Read this book:http://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/cup_detail.taf?ti_id=3374
http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/94058/perspectives_on_abortion_a_fetus_is.html?cat=9 - Here's some information to refute your argument, again. I think this is the third site I posted refuting the fact that a Fetus is not living. Still nothing to prove it's not a human and it's not living.
Neurological View
"Although most cultures identify the qualities of humanity as different from other living organisms, there is also a universal view that all forms of life on earth are finite. Implicit in the later view is the reality that all life has both a beginning and an end, usually identified as some form of death. The debate surrounding the exact moment marking the beginning of a human life contrasts the certainty and consistency with which the instant of death is described. Contemporary American (and Japanese) society defines death as the loss of the pattern produced by a cerebral electroencephalogram (EEG). If life and death are based upon the same standard of measurement, then the beginning of human life should be recognized as the time when a fetus acquires a recognizable EEG pattern. This acquisition occurs approximately 24- 27 weeks after the conception of the fetus and is the basis for the neurological view of the beginning of human life."
There are thousands os websites with similar answers. The point of that article is that different cultures believe life begins at different stages.
So, what you saying is that nether sides of the issue can't prove/disprove the issue on what ever or not the fedus is a living human being. That can be problematic, because in order for rights of the woman to be ok. One must assume that the fedus is not living, while the rights of the fedus in order to be true, one must also assume that the fedus is a living thing. Well apparntly this appears to be a stalemate untill we offically decide on what ever or not the fedus is alive or dead.
Stalemate? No, you must prove that some action cause something bad to happen and then [I will support] a law [that] will make it illegal to do that action.
I have not seen proof of anything bad happening and therefore am not supporting any law against abortion.
If you wanna tell people it MIGHT be killing, that's ok, but untill you prove it, I will not support any law and hope no one does (just as a symbol support reason, civil liberties, etc.).
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