The very next verse. I read it. I continues what the first one said basically.
No. Read the discussion I had with Funky.
Here's this DS thing again. What's the deal? You said it earlier in this very thread. Or it might have been someone else, but I know I saw in this very thread someone say that the Catholic church doesn't feel that being homosexual is a sin.
It wasn't me. I haven't stated my denominational position once in this thread. As for the "DS" stuff, I suspect you're the alternate account of another user with the initials "DS." You post almost exactly the same way as he does, and even your screen name reflects his. . . . .unique personality.
Too much pressure?
From what?
You wanted to avoid the persecution of your family and peers;
People who persecute homosexuals typically do the same to Catholics, so if it's going to be a lose-lose for me anyway why wouldn't I choose a pro-gay denomination?
the same perscution that you pile on top of me in heaping mounds?
"Persecution," huh? Let's see what persecution is:
A program or campaign to subjugate or eliminate a specific group of people, often based on race, religion, sexuality, or social beliefs
to be badly treated, oppressed or harassed usually because of beliefs, gender, race, religion or sexual orientation
To harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict; specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief
I haven't said anything about your beliefs in here aside from the fact that you resemble the thinking of a Christian fundie. You, however, have said several things about my beliefs. Who's more "persecuted"?
Being book smart does not equate to being talented, in the same areas of study. Don't fool yourself that by thinking a good grade justifies you as some certified genius.
Do two Associate degrees in theology and philosophy count?
I consider myself agnostic. I'm only trying to make points to you.
No you're not. If you were, you would stand corrected when corrected. You're uncomfortable with the relationship between homosexuality and religion and blame religion for it all, even though I, a homosexual, do not, and have no problems with it. You are, quite simply, trying to get me to find a problem with my religion where none exists.
Nothing was out of context. The next verse just says that some of you were that way, and when they came to Christ, he washed them of their sins.
Ta-da! He gets it!
One of those sins is being homosexual. You have not come to Christ to have him wash your homosexuality away. Because that's impossible.
*Flattens again*
First, there's no conclusive evidence to say it is impossible.Second, you aren't getting the meaning of "washing away sins." It doesn't mean you will never sin again.
So, God makes you gay and says that gays can't go to heaven unless they repent for being gay
Faulty assumption that has been shown to be incorrect on both counts: God didn't make me gay nor are gays exempt from Heaven.
Well, that's stupid because first off, no one should have to repent for something they had no control over, and second, you couldn't change or repent for being homosexual anyway, because it's in your DNA code.
No it isn't. There's no gay gene. It's caused by hormones.
In short, you're screwed, and you got screwed by the very God whom you seem to have undying adoration for.
Would I have undying adoration for God if I believed I was screwed?:lol:
You are under the oh-so-false impression that I am either ignorant of my own beliefs or that I simply have never heard these objections before. I am not, and I have. I hear the objections all the time,from atheists just as often as Christians, and they are both just as difficult to correct.
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