There are far too many members of scotus who really are nothing more than ideologues in robes, this goes to both the liberal and conservative side. Roberts was the only person on the anti gay marriage side whose reasoning was not that I would expect from a 10 year old child.
Aren't we a democracy though?
Why couldn't we just have WE THE PEOPLE vote on it?
If that was the case, I am sure gays would have been able to marry a long time ago. Since the majority of americans were in favor of it.
In fact, 60% of all republicans under 50 were in favor of gay marriage. Showing that there is indeed hope for the republican party.
If you look at each state , it seemed like they were perfectly able to vote on that matter. why do you think it passed in most states before this decision.
So not sure where you got the idea that people shouldn´t or could vote on such matters. the only problem in some states are republican governors who vetoed propositions but if the people really didn't like that they could just stop voting for the guy, not to mention that they can only sit 2 terms. That is what democracy after all is all about, not having some fat judges who are older than dust sit in a supreme court and decide.
That is in fact kinda the definition of tyranny, so imagine the outcry if they had voted against it.
65% of americans support the decistion, and one of the core functions of the court is to take public opinion into account when making laws, so the public did decide....
You have severely misunderstood something there, the legal system and the supreme court's function isn't to make laws. Their job is to look at one thing the law and uphold the laws, not to make politics.
Politics is for politicians and local and federal government. So if 65% of americans want something changed they can do it by voting for the right people for their local and federal government.
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