I'm starting to get worried that the writers really screwed up with this episode, that they didn't have everything planned from the beginning and that they are simply trying to make sense of everything by putting things together at the last minute.
Here's what I mean: In "House of the Rising Sun", where we first see Adam and Eve, Jack said that the bodies were not older than 40 or 50 years. "Across the Sea" clearly takes place hundreds of years earlier. So unless the writers have some unbelieavable explanation (maybe some more time travel) for how the bodies and the rocks moved through time, that could be a serious mess up that really ****s up the continuity of the show. I have my fingers crossed this wasn't a mistake by the writers.
But its these kinds of contradictions that we saw in this episode such as in the behaviour of Jacob and MiB that has me worried, it just felt out of place. The episode was just incomplete overall, it needed to answer all the questions it presented us.
There is a VERY simple and obvious solution to that, that makes perfect sense.
You can see it right here on Gamespot, every single day. Or probably at your job, or at school.
Jack was simply talking out of his ass. He had absolutely no idea how old the skeletons were, he just made up a number, and people believed him because he spoke with authority.
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