You're still young, don't worry. Just don't do like everyone else and don't get a random girl. Wait for the perfect girl, and you'll be amazed.
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You're still young, don't worry. Just don't do like everyone else and don't get a random girl. Wait for the perfect girl, and you'll be amazed.
that sounds sane so how can i subdue my lust? will it go away by itself if i focus on other stuff? or just grow bigger?You should probably try living for yourself, rather than relying on others to make you happy. If not, your life will be terrible.
[QUOTE="Lethalhazard"]21 and I haven't had a GF or even a kiss. It's not a big deal, neither have any of my friends minus one (who has had seckz many times). Q_Q moar. Jack_240
I've never been in a relationship and haven't had a girlfriend in my life. And I'm 22, does that make me a weirdo? i think not.
BAHHAHAA Your such a loser, you proly shouldnt have said that.10 Ways You Can Land Yourself With A Girlfriend..
1. Looks - Don't listen to what anyone tells you looks do matter, you can have great personality but If you're some ugly dude that doesn't mean anything, a girl won't see you and suddenly be able to look into your brain and see all the nice things about you.
2. Exercise/Get a Toned Body - This is how I attract the attention of the ladies when I go around Gotham City in the evening.
3. Personality - Again like I said before you need to be confident, abit cocky but not too cocky. If you have no confidence Girls won't like you, it always brings a smile to a girls face when they see a confident guy.
4. Be spontaneous - Girls aren't gonna go out with you because you're too predictable, you sound like those guys who will do anything for a Girl and this will earn you a nickname "Doormat" "Nice Guy" "Whipped". Its sad but Women these days prefer the "bad boy" rather than a "nice guy" because the bad boy brings more thrill into their life, these boys take a longer time to show their true feelings and the women enjoy the thrill of the "chase". They also like getting chased and Nice guys can't do it because they bend over for the girl too easily.
5. Become Friends with alot of Girls. This will really help.
6. Be the Funny guy - Girls love a funny guy because.. they make them smile and they feel happy around them.
7. When you start moving a girl (Or as you Americans say it : Hitting on a girl) you must accept that she will be interested in other boys and may even have another guy in mind.
8. Hygiene - You need to make sure your face is SMOOT LIKE BABY OIL, Fresh face no pimples, make sure you have the perfume for school and make sure those armpits have some lynx sprayed all over.
9. When you move a girl, you need to know that this could take atleast a month or two, make her want you. Become a popular guy that people always mention as "funny". In addition, you need to get your friends to also persuade her (This works for me) get you friends to say positive things about you and do some "detective" work.
10. When speaking of Girls you must always mention "ThisisTwoFace", the best thing to hit to hit Gamespot and Canadian gamespot users cause the maple leafs suck. :lol:
Not all those stepsare the best things to become good friends or more with any girl.
1.Looks-Not all girls care about looks, but just don't look completely hideous or they may not like you.
2.Exercise and a Toned Body-Yeah!Excersising works a bit, but you don't need a toned body to attract girls.
3 Personality-Personality helps a lot and I agree, but I usually don't like being cocky and none of the girls I'm friends with care if I'm cocky or not.
4.Be Sponateous-Being spontaneous works, but do not try to be a bad boy. Just try to be yourself.Don't care what any girl says about you because the right girl will like you for who you are.Don't try to also be too nice, but just try to be nice and neutral around any girl you talk to.I'm still working on doing what I said above, but it may take youa while to be succesful at doing this step.Lots of girls can also be pretty understanding and can forgive you if you make a mistake around them
5. Become friends with lot a girls-This helps a lot.It will help bring your confidence up around any girl you talk to.
6.Be the funny guy-Try to joke around them, but not to much. And don't try to make jokes that hurt their feelings.
7.Hitting a girl-Do what the person I quoted said
8.Hygiene-Just try to make sure you don't smell horrible or look horrible aroundany girl
9. Moving a girl-Do what the person I quoted said above, but you on't need to be popular to get a girl that likes you.
10.Never do this.
11.Don't try to constantly talk to any girl you hang out with or are dating. They need some space and time for themselves and their other friends/family. I learned this the hard way when I messed up a friendship i had with a girl.
If you can't find a girlfriend after 10 pages of advice from OT, well, I don't know what to tell you.
Mass Effect 3 is coming out in March :D
Hopefully we can do Miranda and Ashley at the same time!!!![QUOTE="Jack_240"]
[QUOTE="Lethalhazard"]21 and I haven't had a GF or even a kiss. It's not a big deal, neither have any of my friends minus one (who has had seckz many times). Q_Q moar. chilly-chill
I've never been in a relationship and haven't had a girlfriend in my life. And I'm 22, does that make me a weirdo? i think not.
BAHHAHAA Your such a loser, you proly shouldnt have said say what you wanna say, I think I'm awesome !! hahahhahahaha !!! You don't know where I'm from kid, so buzz off !!
If you want a girlfriend just so you can have one, then keep trying, someone is bound to say yes!
Otherwise you're going to just have to wait until you find someone worth being with, which you can't put a time stamp on.
Why rush that? everybody I know is rushing off to get married, at like 19, 20. To me that always seemed like such a rush
You'll get there eventually if you make it happen, don't do it just to say you did though.
[QUOTE="Lethalhazard"]21 and I haven't had a GF or even a kiss. It's not a big deal, neither have any of my friends minus one (who has had seckz many times). Q_Q moar. chilly-chill
I've never been in a relationship and haven't had a girlfriend in my life. And I'm 22, does that make me a weirdo? i think not.
BAHHAHAA Your such a loser, you proly shouldnt have said that.Loser is one of the worst words in the contemporary language.
[QUOTE="Lonelynight"]I don't even have any friends.sonofsmeagleyou think maybe its because of your annoying sigs?
Sexy Asian women... they annoy you?
you think maybe its because of your annoying sigs?[QUOTE="sonofsmeagle"][QUOTE="Lonelynight"]I don't even have any friends.Ilovegames1992
Sexy Asian women... they annoy you?
sexy asian women do not annoy me, unattractive ones in stupid scenes do howeverYou're 15... relax.Frame_Draggeryeah, i bet there are people older than you that are in the same situation, it will come, relax
Have you tried asking a girl out? That could explain a lot... and yeah you are young 15 you can't even drive or even get a job.
Preferably get a job first then date, that way you don't have to use your parents money if you want to do fun money stuff with ur gf, like eating out.
So yeah take it easy man, chin up, and your not depressed unless its clinacly proven, and its not in your case, worst things to be depressed over man.
If what i said doesn't work, always wear a scarf girls like guys who wear scarfs.
I couldn't get a girlfriend at 15. I'm 31 now and can't keep da hoes back when I go out know. My ass has been grabbed by so many drunken women may ass has a permmanent hand shaped bruse on it.
Bottom line is this. You can't make someone love you, or want to be with you. It happens when it happens so stop thinking about it, move on with life and someone will come around before you know it.
P.S also writing about this on a form instantly explains alot!
Ok the secret to getting girls
1. Don't be desperate (very important)
2. Never be explicit about wanting sex
3. At the same time, never allow her to think it's %100 platonic
4. Basically insinuate with flirting or romantic talk but never directly say "yo I wanna do you" big no-no.
5. If you don't know what to say don't make up dumb lines. Just take every opportunity to spend time.
6. You must be prepared to walk away. If you are afraid of losing her, then she will never be yours.
7. Romance exists on the knife's edge between like and dislike. If she likes you too much then you are like a brother, and she will never want you romantically. If she hates you then she won't talk to you. You have to balance being too nice and a jerkwad.
My final word is don't rush.
You are only 15 with hormones raging, you are not in a mental state to think clearly.
Believe me you will have more than your fill of romance and hand holding in your life.
It will happen even if you avoid it.
Just live your life, when your first kiss happens it will happen. Don't rush.
I'm 16 and currently in the same situation. It's not that I'm a completely unlikeable, awkward and unatttractive person...I'm just too shy. I wish I could curb my low confidence and self-esteem. It's slowly getting better though.
I'm going through the same thing. I'm slowly getting better at not being shy. Try journaling about your feelings around shyness. It helps for me.I'm 16 and currently in the same situation. It's not that I'm a completely unlikeable, awkward and unatttractive person...I'm just too shy. I wish I could curb my low confidence and self-esteem. It's slowly getting better though.
[QUOTE="sonofsmeagle"] unattractive ones in stupid scenes do howeverLonelynightYou're one to talk oh please 10 of the girls in your sigs are barely worth one of Ginas finely sculpted ass cheeks
I'm 16 and currently in the same situation. It's not that I'm a completely unlikeable, awkward and unatttractive person...I'm just too shy. I wish I could curb my low confidence and self-esteem. It's slowly getting better though.
I used to be incredibly shy when I was younger and some of my friends barely talked to me because I was shy. I pretty much forced myself to break out of my shyness when I started to recognize how shy I was around any girl I talked to.Even though my first attmept of breaking out of my shyness failed and I'm not friends with that person anymore I kept on trying until I reached were I am today. I'm a lot more confident then I use to be around girls now a days.I even attempted to be less shy around one of my friends that is a girl that I have known for a really long time about a year ago. And I actually pretty much succeed at talking to her even though I'm kinda scared still of pulling of the same mistake I made when I attempted to break out of my shyness on another girl on the girl I'm currently friends with,but even if I do make any mistakes around her she can be pretty understanding and forgiveable.The right girl can forgive you any mistake you make around them when you attempt to be less shy around them. That's the lesson I want you to learn from my post.
I'm 16 and currently in the same situation. It's not that I'm a completely unlikeable, awkward and unatttractive person...I'm just too shy. I wish I could curb my low confidence and self-esteem. It's slowly getting better though.
I used to be incredibly shy when I was younger and some of my friends barely talked to me because I was shy. I pretty much forced myself to break out of my shyness when I started to recognize how shy I was around any girl I talked to.Even though my first attmept of breaking out of my shyness failed and I'm not friends with that person anymore I kept on trying until I reached were I am today. I'm a lot more confident then I use to be around girls now a days.I even attempted to be less shy around one of my friends that is a girl that I have known for a really long time about a year ago. And I actually pretty much succeed at talking to her even though I'm kinda scared still of pulling of the same mistake I made when I attempted to break out of my shyness on another girl on the girl I'm currently friends with,but even if I do make any mistakes around her she can be pretty understanding and forgiveable.The right girl can forgive you any mistake you make around them when you attempt to be less shy around them. That's the lesson I want you to learn from my post.
haha that's great. I have taken a few "risks" with this one girl i really like. And man it has turned out to be bad everytime. Hopefully I still have hope. lolhaha that's great. I have taken a few "risks" with this one girl i really like. And man it has turned out to be bad everytime. Hopefully I still have hope. loldkdk999Risks? What kind of risks?
I'm 16 and currently in the same situation. It's not that I'm a completely unlikeable, awkward and unatttractive person...I'm just too shy. I wish I could curb my low confidence and self-esteem. It's slowly getting better though.
I used to be incredibly shy when I was younger and some of my friends barely talked to me because I was shy. I pretty much forced myself to break out of my shyness when I started to recognize how shy I was around any girl I talked to.Even though my first attmept of breaking out of my shyness failed and I'm not friends with that person anymore I kept on trying until I reached were I am today. I'm a lot more confident then I use to be around girls now a days.I even attempted to be less shy around one of my friends that is a girl that I have known for a really long time about a year ago. And I actually pretty much succeed at talking to her even though I'm kinda scared still of pulling of the same mistake I made when I attempted to break out of my shyness on another girl on the girl I'm currently friends with,but even if I do make any mistakes around her she can be pretty understanding and forgiveable.The right girl can forgive you any mistake you make around them when you attempt to be less shy around them. That's the lesson I want you to learn from my post.
Meh..I have met girls I could have easily gotten with if I wanted to/had the confidence. I normally don't do anything like that though, especially with the current state I'm in, getting over depression and everything like that. I realize I'm probably a bit of a pansy for saying it, but since we're on the topic of social problems, I thought I'd just open up a little bit.
I'm 16 and currently in the same situation. It's not that I'm a completely unlikeable, awkward and unatttractive person...I'm just too shy. I wish I could curb my low confidence and self-esteem. It's slowly getting better though.
I used to be incredibly shy when I was younger and some of my friends barely talked to me because I was shy. I pretty much forced myself to break out of my shyness when I started to recognize how shy I was around any girl I talked to.Even though my first attmept of breaking out of my shyness failed and I'm not friends with that person anymore I kept on trying until I reached were I am today. I'm a lot more confident then I use to be around girls now a days.I even attempted to be less shy around one of my friends that is a girl that I have known for a really long time about a year ago. And I actually pretty much succeed at talking to her even though I'm kinda scared still of pulling of the same mistake I made when I attempted to break out of my shyness on another girl on the girl I'm currently friends with,but even if I do make any mistakes around her she can be pretty understanding and forgiveable.The right girl can forgive you any mistake you make around them when you attempt to be less shy around them. That's the lesson I want you to learn from my post.
haha that's great. I have taken a few "risks" with this one girl i really like. And man it has turned out to be bad everytime. Hopefully I still have hope. lolTrust me my first attempt was just saying hi a bit too muchto some girl that always seemed to act extremely friendly to me and I didn't recognize that saying hi a bit to much to someone was wrong, but I learned my lesson from that mistake and I eventually learned a couple years later that the girl was nota good person to hang out with anymore and I ditched her.
I'm 16 and currently in the same situation. It's not that I'm a completely unlikeable, awkward and unatttractive person...I'm just too shy. I wish I could curb my low confidence and self-esteem. It's slowly getting better though.
I used to be incredibly shy when I was younger and some of my friends barely talked to me because I was shy. I pretty much forced myself to break out of my shyness when I started to recognize how shy I was around any girl I talked to.Even though my first attmept of breaking out of my shyness failed and I'm not friends with that person anymore I kept on trying until I reached were I am today. I'm a lot more confident then I use to be around girls now a days.I even attempted to be less shy around one of my friends that is a girl that I have known for a really long time about a year ago. And I actually pretty much succeed at talking to her even though I'm kinda scared still of pulling of the same mistake I made when I attempted to break out of my shyness on another girl on the girl I'm currently friends with,but even if I do make any mistakes around her she can be pretty understanding and forgiveable.The right girl can forgive you any mistake you make around them when you attempt to be less shy around them. That's the lesson I want you to learn from my post.
Meh..I have met girls I could have easily gotten with if I wanted to/had the confidence. I normally don't do anything like that though, especially with the current state I'm in, getting over depression and everything like that. I realize I'm probably a bit of a pansy for saying it, but since we're on the topic of social problems, I thought I'd just open up a little bit.
Just don't care how you act around any girl you talk to.The right girl will understand you and forgive you if you make any mistakes around them.
[QUOTE="Lonelynight"][QUOTE="sonofsmeagle"] unattractive ones in stupid scenes do howeversonofsmeagleYou're one to talk oh please 10 of the girls in your sigs are barely worth one of Ginas finely sculpted ass cheeksYou mean the one in your sig that looks like a man?
[QUOTE="sonofsmeagle"][QUOTE="Lonelynight"] You're one to talkLonelynightoh please 10 of the girls in your sigs are barely worth one of Ginas finely sculpted ass cheeksYou mean the one in your sig that looks like a man?
Where are you from? I've always wondered.
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