[QUOTE="JackMcSexbeard"][QUOTE="H8sMikeMoore"][QUOTE="JackMcSexbeard"][QUOTE="H8sMikeMoore"][QUOTE="Mr_sprinkles"][QUOTE="H8sMikeMoore"] during the industrial rev. we were still learning how things worked. We really didnt have corporations then either. the corporate laws were very different back then and we had mostly small business.
Even without regulation, we can still tell a corporation what to do
they follow the money and if we string them along we will get what we want
so explain why in the free market you propose, there would be no sweat shops. we dont have sweat shops. there ya go
Not in the US, but go to countries in south american and the pacific and its a different story. Sweatshops never went away they just became outsourced.
In those countries companies like nike and even electronics like alpine have people working in slave like conditions
yeah they do. if you dont like it then dont buy nike.
Yes of course ubt how many people know about that stuff or care in the west? nothing happes and nothing changes.
Not only that but what about thise people in indonesia or malaysia? what are they going to do? the injustice is affecting them not us.
You say people wont buy from nike but they are still the most successful sporta apperal company. Not only that but if everyone in america and europe knew the extent of this well still nothing will happen. We have become so disconnected to each other that the life of a human being far away on television carries little weight. All nike needs to do is put their shows on Kobe Bryant or have MJ in a commercial and the cool factor will outweigh the sacrifice of human life for the shoes.
if nobody cares then obviously it dosent matter.
maybe they can become penpals with americans? I honestly really dont care.
I didnt say people wont buy from nike, I said if people CARE about these issues then they wont. Right now obviously people dont think other people working in sweatshops is really worth enough to be on their mind. Unless I have emotional attatchment to a certain person then I couldnt care less what happens to them
keep in mind, americans at one point thought we had it pretty bad and we did something about it. maybe they should too :)
wow. Im speechless. You dont have an attachment to someone so you dont care what happens? Ill admit i dont cry all over people i dont know but to be totally numb to human suffering because its not a popular issue or b/c it doesnt affect you is disturbing.
I dont really know what to say but I hope their arnt more people that think like that.
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