So watching dexter is ok when a mentally ill person that is a psycho path is killing other psycho paths in ritualistic and brutal ways with lying, drugs, cursing and so on throughout the show but you have a problem with a sex scene?
Sex is a part of dexter just like it is part of life itself. When dexter has sex with rita its because he loves her and he enjoys being with her. When deb has sex with this random guy she meets at a gym she handcuffs him and takes charges because that scene shows how emotionally damaged she is after her last boyfriend turned out to be a killer who almost killed her. Or when batista picks up a hooker, he does it because he is lonely and misses having someone in his life. When quinn has sex its usually with some dumb bimbo because banging bimbos, drinking too much, and being a little loose with the rules is part of quinns character.
Sex is a part of life. If it makes you feel uncomfortable then you either grew up in a religious atmosphere that makes people feel guilty for natural things, or you had some messed up experince that has scarred you. Just the fact you can deal with violence, but sex in a tv show makes you feel uncomfortable says a lot about you.
If you exclude sex from a tv show, movie, or whatnot you exclude one of the most basic human elements that everyone can relate to. Its a biological desire, it is its own emotion, a persons sexuality is part of who they are as a person and so on. Sex is the one thing that all life on this planet is put here for, to produce more of its species. Whether youre a bird, a fish, a elephant or a human propogation of your species is something all life shares.
But like I said if the incredibly tame sex scenes in dexter bother you then you have issues because you never actually see hardcore penetrative sex in dexter. THe violence on the other hand is far far far more graphic in that show than the sex has ever been. But thats how messed up our society is, its ok to see a boob chopped off a woman by a axe wielding maniac, but if a man is holding the boob and kissing it then thats just wrong.
What is this? There's no reason to go off on such a tangent.
I think you've got the wrong idea about me. I never said I had a problem with sex in general. If I did, I wouldn't have brought up the option of porn. I just have a problem with it if it holds no value to the show itself, which, in most of the shows I've seen, it rarely does. You don't have to completely remove the act either, just make sure it doesn't take up a good chunk of time, that's all. Like I said, you can even imply the act too, and I'll still get the overall relevance here. I mean, If you enjoying watch them that's your thing, but there's no reason to start jump to conclusions, claiming I have some "deep, underlining personal issues" or something.
Also, the only reason I said Dexter's sex scenes were awkward is because whenever Michael C Hall is "going at it" he sounds like he's riding on some rickety see-saw, that's all.
Besides, is it so wrong to only want to view sex when I'm in the mood to view it, and not when I ain't?
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