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Yep, Australia is just awful as well, with our Socialist ways. I mean, we have free health care for all! Socialist is too soft for reds like us, I'd call us filthy Communists. And our economy's struggling so badly under the weight of out Commie policies, that we're forced to call simple tents on the beach our home.
actually, you sorta do have a problem. though I suppose Britian isn't that much better.
[QUOTE="kingyotoX"][QUOTE="jointed"][QUOTE="kingyotoX"]BTW, my opinion is going off of what my friend from the UK has told me. Maverick_Chaos1
Yeah ok, considered that the UK is one of the least socialist countries in Europe...your friend must know what he's talking about :lol:
I didn't know that. :|
You're so ignorant.
First: Learn what Socialism is.
Then: Learn what Capitalism is.
Finally: Hopefully understand that Socialism is far more beneficial to the people than Capitalism is.
Depends how both are executed.....
A hybrid of the two, leaning to toward capitalism, with "smart" regulation is best imo
[QUOTE="xDeadP00lx"][QUOTE="metaldude05"]im not a fan of obama but that won't happen. I dont think he is that extreme and plus everyone forgets congress has to approve every law made. chances of too many of his more socialist policies getting approved in my opinion is slim to none xdumbxjackassx
You do realize that the Democrats have the majority of Congress now, correct? Both Senate and House? With a Democratic President, there's nothing to stop him.
Just because there's a unified government doesn't mean that all of his proposed legislation will be passed. There are different sects of Democrats that can oppose him and both divided and unified government have gridlocks. They pass the important stuff and usually bicker about the rest.
Oh I know, I realize that, and rightfully so. I hate when one party has it all, whether it's Dem or Rep having "total control". Even though there's no absolute control per se, there's defintely a lot less opposition if you're trying to pass something heavily Democratic or liberal (in this case). Yea, they'll be opposition, but it'd have to be pretty drastic to have a ton of Dems to hop off board. Not sure of the "actual" majority in terms of math. I'll have to research that tomorrow when I wake up.
[QUOTE="streak000"]Yep, Australia is just awful as well, with our Socialist ways. I mean, we have free health care for all! Socialist is too soft for reds like us, I'd call us filthy Communists. And our economy's struggling so badly under the weight of out Commie policies, that we're forced to call simple tents on the beach our home.
actually, you sorta do have a problem. though I suppose Britian isn't that much better.
I don't really understand what you were trying to get at with the Australian one, though I do agree that the British are going too far with the surveilance. But are you seriously suggesting that either of these countries comes even close to having a Socialist system? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I hear that your own Patriot Act restricted quite a few civil freedoms that were taken for granted before 9/11. Does this mean America is Socialist?
I never said we didn't have problems, I was just making fun of the "Socialist Wasteland" thing. Calling Australia or Britain or Ireland or even France "Socialist" is pure nonsense. Absolutely laughable. It just shows his ignorance, and how low Republican propaganda has sunk. Obama is a Socialist only if Stalin was a Democrat....
America will be like Europe when Obama gets in. Rich, cultured and no boundries.... but very moody because there isn't an art gallery every 2 sq. miles.clembo1990
Sounds like Manhattan. :lol:
im not a fan of obama but that won't happen. I dont think he is that extreme and plus everyone forgets congress has to approve every law made. chances of too many of his more socialist policies getting approved in my opinion is slim to none metaldude05
that's what many people forget...I'm definitely for a balanced if Obama wins i'd like to see a republican held senate, and house...and vice versa if McCain wins....I think we all saw what happens if the power of one affiliation gets too much control...things like the Iraq War, Patriot Act are all allowed to happen.
Can't let that happen this go around.
[QUOTE="streak000"]I don't really understand what you were trying to get at with the Australian one,
it was the best I could find on short notice. there's an article floating around about them putting a filter on the internet but I can't find it right now.
Yeah, that's some crazy ****. Doesn't sound like the Australia I know. Believe me, there is much outrage over this on AU forums. The only good thing is, you'll be able to opt out if you don't want the filter, but it's still pretty bad.
Still doesn't make us socialist, though. It's not gonna be like in China. Apparently, they are only filtering "illegal" content. Unfortunately, noone is sure just what this illegal content is. The irony is that Kevin Rudd became PM on the platform of improving our internet speeds (among other things). Yet this filter is likely to slow down our internet by 70% or more.
I still can't believe it will happen. Surely, they'll change their mind at the last second. It just doesn't make any sense to me...
im not a fan of obama but that won't happen. I dont think he is that extreme and plus everyone forgets congress has to approve every law made. chances of too many of his more socialist policies getting approved in my opinion is slim to none metaldude05You do know Obama's party controls the Congress? It's better politically to have a president that does not come from a controlling party.
[QUOTE="metaldude05"]im not a fan of obama but that won't happen. I dont think he is that extreme and plus everyone forgets congress has to approve every law made. chances of too many of his more socialist policies getting approved in my opinion is slim to none LJS9502_basicYou do know Obama's party controls the Congress? It's better politically to have a president that does not come from a controlling party.
i thought that the senate was controlled by dems..but the House has republican majority?
[QUOTE="metaldude05"]im not a fan of obama but that won't happen. I dont think he is that extreme and plus everyone forgets congress has to approve every law made. chances of too many of his more socialist policies getting approved in my opinion is slim to none LJS9502_basicYou do know Obama's party controls the Congress? It's better politically to have a president that does not come from a controlling party.
What if something happens to McCain? Then you'll have Palin!!! Whoever controls the congress, that would be an absolute disaster. Can't you see this? Or do you think that Palin would do a good job :|.
Also, aren't you sick of the Republicans after 8 years? They've transformed America into one of the most hated countries in the world. And you still wouldn't mind if they got in again? I know it's a huge cliche, but it's truly time for a change...
PS- I'm not criticizing your view or whatever, I'm just genuinely surprised that anyone would support the Republicans after what they've done to America's international good standing and reputation in the last 8 years.
When the opposite part controls the House and Senate the president can't do too much damage. When their party is the majority...they can. See GWB for a perfect example at the start of his presidency.What if something happens to McCain? Then you'll have Palin!!! Whoever controls the congress, that would be an absolute disaster. Can't you see this? Or do you think that Palin would do a good job :|.
Also, aren't you sick of the Republicans after 8 years? They've transformed America into one of the most hated countries in the world. And you still wouldn't mind if they got in again? I know it's a huge cliche, but it's truly time for a change...
PS- I'm not critising your view or whatever, I'm just genuinely surprised that anyone would support the Republicans after what they've done to America's international good standing and reputation in the last 8 years.
I want to minimize the damage. Giving the democrats under Obama complete control would be just as bad for the US as this last admin has been. I don't like ANY of the candidates and Obama concerns me more.
You do know Obama's party controls the Congress? It's better politically to have a president that does not come from a controlling party.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="metaldude05"]im not a fan of obama but that won't happen. I dont think he is that extreme and plus everyone forgets congress has to approve every law made. chances of too many of his more socialist policies getting approved in my opinion is slim to none streak000
What if something happens to McCain? Then you'll have Palin!!! Whoever controls the congress, that would be an absolute disaster. Can't you see this? Or do you think that Palin would do a good job :|.
Also, aren't you sick of the Republicans after 8 years? They've transformed America into one of the most hated countries in the world. And you still wouldn't mind if they got in again? I know it's a huge cliche, but it's truly time for a change...
PS- I'm not critising your view or whatever, I'm just genuinely surprised that anyone would support the Republicans after what they've done to America's international good standing and reputation in the last 8 years.
I support the lesser of the two evils which I believe to be Mccain. It wasn't just Republicans that put the country in it's current predicament. As LJ said, it's better politically to have a president that doesn't come from a controlling party. Plus he is very liberal and it scares me.
You do know Obama's party controls the Congress? It's better politically to have a president that does not come from a controlling party.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="metaldude05"]im not a fan of obama but that won't happen. I dont think he is that extreme and plus everyone forgets congress has to approve every law made. chances of too many of his more socialist policies getting approved in my opinion is slim to none johnnyv2003
i thought that the senate was controlled by dems..but the House has republican majority?
Nope, LJ is right. Congress is controlled by the Dems, but what I find to be even more scary is that they are expected to pick up even more seats where they will have an even bigger majority in the House, a filibuster proof majority in the Senate, and if Obama wins, we'll have a Dem President on top of all that. This country will be run by the three amigos...Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. There would be no checks and balances. I mean if you thought Bush went on a spending spree, then you haven't seen anything yet. Those three with all the power scares the mess out of me.[QUOTE="johnnyv2003"]You do know Obama's party controls the Congress? It's better politically to have a president that does not come from a controlling party.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="metaldude05"]im not a fan of obama but that won't happen. I dont think he is that extreme and plus everyone forgets congress has to approve every law made. chances of too many of his more socialist policies getting approved in my opinion is slim to none peaceful_anger
i thought that the senate was controlled by dems..but the House has republican majority?
Nope, LJ is right. Congress is controlled by the Dems, but what I find to be even more scary is that they are expected to pick up even more seats where they will have an even bigger majority in the House, a filibuster proof majority in the Senate, and if Obama wins, we'll have a Dem President on top of all that. This country will be run by the three amigos...Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. There would be no checks and balances. I mean if you thought Bush went on a spending spree, then you haven't seen anything yet. Those three with all the power scares the mess out of me.hmm, well I guess all we can hope for is some kind of shake up with the house and senate. But like you said, might not happen and if it doesn't I truly fear for this country.
The Democrats are expected to pick up more it would be a fruitless hope.hmm, well I guess all we can hope for is some kind of shake up with the house and senate. But like you said, might not happen and if it does I truly fear for this country
[QUOTE="johnnyv2003"]The Democrats are expected to pick up more it would be a fruitless hope. Yeah. I have to admit I'm scared of that. I'm still more scared of Palin.hmm, well I guess all we can hope for is some kind of shake up with the house and senate. But like you said, might not happen and if it does I truly fear for this country
blah blah blah, keep repeating the lies, like fox tells u to.
Admit it, you hate him, cuz hes intelligent, not a warmonger, and BLACK.
I'm voting for Mccain because his economic policies are better than Obama's IMO and I don't even watch FOX news.:lol:
blah blah blah, keep repeating the lies, like fox tells u to.
Admit it, you hate him, cuz hes intelligent, not a warmonger, and BLACK.
How dare you... Fox Cloud would never lie...all he's ever done is fly his Arwing, and save the Lylat System from impending doom
[QUOTE="Bazfrag"]blah blah blah, keep repeating the lies, like fox tells u to.
Admit it, you hate him, cuz hes intelligent, not a warmonger, and BLACK.
How dare you... Fox Cloud would never lie...all he's ever done is fly and Arwing, and save the Lylat System from impending doom
Do a barrel roll!There are checks and balances for a reason.
Most of Obama's policies will never see the light of day.
[QUOTE="peaceful_anger"][QUOTE="johnnyv2003"]You do know Obama's party controls the Congress? It's better politically to have a president that does not come from a controlling party.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="metaldude05"]im not a fan of obama but that won't happen. I dont think he is that extreme and plus everyone forgets congress has to approve every law made. chances of too many of his more socialist policies getting approved in my opinion is slim to none johnnyv2003
i thought that the senate was controlled by dems..but the House has republican majority?
Nope, LJ is right. Congress is controlled by the Dems, but what I find to be even more scary is that they are expected to pick up even more seats where they will have an even bigger majority in the House, a filibuster proof majority in the Senate, and if Obama wins, we'll have a Dem President on top of all that. This country will be run by the three amigos...Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. There would be no checks and balances. I mean if you thought Bush went on a spending spree, then you haven't seen anything yet. Those three with all the power scares the mess out of me.hmm, well I guess all we can hope for is some kind of shake up with the house and senate. But like you said, might not happen and if it doesn't I truly fear for this country.
Hey, if it gets that bad, he should be out in 4 years, right?
I mean, how much damage can one crappy president do in one term.
-forces back horrible thoughts as he attempts to make himself feel better-
I think you're all overreacting. It's like I'm on Fox News forums (you know, the LIBERALS are coming to burn down your house and eat your children). I can't help but think that you're all under the influence of some sort of Conservative propaganda.
Obama is a moderate. And lemme tell you, you desperately need a moderate, intelligent president right now (after 8 years of Bush and the evangelists). Just my view, and that of billions of other people around the world.
the liberals are coming! the liberals are coming! What we need is the Republicans to go around crying that.the LIBERALS are coming to burn down your house and eat your children
I think you're all overreacting. It's like I'm on Fox News forums (you know, the LIBERALS are coming to burn down your house and eat your children). I can't help but think that you're all under the influence of some sort of Conservative propaganda.
Obama is a moderate. And lemme tell you, you desperately need a moderate, intelligent president right now (after 8 years of Bush and the evangelists). Just my view, and that of billions of other people around the world.
if you truly think that Obama is moderate then dare I say you're under the influence of MSNBC and the liberal agenda....see how it works when you can flip things a certain way...and I'm sick and tired of this 'Bush was evil, let's put this man in office' argument. Just because Obama disagrees with Bush doesn't mean he's going to do a good job. Also, if you think President Bush is the reason for most of the problems in this country, you're the misinformed.
[QUOTE="kingyotoX"]Man you fellas are really razzin me good!Snooky_McGoo
whatever, they'll all regret it once obama wins.
Yup, true story. When he jacks up the taxes and trys his hand at universal healthcare, people will be thinking, "jesus, what did I vote for?"[QUOTE="streak000"]I think you're all overreacting. It's like I'm on Fox News forums (you know, the LIBERALS are coming to burn down your house and eat your children). I can't help but think that you're all under the influence of some sort of Conservative propaganda.
Obama is a moderate. And lemme tell you, you desperately need a moderate, intelligent president right now (after 8 years of Bush and the evangelists). Just my view, and that of billions of other people around the world.
if you truly think that Obama is moderate then dare I say you're under the influence of MSNBC and the liberal agenda....see how it works when you can flip things a certain way...and I'm sick and tired of this 'Bush was evil, let's put this man in office' argument. Just because Obama disagrees with Bush doesn't mean he's going to do a good job. Also, if you think President Bush is the reason for most of the problems in this country, you're the misinformed.
Living in Australia as I do, I don't even get MSNBC. I've never watched the channel, and therefore am not exposed to their "liberal agenda". I do get Fox News, however, and I'm exposed to Conservative nonsense all the time. How can anyone take people like Sean Hannity seriously? Can't you see he's not only stupid, but also downright evil? ******* bigots, all of them. I would argue that you're the one who's misinformed.
I don't mind Obama. He is a moderate, according to most people outside of the US, which is why nearly everyone hopes he'll get in, and start repairing the huge damage done to America's reputation by the Republicans in the last 8 years.
I didn't mind McCain either until he picked that idiot as his running mate, and started talking like he would just continue on the same path as the present administration. Where's the maverick who doesn't tow the party line? I guess he's had to dumb down to please the evangelist base, who seem to like a great deal of idiocy and predjudice in their politics.
I hope Obama makes the US finally keeps it's pledge to Africa to donate 0.7% of it's GDP to them. darkmistx
That's probably one of the worst things they could do to their country right now.
look im 23 i have no health insurance whatsoever hell i cant even find a job do to the economy. if mccain somehow beat obama to be president this country will literally be in the toilet. obama's the type of guy who will create jobs and give a health plan to people like me. i aint rich i aint poor and i think its time the usa turns a new direction and obama is the captainTazzmission187Why can't you find a job? Jobs are everywhere. Or, is it that you can't find the job you want. I didn't have healthcare from 22-24.5 Never hurt me.
[QUOTE="Tazzmission187"]look im 23 i have no health insurance whatsoever hell i cant even find a job do to the economy. if mccain somehow beat obama to be president this country will literally be in the toilet. obama's the type of guy who will create jobs and give a health plan to people like me. i aint rich i aint poor and i think its time the usa turns a new direction and obama is the captainJandurinWhy can't you find a job? Jobs are everywhere. Or, is it that you can't find the job you want. I didn't have healthcare from 22-24.5 Never hurt me.
We get free universal health care (in Australia), and I wouldn't have it any other way. Of course, if you want quicker and better treatment, you have to pay for insurance, but it's nice to know that I can always fall back on Medicare if I find myself without appropriate cover.
Just out of interest, why are all the conservatives talking about universal health care as a bad thing? It's a great thing. It's humane. And it didn't drive the country to bankruptcy. Australia has a budget surplus, and is weathering the current economic crisis very well. Yes, we tax millionaires much more severely than you do, but frankly, I'm not about to lose any sleep over that. Poor millionaires...
[QUOTE="Tazzmission187"]look im 23 i have no health insurance whatsoever hell i cant even find a job do to the economy. if mccain somehow beat obama to be president this country will literally be in the toilet. obama's the type of guy who will create jobs and give a health plan to people like me. i aint rich i aint poor and i think its time the usa turns a new direction and obama is the captainJandurinWhy can't you find a job? Jobs are everywhere. Or, is it that you can't find the job you want. I didn't have healthcare from 22-24.5 Never hurt me.
if this was 2006 it woulda been easy but now a days you have to know someone or be related to someone to get a job. i was fired lastyear from walmart do to a fight and ever since that i been taking care of my mom who has stage 4 cancer and i been looking for a job. the only way i make money is by doing a video game tournment at my friends house every friday.
Hmm. I've had my job since 2006, so maybe you're right.if this was 2006 it woulda been easy but now a days you have to know someone or be related to someone to get a job. i was fired lastyear from walmart do to a fight and ever since that i been taking care of my mom who has stage 4 cancer and i been looking for a job. the only way i make money is by doing a video game tournment at my friends house every friday.
If Obama gets elected and turns america into a socialist wasteland like that of canada and many of the european countries where can I move?kingyotoX
hong kong probably. not sure though
Why can't you find a job? Jobs are everywhere. Or, is it that you can't find the job you want. I didn't have healthcare from 22-24.5 Never hurt me.[QUOTE="Jandurin"][QUOTE="Tazzmission187"]look im 23 i have no health insurance whatsoever hell i cant even find a job do to the economy. if mccain somehow beat obama to be president this country will literally be in the toilet. obama's the type of guy who will create jobs and give a health plan to people like me. i aint rich i aint poor and i think its time the usa turns a new direction and obama is the captainTazzmission187
if this was 2006 it woulda been easy but now a days you have to know someone or be related to someone to get a job. i was fired lastyear from walmart do to a fight and ever since that i been taking care of my mom who has stage 4 cancer and i been looking for a job. the only way i make money is by doing a video game tournment at my friends house every friday.
Can't you get the dole (welfare payments) until you find a job? Please don't tell me that unemployed aren't entitled to Social Security payments in the US...
Living in Australia as I do, I don't even get MSNBC. I've never watched the channel, and therefore am not exposed to their "liberal agenda". I do get Fox News, however, and I'm exposed to Conservative nonsense all the time. How can anyone take people like Sean Hannity seriously? Can't you see he's not only stupid, but also downright evil? ******* bigots, all of them. I would argue that you're the one who's misinformed. streak000
Hannity is a commentator and so is his Left-wing co-host.
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