I think Bush is more of the same garbage Washington has been pimping out to all of us for decades. We are supposed to fear people different than us who want to change our lifestyle. Communists, Nazis, Muslims etc. while our own country is ignored. Katrina, the Big Dig, the Freedom Tower (NY) and the bridge collapsing etc are examples of what our country is NOT able to accomplish anymore because our attention, money, and able-bodied men and women are in the wrong place. More government spending is not necessary - it is just necessary to take what we are spending now and put it where it is needed. And that includes money we are forced to pay to insurance, pharmaceutical, and oil companies, among others who the current administration allows to run wild and bleed us dry.
You got that right on Bush Engrish, I disagree with a lot of his viewpoints and think we needed a stronger president. But who were the alternatives, Gore and Kerry? Both of those idiots would've been just as mediocre as Bush has been. Here's where I think you're wrong on the stance that we're "supposed to fear" those who are different, however.
1. Communists and Nazis were terribly, terribly evil regimes in the past, there's no disputing that fact. No capitalist nation ever systematically murdered over 6 million people because they were Jews, or committed the Treuenbrietzen massacre, etc. etc.
Katrina (while it broke my heart for the victims) had much better support then the media reported. Private organizations such as the big, evil, corporate WALMART donated over a thousand truckloads of supplies, in fact, Walmart is the 3rd largest charitable organization in the world. And the bottom line is this: It sounds heartless, but the government wasn't to blame for people refusing to evaccuate. FEMA has issues, but our government is vastly better then most of the world at disaster assistance. Look at what's happening in Burma and China right now.
Corporations aren't the enemy. Big Oil, Big pharm and the like aren't evil, faceless mechanisms. They're publicly traded assets that make money, bottom line.
We don't always agree, but I respect your opinions Engrish. Heck, Jefferson and Adams didn't get along a lot of the time and look at what they accomplished!
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