How should I respond to this thread? Words of assistance or douchebaggery? -LetsFlipACoin-
And luck is on your side. My friend, let me tell you this..
In 8th Grade I found myself in love, its the best feeling you'll ever have when you know that theres someone who isn't part of your family that loves you BUT turns out to be a Girl. A relationship is Top 10 in the best feelings you will ever get as a Human in life. After my first kiss came and then I went further with my tongue (BAWSE. :cool: ), gradually though things became worse in the relationship, minor at first you know things like random moodswings, lack of communication.
After, those killer talks started circulating between me and her "Do you love me?" "Are you thinking about someone else?".
Then that day came when she just said "We need to talk" and I knew that she was gonna end it. She left me in a "double sided state of mind". I went through the stage of rehabilitation - Heartbreak, Disbelief, More heartbreak.. and the thought of seeing her with another guy killed me inside. I did start hating her though and I did start to.. "biatch" about her to my friends at times..
Now my life is in a messy situation - Im one of the most well known bosses in Gotham and at the same time my love life interferes with my smuggling operations.
Trust me, you get one Girlfriend and break up and more Girls come into your world, it sucks but then its awesome at the same time. Don't listen to people here telling you to "relax" or whatever, at 15 you should have had atleast 1 Girlfriend or a "fling" to be honest. Most of the people telling you to relax are the same people in their Mid 30s-40s still single and way past it. Experience is valuable when it comes to Girls, realise that..
And yes, the same people I just spoke about may reply to this.
If you want a girlfriend its simple.. Dont listen to whoever tells you looks don't matter because they really do. I would also consider an attitude adjustment (JOHN CENA LOL) Girls do not like Boys who have zero confidence and they don't like Boys who are too cocky because these boys care more about themself and their ego more than the Girl.
I'd also recommend working out and going gym, get a six pack and a toned body - Working out really helps when it comes to being sad/depressed. Firstly, take all of your "depression" and turn it into exercise.
P.S - I didn't read through this thread so I could be abit late and ur issue may have been resolved
P.S.S - The following story may have never happened, ThisisTwoFace is a man of honour and integrity.
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