[QUOTE="l4dak47"] Fast food kills you. Soda kills you. Living kills you. In the end, we're all dead. leviathan91
and drugs make life while we're here.Why encourage it? and if you really think like that, I imagine your life is pretty awful.
Making drugs legal might actually make it unpopular. LINK
I've never done any illegal drugs. I've drank alcohol but never became an alcoholic. I've smoked a cigar once, I wasn't addicted. But I see no reason to why the drugs that are illegal should stay that way when it can be decriminalized and regulated. Yeah, those curious enough will try it out, that's a guarantee, but a first try won't automatically make you an addict, nor will it lead to higher crime.
For me, it's a matter of practicality and reasoning - Why send non-violent offenders to jail for smoking a joint or doing heroin? Why are we allowing SWAT teams to bust into a house over some joint? Why are we spending so much on the drug war when its result only led to overcrowding in jail and an encroachment on our civil liberties?
The Drug War is impractical and unreasonable.
That's decriminalization, something I think is actually worth looking into, not legalization. If decriminalization ever came up on the ballot, I'd vote in favor of it, but I know full legalization would cause problems.Yeah everybody plays with soft drugs. I know I did in college, but there is a big difference between alcohol and coke.
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