I would love to see a legitimate movie do an actual porn scene. Hell, movies can get away with showing genitalia now, why not just put it all together?
Sounds like Lars von Trier is your man.
I love a (again) sensual and evocative scene, and while sex may be a part of every day life, voyeurism isn't. Even if two characters are having casual sex, that's as much plot or character development as everything else people have been discussing. If it's a sex scene for the sake of boobies, chances are it's going to be shoddy. And that is more an affront to the medium than the idea itself.
See, I have a problem with this as well. You're basically assuming that any depiction of sex that doesn't have some pertinence to the plot is done simply for juvenile purposes, why does sex automatically have to be juvenile and voyeuristic? Why can't it just be a stark depiction of an integral part of the human experience. If there's a scene where characters are eating breakfast or brushing their teeth we don't ask if those acts are integral to the plot, sex should be no different.
At the risk of beating a dead horse (should have checked your reply sooner), I'm saying nothing should be inpertinent to the plot or characters. Everything that is part of a movie should be in the director's vision and should benefit the movie in some way, as part of the auteur theory. But maybe the sex scene is just masterfully shot, who knows? If there's a scene where characters are just eating breakfast or just brushing their teeth or just having sex, we should ask if those scenes are necessary (and they're not.) Not to any story-telling medium, if that's not its main intention.
Voyeuristic doesn't automatically equal juvenile, either. A character-driven, slice of life story is an example of voyeurism in film. We are watching a depiction of these peoples' lives, and if sex is there, that's what happens. There's your stark depiction. It's still related to the plot or characters because that is what the movie is. Also because they are real people, a part of the "human experience." Now, what if they weren't normal people? What if they were superheroes? Or aliens (and of course they have to have boobs)? If I'm getting you, you want realistic depictions of sex in films or TV in the same way violence is okay because sex is a big part of human nature. I'm fine with that sentiment, but a bad sex scene is a bad sex scene in the same way a badly written or shot scene is... well, bad. True Blood's sex scenes' only intention is titillation, in the trying-too-hard, fake orgasm porn way. Isn't that more damaging to the idea than anything else?
This drive for making society "okay" with sex through movies sounds like a justification for making society "okay" with porn. Porn and sex should not be taboo imo, but there are certain spheres where it's out of place.
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