[QUOTE="Bigg_Boi"][QUOTE="SAURON221"][QUOTE="Bigg_Boi"][QUOTE="SAURON221"][QUOTE="Bigg_Boi"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="loco145"] Well, thinks will get very ugly from there. Russia isn't a slouch, the migthiest force that western countries have faced in recent times was Argentina and the Royal Navy still lost several ships there.SAURON221
That happens in war. No one is unscathed. The trick is to do more damage where it counts to the other side. Anyway....Russia will have to back down if the rest of the world takes a stand against it. I can't see any other country that would side with Russia. Leaving them vulnerable. Your ignorance is laughable. Ever heard of the Commonwealth of Independent States? The spiritual successor to the Soviet Union? Russia easily has 12+ countries to call for aid if the situation calls for it.
Anyways, America is in NO condition to start another war. Especially one against another superpower. American troops are failing miserable fighting against farmers with bolt action rifles, imagine how badly they'd get destroyed facing countless well armed professional Russian soldiers.
Ignorance such as yours makes me sigh. First off were not being miserably destroyed by farmers with bolt action rifles. Secondly that's something called guerrilla warfare. No country does good against guerrilla warfare. If America were to face a regulated army such as Russia there is no doubt in my mind we would be superior. In cases such as Iraq were not being miserably beaten were doing just fine, and actually winning if you were to check the latest news on it.
Didn't you read my other post? Just because a military is big doesn't mean it can't engage in Guerilla Warfare. Ever heard of the Russian Partisans during WW2. They were used when the Soviet Military was at it's largest in history.
If we were in a war with Russia that was big like it would be there would be pretty much no holds bar. Unlike Iraq where we are acting as a police force we would be non stop bombing. It would be a very different war. I am much happier to be on the American side in a war with the Russians. It has the greatest all around military of any nation hands down in my opinion, and in many others.
And what exactly would the other nations do when America invades? The US is already considered a warmongering, oil thirsty, delusional nation with a laughable government, imagine what would happen if the US invaded another nation. Most US citizens find the concept of invading IRAN far too much. Imagine what the public's opinion would be when Russian bombs start raining down.
First of the world would more then likely support it sense Russia has begun entering other independent nations. Secondly I would doubt greatly a Russian fighter/bomber attacking U.S. soil other than Alaska. If they did do this public support of the war would increase exponentially.Like I said though, Americas defenses are just to great for that to happen. America no longer fights wars on there own soil, Russia would be defending in there own country.
And what exactly makes the US "uninvadable?"I'm sure it's a mixture of American war movies and Republican propaganda. Russia would actually be much more difficult to invade since you'd have to go through many other nations to reach Russia. Even if they agreed to let US soldiers pass, Russia would have plenty of time to prepare.
Attacking Russia through Alaska is probably the dumbest idea ever conceived. If you think the Russian winter is bad in the west, imagine how cold it is on the east! The Russians would simply wait for the Americans to wear themselves out by slogging through the snow and then attack.
On the other hand, America has the entire west coast open to attack. All it takes is a few Russian missile submarines and BOOM! There goes the Mid-West!
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