Almost every religious person in the world believes what they do because they were taught to as a child. This is not a generalization. This is a fact. I know there are exceptions, and I'm sure there are some on this very forum, but don't pretend like child indoctrination isn't used excessively around the world.
So I ask you, why is this acceptable? In today's society, it would not be acceptable for me to pick my child's spouse, his political party, or his future career choices. These are decisions we generally leave our children to make for when they are responsible enough to do so. However, it is acceptable for us to pick the religion they will likely follow for the rest of their lives. Shouldn't a choice this important be left up to the individual? Shouldn't they have to the right to decide for themselve what religious path they will follow, or if they will even be religious at all? By pressuring beliefs on our children at a young age, we are robbing them of this choice. And please, don't give me that crap about "Well they can choose to believe something else when they're older." We all know that after an entire childhood of being raised to be follow a certain religion, it can be difficult to change your beliefs later on in life. In a world of advanced science, there is reason why religion is so prevalent, and it is because of this immoral practice of child indoctrination.
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