If someone was breaking into my house I wouldn't mess with them unless they were trying to hurt me or my family but if all they want is a game console or some money, thats not worth risking my life. On the other hand if he is going to hurt me or family I'll take that chance.
Also it feels as when I was reading this thread that Americans are getting blamed for the situation that they are in but the right to bear arms is much older than anyone on this board and back then it proberly made more sense. Nowadays guns shouldn't be nessesary but as been said in this thread a gun amnisty wouldn't help make matters better. I also renember a knife amnisty in the UK a while ago I believe that knife crime acually rose during that weekend, now I know thats a coinsidance as there is no way you could a rise in knife crime with an knife amnisty but I thought it was pretty funny and shows that criminals arn't bothered with amnistys.
At the end of the day if someone breaks into my house and trys to hurt me or my family and I have a gun then I'm not going pondor wheather it's right or wheather I should shoot him in the legs or check if he has a gun I'm just going to shoot.
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