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You should first focus on making more friends. Friends that go to parties a lot and I mean real parties, with alcohol, girls and other stuff. That's how I used to meet girls in high school. I met an amazing girl at a party once, but forgot to get her number :x
How should I respond to this thread? Words of assistance or douchebaggery? -LetsFlipACoin-
And luck is on your side. My friend, let me tell you this..
In 8th Grade I found myself in love, its the best feeling you'll ever have when you know that theres someone who isn't part of your family that loves you BUT turns out to be a Girl. A relationship is Top 10 in the best feelings you will ever get as a Human in life. After my first kiss came and then I went further with my tongue (BAWSE. :cool: ), gradually though things became worse in the relationship, minor at first you know things like random moodswings, lack of communication.
After, those killer talks started circulating between me and her "Do you love me?" "Are you thinking about someone else?".
Then that day came when she just said "We need to talk" and I knew that she was gonna end it. She left me in a "double sided state of mind". I went through the stage of rehabilitation - Heartbreak, Disbelief, More heartbreak.. and the thought of seeing her with another guy killed me inside. I did start hating her though and I did start to.. "biatch" about her to my friends at times..
Now my life is in a messy situation - Im one of the most well known bosses in Gotham and at the same time my love life interferes with my smuggling operations.
Trust me, you get one Girlfriend and break up and more Girls come into your world, it sucks but then its awesome at the same time. Don't listen to people here telling you to "relax" or whatever, at 15 you should have had atleast 1 Girlfriend or a "fling" to be honest. Most of the people telling you to relax are the same people in their Mid 30s-40s still single and way past it. Experience is valuable when it comes to Girls, realise that..
And yes, the same people I just spoke about may reply to this.
If you want a girlfriend its simple.. Dont listen to whoever tells you looks don't matter because they really do. I would also consider an attitude adjustment (JOHN CENA LOL) Girls do not like Boys who have zero confidence and they don't like Boys who are too cocky because these boys care more about themself and their ego more than the Girl.
I'd also recommend working out and going gym, get a six pack and a toned body - Working out really helps when it comes to being sad/depressed. Firstly, take all of your "depression" and turn it into exercise.
P.S - I didn't read through this thread so I could be abit late and ur issue may have been resolved
P.S.S - The following story may have never happened, ThisisTwoFace is a man of honour and integrity.
You have a scarred face yet still pull? Tidy darts.
My Face > The Penguins face..
Off topic : On DC Universe Online, The Penguin is the strongest Mission/Challenge on the game. Shocking.
Enough with the "I stopped reading there" posts they aren't necessary. Hes looking for advice not douchebaggery.
meh you are young you will get one before you know it and it takes time. you can always get a prostitute though
meh you are young you will get one before you know it and it takes time. you can always get a prostitute though
You're only fifteen. You have plenty of time to get one. I'm 17 and girless but I don't go around acting like I'm clinically depressed. Just start talking and hanging out with them. Try to be their friend instead of their boyfriend. And don't sell yourself short and automatically say yes to the first girl that comes your way, if you don't like her, don't feel obligated to say yes. And I highly doubt every single person in your tenth grade has been in a relationship. Some people won't openly go around actively admitting to not being in one, but you're not alone. I remember Gamespot had a poll once and like half the results came up saying they didn't have one. Don't start fretting about it unless you're halfway through college and don't even have one as a friend. Until then, enjoy highschool. You only get to go to it once, so have fun.
You're 15... relax.Frame_DraggerYeah haha. It's kind of sad, that kids these days are worrying about this kind of stuff at 15. I mean there is nothing wrong with going out with a girl at 15, but you shouldn't be worrying about it like a madman.
Buy one from Vietnam. You can even pick and choose which one you want.Lonelynightis that where you get your annoying sigs from aswell?
You seem to be objectifying a girlfriend, like getting a toy or something you really want?JasonDarksaviorDoes the op sound like I want a toy for a brief amount of time or are you trying to sound profound when it comes to these stuff? thanks for all tha responses guys im really thinking about what to do from now on also what's up with all the 'i stopped reading right after the 15' is it because most of you guys failed to get lucky until your mid-20's or does your arrogance prevent you from reading a lot of threads? sorry i dont want to offend im really wondering
Lost my virginity at 15. Condom fell off and I freaked out for a while. Imagine raising a kid at 15. Go outside and masturbate like every other healthy 15 year old. You'll get to touch boobies and stuff when you are ready for responsibility and right now, you aren't. Trust me. I'm depressed too, just ran out of cinnamon altoids.
[QUOTE="Spam_Pics"][QUOTE="Ilovegames1992"]i care and im depressed really No. You're a nauseating teenager. im sorry for making you feel superior, do you get this often? and did you throw upThe word depressed is thrown about like a monkey throws its crap nowadays. So you havent got a girl friend who cares.
I'm 23 years old now, been in 3 "long-term 2-3 year" relationships since I was 14. My god man, stay single for as long as you can. I wish I would've, but I didn't and got into relationships and cheated on nearly every girl I've been with because of how bad I wanted to be single but not. (if that makes sense) So stay single for as long as you can, way less stress, and you don't have to do things you don't care about.
[QUOTE="JasonDarksavior"]You seem to be objectifying a girlfriend, like getting a toy or something you really want?Spam_PicsDoes the op sound like I want a toy for a brief amount of time or are you trying to sound profound when it comes to these stuff? thanks for all tha responses guys im really thinking about what to do from now on also what's up with all the 'i stopped reading right after the 15' is it because most of you guys failed to get lucky until your mid-20's or does your arrogance prevent you from reading a lot of threads? sorry i dont want to offend im really wondering
Go get a prostitute
That's a bit lenient. Personally, I'd be getting worried at 21/22, and start panicking at 25.You shouldn't panic unless you're in your mid-30s.
21 and I haven't had a GF or even a kiss. It's not a big deal, neither have any of my friends minus one (who has had seckz many times). Q_Q moar. Lethalhazard
I've never been in a relationship and haven't had a girlfriend in my life. And I'm 22, does that make me a weirdo? i think not.
im 15 and havent had a date with a girl, however there was this girl who liked me and one day i go to school super tired (i got like 5 hours of sleep the past week and it was friday) and she aproaches me and looking back it was pretty clear she was making moves on me but i was so freakin tired i barely noticed till like hours later when i felt liek kicking myself
[QUOTE="JasonDarksavior"]You seem to be objectifying a girlfriend, like getting a toy or something you really want?Spam_PicsDoes the op sound like I want a toy for a brief amount of time or are you trying to sound profound when it comes to these stuff? thanks for all tha responses guys im really thinking about what to do from now on also what's up with all the 'i stopped reading right after the 15' is it because most of you guys failed to get lucky until your mid-20's or does your arrogance prevent you from reading a lot of threads? sorry i dont want to offend im really wondering I'm close to your age and you really make it sound like you want a girlfriend because you are lonely. When you like a girl you get this amazing feeling / rush and right now you haven't even met a girl that gives you this feeling, yet you are so sure you want a girlfriend. I also think you are under a lot of peer pressure from friends who have girlfriends making you feel like you don't "fit in". I don't have a girlfriend but I did ask a girl out (she turned out to be a lesbian).
Holy ****! You are lucky she didn't get pregnant man ... Being a teenage dad can **** your life up.Lost my virginity at 15. Condom fell off and I freaked out for a while. Imagine raising a kid at 15. Go outside and masturbate like every other healthy 15 year old. You'll get to touch boobies and stuff when you are ready for responsibility and right now, you aren't. Trust me. I'm depressed too, just ran out of cinnamon altoids.
10 Ways You Can Land Yourself With A Girlfriend..
1. Looks - Don't listen to what anyone tells you looks do matter, you can have great personality but If you're some ugly dude that doesn't mean anything, a girl won't see you and suddenly be able to look into your brain and see all the nice things about you.
2. Exercise/Get a Toned Body - This is how I attract the attention of the ladies when I go around Gotham City in the evening.
3. Personality - Again like I said before you need to be confident, abit cocky but not too cocky. If you have no confidence Girls won't like you, it always brings a smile to a girls face when they see a confident guy.
4. Be spontaneous - Girls aren't gonna go out with you because you're too predictable, you sound like those guys who will do anything for a Girl and this will earn you a nickname "Doormat" "Nice Guy" "Whipped". Its sad but Women these days prefer the "bad boy" rather than a "nice guy" because the bad boy brings more thrill into their life, these boys take a longer time to show their true feelings and the women enjoy the thrill of the "chase". They also like getting chased and Nice guys can't do it because they bend over for the girl too easily.
5. Become Friends with alot of Girls. This will really help.
6. Be the Funny guy - Girls love a funny guy because.. they make them smile and they feel happy around them.
7. When you start moving a girl (Or as you Americans say it : Hitting on a girl) you must accept that she will be interested in other boys and may even have another guy in mind.
8. Hygiene - You need to make sure your face is SMOOT LIKE BABY OIL, Fresh face no pimples, make sure you have the perfume for school and make sure those armpits have some lynx sprayed all over.
9. When you move a girl, you need to know that this could take atleast a month or two, make her want you. Become a popular guy that people always mention as "funny". In addition, you need to get your friends to also persuade her (This works for me) get you friends to say positive things about you and do some "detective" work.
10. When speaking of Girls you must always mention "ThisisTwoFace", the best thing to hit to hit Gamespot and Canadian gamespot users cause the maple leafs suck. :lol:
Buy one from Vietnam. You can even pick and choose which one you want.Lonelynight
Do they ship them with or without the clothes on display?
You should probably try living for yourself, rather than relying on others to make you happy. If not, your life will be terrible.
Lost my virginity at 15. Condom fell off and I freaked out for a while. Imagine raising a kid at 15. Go outside and masturbate like every other healthy 15 year old. You'll get to touch boobies and stuff when you are ready for responsibility and right now, you aren't. Trust me. I'm depressed too, just ran out of cinnamon altoids.
21 and I haven't had a GF or even a kiss. It's not a big deal, neither have any of my friends minus one (who has had seckz many times). Q_Q moar. Lethalhazardlol i guess losers gang up together, i might join you when im older seriously dude i don't think you're gonna do any better if you keep that pony avatar. guys who like mlp in my school get bullied, did you get bullied too? also here's something that i found of you
21 and still no kiss. Or friend that is a girl. No girlfriend. NO FRIEND THAT WAS A GIRL, I MUST REPEAT. Is suicide my only option?Lethalhazardmaybe you should stop acting like you're not desperate in this thread
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