How many people do you know that go to church and/or claim to be Christian, Muslim, ect.. but don't follow their own rules? Yes, we are all fallible, imperfect creatures.. but you can usually tell when someone is at least trying to do things the way that they purport to believe is the right way. I know that Christians were instructed to avoid judging others, and to basically mind their own business, aside from preaching the good news about God. However, it's difficult to ignore the number of people who seem to think that they can go do whatever the **** they want to do and go confess/pray it all away. Sexual immorality, illegal activities, dishonesty, you name it. It really disgusts me when I look around and see so many people who say one thing and then do another. At least a person who doesn't claim to be a devout believer in a strict moral code isn't breaking their own rules and looking like a total phony.
So, what do you think? Can you think of a worse example of hypocrisy? How many religious people do you know that seem like they really are trying to live their lives in accordance with the morals and rules that they claim to believe in?
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