You couldn't be more wrong. They can't lose what support they have and your immigration comment would alienate millions of voters of all ages they currently have. They need to sell their platform to more people and moderate parts of it without alienating their current base.The Republican Party is facing an existential demographic crisis. Of that much, I am absolutely certain. There needs to be quite a deal of introspection. Immediately, the GOP needs re-rethink its stance on immigration and return to where the leaders were some ten years ago - amnesty - and make a serious push. There needs to be an immediate halt on attacking the Federal Reserve, and a return to the fact that "we are all Keynesians now." Attacking senior entitlements is the third rail. DON'T FVCKING TOUCH IT. Tax raises to mitigate budget shortfalls should be on the table. Tax cuts are nice and all, but we don't exactly have a $400 billion surplus to play with anymore. All of this brings the GOP back to where it was a few decades ago, but it is a nice start.
Drop gay marriage opposition from the platform. Loosen drug law enforcement, but from behind closed doors. Stop being so damn loud WRT foreign policy.
There's more, but that's what immediately came to mind.
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