[QUOTE="GabuEx"][QUOTE="th3warr1or"]This also makes...some sense. Except the part where you still can be forgiven for Blaspheming against God. th3warr1or
The reason, as I understand it, for why blasphemy against God and the Son is forgivable is because someone who does so very likely does not know any better, and is still in a state where they have not beheld and appreciated them. The Holy Spirit can more or less be thought of as the personification of the force of God acting on us, compelling us to turn from sin and act in sincere love. Raging against God and Jesus before having truly witnessed this force is one thing; having truly experienced this force and still to reject everything is entirely different.
Holy... This logic hit me like a blessed truck... I mean it with NO Sarcasm when I say this makes a lot of sense. Looks like we're getting somewhere. I like this answer. Well, I probably should insert the caveat that, although I consider myself a Christian in that I follow Jesus, I am not one who feels as though he can take seriously anymore the assertion that the Bible, cover to cover, is the one true divinely inspired word of God, and as such, I am probably one of those whose fruits fundamentalist Christians would ascribe to the devil and whose understanding of the contents of the Bible they would consider human and imperfect... so you may or may not want to listen to me in your quest to get an answer from a "knowledgable Christian". :P
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