[QUOTE="deadevil666"] They were indeed following the word of "their God." The problem is, that is in rebellion against the God I'm talking about.
But you see rebellion against God that was created by God. An omnipotent God would have known it would happen from the beginning of time, and yet he willingly allowed it to happen. But all the free will in the world doesn't do much good to those children, does it?
Indeed God would have known and he did indeed allow it to happen. However, this is only for a short time.
I know this is a strange argument to make in this culture but God is God, he can do whatever the crap he wants. God doesn't need a lawyer to defend him. God is infinitely good, he is infinitely holy, he is infinitely just. We, a finite corruptable people, cannot even begin to imagine the complexities behind the reasoning of God appart from his direct revelation.
So now there's more than one God?
So if God decided to instruct everyone to boil their babies, would you join in? Or would you inherently feel that boiling babies is wrong, and go agains His command?
no "and he created man in his own image" and we screwed up and here we are and thats how our history was made
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