They aren't going to get more moderate. If anything they are going to end up divided in the middle. The Tea Parties are going to keep getting more radical as they lose power and lose out on things. They don't care about compromise, it's all or nothing to them.
In the next 4 years the Republican party is going to practically destroy itself because of these radicals. The good, more moderate/right leaning candidates that are far more in-touch with modern social issues are going to continue to be shunned so that the candidates that can appeal to the ridiculous radicals that only care about religion and social conservatism will be the ones getting elected.
Kind of like this campaign. Romney wasn't a radical himself, but he could pander well to the radicals and say what he needed to say to get the nomination. The fact that Rick Santorum even stood a chance was a major red flag early in the campaign.
The only thing we can really pray for is a more moderate group of conservatives with more liberal social policies (more modern ones that actually make sense) breaks away from the Republicans and can somehow take some of the more moderate Democrats with them making a viable 3rd party that can get a presence in the house/senate. I see that happening (which is an extremely long shot in itself) over the Republicans becoming more moderate.
Interesting, my reasoning was that not winning this election would be a message to the GOP that the radical policies aren't working, hopefully they don't become more extreme like you think. But I do think that if they do become farther right, that they will only be killing off their own party in the long run. I feel that they can't ignore a changing America forever, and in the interest of survival they will hopefully move more towards the center
Definitely don't need any more Rick Santorums
We shall see what happens. Just remember, it was AFTER Obama won his first election that the GOP went into full-on nutso mode....
As I posted in another thread I feel that the party itself is killing it's own nominees. They force the candidates to pander to the extremists in order to get party support, but at the same time the candidates have to also appeal to a much more moderate demographic in order to reel in independant voters. Both demographics are just so different that one can't appeal to both without constantly flip-flopping.
With the dem field there is much less extremism needed to get the support of the base, so the party can continue to easily appeal to both the dems and independants without much trouble.
I really hope the Republican party can become a sane, conservative party again. I would like to actually feel like I really need to make a decision when voting...
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