If Obama does give Israel a Nuclear shield.. Wouldnt that fulfil the prophecy of the anti-christ offering a peace treaty to Israel?
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If Obama does give Israel a Nuclear shield.. Wouldnt that fulfil the prophecy of the anti-christ offering a peace treaty to Israel?
"Peace" tends to involve "Not fighting."TheokhothIt's sad when one has to say such obvious statements when they should already be obvious. >_>
It baffles me as to why the U.S. still supports Israel. There's got to be some kind of monetary gain in doing so.
Go ahead and do it Israel, it'll be the death knell of the existence of a Jewish state if you do, though. The only reason Israel exists in the first place is because of post-Holocaust sympathy, if they invade Iran it's going to turn the entire region against them and when the dust clears and Israel is no more there's not going to be anywhere near enough support for rebuilding a Jewish state internationally because of their policies of apartheid and forceful imperialism. Personally, I'd like to see Palestine and Israel come to a settlement that suits both parties and I don't support the idea that Israel shouldn't exist, but if Israel does this then they're signing their own death warrant.
If this turns out to be true I could see support to go to war from American's growing even if its supposedly just 5 companies doing it
and if that we're the case Israel would not be alone
I am not sure if this is true though since the only source I could find is Fox News and there source is a webpage that isn't working now
either way I pretty much support Israel in whatever they do and always have
Really? :? I think the world is better off if we can all just chill out and stop murdering each other.israel seems to be the bully here. not iran. i hope iran wiped them off the map
If Obama does give Israel a Nuclear shield.. Wouldnt that fulfil the prophecy of the anti-christ offering a peace treaty to Israel?
What prophecy? :?
This oneDo you think Israel is a user on this board?Go ahead and do it Israel, it'll be the death knell of the existence of a Jewish state if you do, though. The only reason Israel exists in the first place is because of post-Holocaust sympathy, if they invade Iran it's going to turn the entire region against them and when the dust clears and Israel is no more there's not going to be anywhere near enough support for rebuilding a Jewish state internationally because of their policies of apartheid and forceful imperialism. Personally, I'd like to see Palestine and Israel come to a settlement that suits both parties and I don't support the idea that Israel shouldn't exist, but if Israel does this then they're signing their own death warrant.
I'm all for Israel wiping Iran off the face of the Earth.airshocker
israel seems to be the bully here. not iran. i hope iran wipes them off the mapGrabTheYayoAnd that's why the middle-east peace process will fail.
[QUOTE="theone86"]Do you think Israel is a user on this board?Go ahead and do it Israel, it'll be the death knell of the existence of a Jewish state if you do, though. The only reason Israel exists in the first place is because of post-Holocaust sympathy, if they invade Iran it's going to turn the entire region against them and when the dust clears and Israel is no more there's not going to be anywhere near enough support for rebuilding a Jewish state internationally because of their policies of apartheid and forceful imperialism. Personally, I'd like to see Palestine and Israel come to a settlement that suits both parties and I don't support the idea that Israel shouldn't exist, but if Israel does this then they're signing their own death warrant.
I was using the royal you, ya know, the editorial.
And that's why the middle-east peace process will fail.godwhydoibother
I'm pretty sure little ol' me has nothing to do with whether the peace process fails or succeeds. I'm not that important.
I was using the royal you, ya know, the editorial.theone86Yeah,I got that-a bit overdramatic,wouldn't you say? It feels like a juvenile rant....
Not to be a wet blanket to all this country wiping going on...but neither Israel nor Iran have the capabilities to- 1)wipe each other off the face of the map. 2)engage each other in land combat. 3)Invade each other.grape_of_wrathThanks this saved me from saying all this
[QUOTE="godwhydoibother"]And that's why the middle-east peace process will fail.airshocker
I'm pretty sure little ol' me has nothing to do with whether the peace process fails or succeeds. I'm not that important.
Which is probably a good thing.It's too late for Israel to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, even then, an attack would unify Iran behind their President -- and possibly the Arab world against Israel. While I do not deny that Israel would kick their asses, the loss of life would be huge.Stevo_the_gamerisrael cant do jack without america's help
israel cant do jack without america's help Not true any idea how many weapons systems israel develops that the us buys[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]It's too late for Israel to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, even then, an attack would unify Iran behind their President -- and possibly the Arab world against Israel. While I do not deny that Israel would kick their asses, the loss of life would be huge.GrabTheYayo
Am i the only person who is seriously terrified of the thought of two major countries going to war in this day and age? So many countries have nukes, it'd be the end of the world. Ninja-Hippoi live in peaceful canada where nukes will not come our way. im good. the rest of the world can just duke it out with each other
more sabre ratteling?
nothing really to get worked up about.
if there is combat it'll likely be two things. airplanes, and lobbing missles at each other.
I frankly see Iran's constant posturing, declaration, and threats as a mere tool to buy themselves times to make the bomb. Not to mention Israel hasn't been mum on the issue either.
When they get it, i'm inclined to think Iran will use it as a game changing chip, for not only maintaing the current regime, but to use it as a huge political and symbolic tool to the rest of the Arab world (who are mostly allied to the West). and continue to grow it's hegemony. When clerics are inclined to speak hate and convince those ignorant or weak willed to commit suicide attacks. I'd like to think when radical clerics themselves got the bomb, rationalism quickly sets in...
really the only force that could really knock out Iran, would be the United States.
Which is probably a good thing.godwhydoibother
That is entirely debatable.
I'm not the only one that thinks no more Iran is a very good thing. I also happen to think no more North Korea is a good thing.
Those are not debatable.
[QUOTE="godwhydoibother"]Which is probably a good thing.airshocker
That is entirely debatable.
I'm not the only one that thinks no more Iran is a very good thing. I also happen to think no more North Korea is a good thing.
Those are not debatable.
and..... what would replace Iran? Persia?israel cant do jack without america's help
Uh, buddy, they've had our help for damn near half a century. They would **** Iran up like it's no one's business.
and..... what would replace Iran? Persia?SaudiFury
I don't really care who replaces Iran. It would be quite clear that you don't **** with Israel.
i live in peaceful canada where nukes will not come our way. im good. the rest of the world can just duke it out with each other You know if the USA gets nuked Canada would be seeing alot of the fallout from the wind blowing it your way and such[QUOTE="Ninja-Hippo"]Am i the only person who is seriously terrified of the thought of two major countries going to war in this day and age? So many countries have nukes, it'd be the end of the world. GrabTheYayo
[QUOTE="godwhydoibother"]Which is probably a good thing.airshocker
That is entirely debatable.
I'm not the only one that thinks no more Iran is a very good thing. I also happen to think no more North Korea is a good thing.
Those are not debatable.
no iran = no oil. no israel = nothing will i rather have israel iran = no oil. no israel = nothing will i rather have israel go.
Ever hear of Saudi Arabia?
Which is probably a good thing.godwhydoibother
That is entirely debatable.
I'm not the only one that thinks no more Iran is a very good thing. I also happen to think no more North Korea is a good thing.
Those are not debatable.
no iran = no oil. no israel = nothing will i rather have israel go. How about nobody goes?airshocker - judging by your genocidal predilictions and their tough-guy, testosterone-drenched delivery, I'm going to guess that you are or have been involved in the military. Yes?godwhydoibother
Lol. This is not acting very tough. This is just saying what nearly everyone in the world is thinking.
And yes, I was in the Air Force for six years.
no iran = no oil. no israel = nothing will i rather have israel go.
Ever hear of Saudi Arabia?
ya and how much oil do you think one country to make? do you know how expensive oil will be? you think russia and china will let useless zionist israel wipe iran off the map? nah buddy.....usa and israel both will get wiped off the map.ya and how much oil do you think one country to make? do you know how expensive oil will be? you think russia and china will let useless zionist israel wipe iran off the map? nah buddy.....usa and israel both will get wiped off the map.
Considering Saudi Arabia puts out the most oil...I'm not too concerned.
Russia and China wouldn't do jack and I'm sorry to ruin your fantasies, but the USA won't be going anywhere either.
And anti-semitic much?
[QUOTE="godwhydoibother"]airshocker - judging by your genocidal predilictions and their tough-guy, testosterone-drenched delivery, I'm going to guess that you are or have been involved in the military. Yes?airshocker
Lol. This is not acting very tough. This is just saying what nearly everyone in the world is thinking.
And yes, I was in the Air Force for six years.
Even in 1944, only 10% of the US population supported the total destruction of Japan. Rest assured, your desire for the genocidal destruction of Iran is limited to a small group of manic xenophobes such as yourself.Please Log In to post.
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