Highlighted: NO YOU ARE NOT! Take away guns and you simply take away one weapon. There are COUNTLESS other weapons that can be used, crossbows, longbows, swords, maces, daggers, darts, blowguns, cannon, rockets, gauntlets, fists, etc. ad endless nauseaum. And even if you weren't to take away all guns, you still have to deal with an undefeatable black market for the weapons.
Because I do not see the reason to go and fight for something I see as a lost cause. The "war on terror", for instance, is a lost cause because you cannot uproot a terrorist organization by brute force. Those mothers would probably demand my head on a platter, but that doesn't stop me from being right. Warfare is, ultimately and unfortunately, the final solution of any and all human beings, be it as simple as punching out the offender or detonating a nuclear weapon in the enemy's capitol. I don't like it, but I accept violence as being the final solution for all of man's problems. We, normally, take every step available to avoid it and only use violence as a last resort. There are notable exceptions, but generally speaking that is the way.
the red wouldn't exist without the help of guns. Fighting against guns is not a lost cause, Countries like Canada and parts of Europe have been able to keep a stable control on guns. Your not right not in the least bit. War, Fighting violence...yeah its in our blood and theres no chance of world peace but there are ways to water this problem down. Putting guns in the hands of teachers is not a positive solution to school shootings. Detectors, tighter security and self defense, for the teachers can be though! I want you to step foot on a battle field...and tell me thats the right way to solve a problem. I can tell by the way you talk you have never experienced any sort of violence whether it be by fist or gun...Im sure the extent of your knowledge goes to TV books and video games. Trust me, if you experienced any tragedy that a gun or war has caused you wouldn't speak like this!
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