Not only is the US the center of the world but we have the best country in the history of the world. We are by far not perfect but much better then most of the world.
What was the last world changing thing that we invented that spread knowledge throughout the world like never before...oh, that's right---the internet and the first personal computer. That's to name a couple. Yeah, but the US sucks amirite?
Before you bash the US ask yourself what the last major thing was that your country did even in the ballpark of inventions like the internet, pc or even the automobile, airplanes, light bulbs, cable tv, supersonic flight, radio carbon dating, the atomic clock, gps and so on.
yes because who needs things like medicine when you have the internet...
Yeah, we don't do much in that area either./sarcasm
you seem to have missed the point, you claim the USA to be the greatest nation ever because they invented the internet, sorry to have stopped at medicine i could have thrown in the navy or more general science, or gone further and thrown in say aquaducts
id love to have seen the USA rock up in india or china and say "we invented the internet, you are now our colony" or even when the original european settlers came over wouldnt it have been cool if native americans could have said "we dont need you here, we have cable tv"
:roll: greatest nation ever my left bollock
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