@Shmiity said:
@Johnny-n-Roger said:
@Shmiity said:
Yes, some aspects of socialism are good. I like when the socialist snow plows fix my roads, I like public school, I like social security and medicare. The government should protect the well being of its people. Public colleges should be free, and healthcare should be a right. 100 years ago people thought graduating highschool was a huge goal, now we need college degrees to compete. The world is changing and America needs to as well.
I ran into a lady recently who said public school should be abolished and I cried for humanity.
Then there's the fact that neither "snow plows" nor pubic schooling are federally funded. Social security isn't a "lock box" fund and probably won't exist in 30 years.
Healthcare is already a right. No health provider can deny you treatment and no insurance provider can deny you health insurance.
If college is the new "standard" then a college degree is further devalued. There aren't even enough colleges for everyone to go to college. If I didn't go to college should I now be able to attend college for free? Should those who paid for college be reimbursed for what they paid? Should those with student loan debt also be reimbursed?
The funds and infrastructure would ensure that you paid 100% income tax for your degree. Then again, everyone's going to college, so who's paying?
As far as public schooling being abolished, you obviously assumed like a self-entitled know-it-all that she meant "no moar skoolz". No, she was talking about privatizing the education sector, which might not be a bad idea. Common core is bullshit.
Health care is NOT a right. American health care is great- if you can afford it. And fact is- millions of people cannot. That is unacceptable. How can you look at me through the internet and say a child should be denied medication or a doctor's visit because the family cant afford it? Co-pays and deductibles are crippling.
and Yes you should be able to go to public college for free. Every single citizen, regardless of income level, should be able to go to school.
Hey jack ass- I absolutely understood that she wanted to privatize education, and that is a tragic error. What was the USA's literacy rate before the implementation of public school? Go check it out. What do you want? millions of uneducated, starving people in the streets? Not every citizen can afford private education, obviously. Come on, dude.
Common core IS bullshit... kind of. Should have educational standards? Yes, totally. But right now, teachers being forced to teach to a standardized test is killing our education system, if you ask me.
A right is something that you can do. You can have healthcare. You have to have healthcare or you get penalized. If you can't afford healthcare you're already on medicaid so you're not making this argument. You can own a gun, but that doesn't mean they should be handing them out. You're making two separate arguments by failing to distinguish between "right" and "granted entitlement". Once again, you cannot, under any circumstances, be denied treatment. Crippling what? Are you regurgitating information or do you actually know what you're talking about? Premiums and deductibles nearly doubled for most American's because of a law passed that REQUIRED everyone to have healthcare.
It's impossible for everyone to go to college for free. Someone has to pay for it at some point. It's not as simple as "OMG ALL THIS TIME WE'VE BEEN PAYING FOR WHAT SHOULD BE FREE? WHAT A SCAM". The economy doesn't work like that. Free = no cost for you. Free =/= no cost. The cost is accrued to the people not going to college. This is completely unconstitutional.
Hey uninformed individual, you really have to go back in a time machine to find literacy rate prior to public schools. The education system has become corrupt with teachers unions.
No, privatizing the school system would still give one the right to education, but you would be given a credit and be able to choose your own school, not be forced to attend a shitty public school that teaches you the leftist ideologies that you advocate without teaching accounting or economics to help you realize that you can't "make it rain" on campuses. Notice how the USPS had to step it up a bit when it had to compete with a private sector entity known as FED-EX? Public schools have no legitimate competition and no real incentive to give anyone the best education.
You're the case-in-point of the whole thread.
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