[QUOTE="Laihendi"]It's not a secret. The democrats do best when poverty is worst, because the democrats pander to the poor by promising to expand welfare programs every election, and they villainize the rich. The negroes have historically had extremely high poverty rates, and the democrats can only benefit from keeping it that way.[QUOTE="Abbeten"]Hahaha yeah I'm sure welfare programs are the secret reason why blacks are generally in the lower economic strata. That's why European countries with all those crazy socialist entitlements have much higher intergenerational social mobility than we do here. Abbeten
This is why the negro vote is ~90% democrat every presidential election.
Yeah I'm sure the democrats actively try to increase poverty rates among black communities by expanding entitlement programs in order to lock in their vote. This seems like an incredibly sound theory. Nice appeal to ridicule bruh. And I'm not saying democrats specifically targets negroes. Democrats pander to the poor indiscriminately of race, but since the negro population already has extremely high poverty rates due to various historical reasons, they end up being victims.
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