@sSubZerOo said:
@bmanva said:
@AlexKidd5000 said:
The argument is that we should also have a decent standard of living, having a shitty cramped apartment with nothing in it, is not a decent standard of living. Stop the victim blaming.
What exactly are they victims of? Plenty of people have excelled under worse circumstances.
Plenty of people survived getting shot in the chest.. In what fucking world is this a legitimate argument in trying to claim something is not so bad.. Hey guys the Rwanda Genocide was bad, but lets not forget that we had plenty of people able to survive the Holocaust.. What ever happened to the United States being the best? It seems like the crowd that chest pounds about this the most are the very same people with these kind of ridiculous points of view like this that complete contradict the prior.
The United States is better than that and such circumstances should not be ignored to begin WITH..
When will people get through their damned heads the actual parasites of the system are the extremely rich and corporations? A parasite is a organism that tricks their host into working for them.. The poor have absolutely no economic or political power it the system, and most government motions have hardly benefited them compared to corporations.. Meanwhile corporations are receiving record profits, have the greatest influence in our political system since the 1880s, and we have actual proof of them doing unethical and illegal things like the Panama papers.. Where we are seeing global evidence that the top politicains in power, all around the world, have amassed illegal fortunes fleecing the system against the people for their own gain.. Who spoke out about Panama before this? Oh that's right Bernie Sanders 4 years back questioning the outright obvious corruption with the trade deal with the country..
How in the hell can any one here suggest that this is a good system? When we have people in poverty, children born into poverty, substandard infrastructure around the country harming people, workers rights being dismantled for decades now all around the country.. Meanwhile we have been seeing the massive growth of profits of the largest corporations who are paying some of the smallest taxes.. Companies like GE actually haven't paid taxes for a few years, alittle while back, and in fact the US gave them money instead.. GE than cut jobs in the United States.. Currently these corporations have their cake and our eating it.. They are taking advantage of the benefits of the system while completely circumventing the cost the benefits require to keep the system healthy.
How is poverty like being shot in the chest though? While law that protect someone being shot make sense since it results in no loss of someone else's right, law that protect someone from being poor doesn't because it equates to reducing someone else's earned wealth to balance out. My point with the latter statement is referring to the fact that the underprivileged had same level of if not more success in improving their situations before SJW intervention. US was the "best" long before and is the "best" in spite of social welfare and handouts as the case with many of the socialist "utopias", so I failed to see the relevance.
The United States actually ranks much lower in actual vertical economic movement compared to numerous other western nations.. And why are you even talking about SJW? No one even talked about them and this has absolutely nothing to do with what we are talking about.. The fact of the matter is older gens could afford much more on much lower pay due to numerous things.. The Older gens had it far easier economically when it came to actual costs of living than they do now..
The "extremely rich and corporations" are not parasites because they are the ones responsible for generating most wealth.
No they are not.. This is a symbiotic relationships genious.. Companies can not exist with out the infastrucutre the government builds for them to operate on them.. And they can not operate with out a educated workbase which the government helps creat and the workers help factilitiate.. This entire view point really illustrates you have no idea what your talking about in economics.. There is no one direct factor but a multitude of things.. And yes by definition they are indeed parasites.. Major corporations have been swaying US government policy against public wishes for decades now and have made themselves out to be a boon.. This is a actual definition of what a parasite is. Our foreign defensive policy is a major posterchild of this in wasting trillions of dollars in tax payer money for gigantic defensive forces in which the next 25 nations budgets are less than the US's combined.
They are the ones with the capacity to offer opportunities to most segment of the population.
No they are not.. They have as much capacity now to destroy a persons opportunity due to cartel and monopoly like practices as they do facilitating them.
This myth that proletariat alone can succeed and thrive in have already been debunked by failure of all real world implementation of communism.
Are you just this stupid? No one here is even talking about socialism or communism.. The only thing that is being argued is the clamping down on the corporate oligarchy with new regulation and restrictions that existed YEARS past.. Eisenhower must have been a socialist.. Teddy Roosevelt must have been a socialist..
Economic power is equal regardless of status; a dollar from a poor person has the exact same buying power as a dollar from the rich.
Are you this dense? You seriously think a multi billionare corporation has the same say in economic policy and government policy as the working class poor? Because they don't what so ever.. Are you this dillusional of how American politics currently work? Because the working class poor have the lowest amount of actual sway in politics..
Now if we are talking about economic power as represented by accumulation of wealth, then that's the way it SHOULD be. As for political representation, that's the result of government encroachment of the market. It's no coincidence that economic freedom correlate with freedom from corruption. The more government asserts itself into the economy, the more the corporations will be driven to "buy" off politicians.
LOL I love this shit.. When the corporations are abusing shit through government, its the GOVERNMENTS fault!.. We have too much.. So lets dismantle the government so WHAT few restrictions the corporations have on them don't exist! What a brilliant idea.. Lets make the abuse EVEN WORSE where they have absolutely NO oversight what so ever..
Affirmative action is another good example of government intervention that is meant to "right" a perceived imbalance but actual execution not only did not help the individuals it meant to help but resulted in creating further imbalance.
We aren't even talking about that.. We are talking about basic shit.. Like anti corruption, monopoly laws.. Overturning citizens United.. STopping the crusade of union busting and stripping of workers rights all across the states.. Preventing the continual attack on environmental laws which are meant to keep your sorry ass safe from having a safe water supply..
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