[QUOTE="Stesilaus"] [QUOTE="Hoobinator"]
Liberal Democracy died in the Middle East when the US and Britain assassinated Mossadeq, all because he wanted to nationalise Iranian oil. And yes he was a genuinely democratically elected of Iran. They then installed the puppet, brutal regime of the Iranian Shah... that didn't go quite to plan.... in fact hardly ever does it go to plan.
Mossadeq wasn't assassinated, although he certainly was deposed in a coup that was directed by the CIA and British intelligence. But I wonder whether that otherwise true version of the historical events in Iran is taught in US high schools? Somehow, I suspect not! As far as the vast majority of Americans are concerned, the history of tension between the US and Iran probably began with the Iranians' "unprovoked" capture of the US embassy.
Much American hubris and self-righteousness is rooted in a blinkered view of history that portrays every US foreign policy deed as noble and unselfish, even when it's patently obvious to the rest of the world that it was motivated by greed and self-interest.
Nice to know you have suspicions that you post as fact.Direct verifiable sources which state Mossadeq was forcefully removed from power by western powers.
BBC Radio 4 Documentary
"Iran had just nationalised the very oil fields that had powered Britain through two world wars. Downing Street wanted them back. London paid Iranian agents to sow seeds of dissent in Tehran. Then, to win American support for a coup, the men from the Ministry fanned fears of a Russian invasion.
Even the BBC was used to spearhead Britain's propaganda campaign."
The Independent (Leading UK national newspaper) on BNet.
New York Times. "Secrets of History:CIA in Iran"
"The Central Intelligence Agency's secret history of its covert operation to overthrow Iran's government in 1953 offers an inside look at how the agency stumbled into success, despite a series of mishaps that derailed its original plans.
Written in 1954 by one of the coup's chief planners, the history details how United States and British officials plotted the military coup that returned the shah of Iran to power and toppled Iran's elected prime minister, an ardent nationalist"
CIA planning documents on the Coup of Iran.
National Security Archive.
This is backed up by National Security Council resolutions on the planning and carrying out of the coup.
"The CIA, with help from British intelligence, planned, funded and implemented the operation. When the plot threatened to fall apart entirely at an early point, U.S. agents on the ground took the initiative to jump-start the operation, adapted the plans to fit the new circumstances, and pressed their Iranian collaborators to keep going. Moreover, a British-led oil boycott, supported by the United States, plus a wide range of ongoing political pressures by both governments against Mosaddeq, culminating in a massive covert propaganda campaign in the months leading up to the coup helped create the environment necessary for success."
There's plenty more, most of this was easily found on verifiable links from Wikipedia references section, without even resorting directly to Google. I mean you've got the CIA flat out stating how they're going to carry out the coup, but if you've got other evidence then bring it forth, I care not for anecdotal disagreements.
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