I can't speak for anyone but myself, but honeslty, can any person really say for sure who can or can not be saved? I'm relatively new to the Roman Catholic Church (going through RCIA program currently). I read the scriptures, ask questions of those who are more studied in theology, and listen closelyto my Pastors homilies. However, at the end of the day, the only conclusion I can come to is my own.
As far as some of what is being said here about Religion is a little naive and said possibly just to be insulting to those who believe. (I use the word "possibly" because I can't possibly know what motivates anyone but myself). That being said, in these posts I have noticed a lot of references to things similar to "brainwashing" and that praying is a waste of time and that religious people spend most of their time trying to convert others. Are there certain self-proclaimed "churches" that are incredibly insensitive and aggressive? Absolutely. But it has been my experience that those are the exceptions and not the general rule.
Many people pray in many different ways and for many different reasons. Many doctors acknowledge that a patient's attitude can make a remarkable difference in their healing or battling of a disease. If someone prays, and this gives them strength and helps to keep their spirits up, is this really a waste of time?
Personally, I believe in God and pray at times. Iam fully awarethat I can not "prove" there is a God, nor is it my place to try. If someone asks me about my fait, I'll gladly talk to them about it. However, I do not go out andtry to convince people to join my (or any other church). Further, when I do charitable work, it is not only for fellowCatholics. It is for anyone.When I attempt to help someone, I don't first ask any questions about their faith, nordo I tell them to be faithful because they recieved assistance.
A person's relationship with God (or lack thereof) is a very personal and private one. Ourown conclusions should be enough to sustain us and it is my personal belief that little is gained by mocking anyoneelse forwhat they believe. Ater all, nobody can claim that they have ALL the answers and can prove one way or another, the existance of God.
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