I disagree. We're not going to agree on this point. I can't just take her word after she's willingly had sex with this person hundreds of times. That's like asking a convicted felon if they robbed a bank. They say no, I didn't.. but you know that he's robbed 50 banks before. Do you believe him?
I don't give two ****s if you agree or not, that's the way it works. There is no obligation for sex in marriage, if she said no that means no and the same parameters that apply for normal rape apply for spusal rape, period.
You didn't answer my question. How do you take that person's word for it when they've had sex with that individual hundreds if not thousands of times during the marriage?
Scenario A:John Q goes out tonight, slips a woman a roofie (spelling, I know), takes her back to his place, and has sex with her while she is in a semi-conscious state.
Scenario B: Mr. F one night in bed turns to Mrs. F, asks her if she wants to fornicate, and when she says no pins her to the bed and has sex with her.
Now say in both of these scenarios the next day the woman goes to the police, tells them of the rape, and presses charges. When it gets to court both men plead not guilty, that the women never said no. When asked about the signs of restraint on the women's wrists both men answer that it was a fetish thing. John Q says he heard from a friend that she was into that kind of thing, and that on the night in question she specifically asked for that. Mr. F says that Mrs. F was into that kind of thing and routinely asked for it in the past. There is no difference between these two scenarios, the men are both wrong, they are both rapists, and despite no concrete "proof" of rape they both deserve to go to jail for what they did.
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