There are over 500 eyewitnesses to the resurrected Christ. Bring me one, just one, account of an eyewitness from the period that challenges or refutes their testimony. I'll save you some time, you won't find a single one. Good luck with your search.
I have 521 eye witnesses that yesterday at my university I cried blood.Here are the those who can testify that:
George F.
Maria A.
John B.
Andreas P.
Dimitra S.
I explain in it all in my book "How I cried blood". Buy it now.
Would your friends be prepared to and actually die rather than recant their testimony? The 500 were and did.
The Apostles and early Christians willingly endured persecution and death for something they knew was a lie? The Apostles and early Christians, many of whom were eyewitnesses to the resurrection, were stoned, beheaded, boiled in oil, imprisoned, crucified, scourged, fed to lions, clothed in animal skins and then torn apart by wild beasts, tarred and lit on fire, disemboweled, burnt at the stake, etc., rather than recant their faith.
There were 10 periods of persecution of early Christians under the Roman Emperors Nero (Roman emperor AD 54–68 ) , Domitian (Roman emperor AD 81–96 ) , Trajan (Roman emperor AD 98–117 ), Marcus Aurelius (Roman emperor AD 161–180 ) , Septimius Severus (Roman emperor AD 193–211), Maximinus, Gaius Julius Verus (Roman emperor AD 235–238 ) , Decius (Roman emperor AD 249–251), Valerian (Roman emperor AD 253–260), Aurelian (Roman emperor AD 270–275), and Diocletian (Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus, reigned AD 284–305) and Maximian (reigned AD285–305) who governed as emperors together. Why did the Christians choose death rather than recount their belief in Christ?
Many early Church fathers and Christians were martyred for their belief in Christ rather than recanting their faith to save their lives.
The Christian faith grew and spread rapidly in spite of intense persecution.
They could be deluded, and that could have created their certainty. Therefore just because one may die for their beliefs doesnt mean that those beliefs are true.And yes sometimes we do lie even to ourselves.
While the above scenario is not certain, its possibility renders your post merely an indication, the value of which remains to be evaluated. And even after it is evaluated it will still remain merely an indication. Not proof.
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