[QUOTE="FrostyPhantasm"] Let's blame the media, all black females in television and cinema are angry fat women who get super angry. mrbojangles25
I blame people who lack the ability to think of people as individuals.
I blame the people who perpetuate the stereotypes. Its pretty tough to not stereotype people when, in action, theyre essentially reinforcing it.
"No, not all black women are like that. That is just a lie"
*watches video of black girls beating up pregnant girl on bus*
"OK, but still, thats just one incident"
*watches video of black girls beating up another girl*
"Sigh...I give up."
Overall I agree with you, we are all individuals with our own actions, and those actions unfortunately fall into stereotypical actions (I am overweight, and once a month I like a good cheeseburger, thats a stereotypical fattie action, but that is not who I am because 28 days a month I eat healthy). But you cannot blame people at the same time for thinking "oh just more black girls being angry" anymore than I can blame others for thinking "Wow, that guy is too fat to be eating that"
There are, sadly, a lot of pessimists out there that simply assume the worst about people.
No, it's not tough to not stereotype. One simply has to uset heir brain and not ignore the fact that not all black girls are "angry" and that girls of other races get angry as well. If these people cannot use common sense and stop thinking in generalizations, then I can blame them.
And if a person watches a video and makes generalizations based on it, they don't have their critical thinking caps on.
The "fat" comparison is invalid because there is nothing linking blacks to "anger" the same way that food is linked with fatness. Alot of people get angry. However, I do think "he shouldn't be eating that because he's too fat" is a stupid idea though. Even overweight people can eat a cheeseburger once in awhile.
It's also ridiculous to think that everytime a black girls overreacts, she's re-inorfcing a stereotype. What happened to the idea that some people simply overreact? Why does it have to say anything about black girls?
I swear, people are downright addicted to generalizations and stereotypes. It's like some people simply can't forumlate thoughts without them (not talking about you of course) and can't refrain from making judgments on huge groups of people.
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