This was not made to offend in any way. Please read all of this before posting.
Hello atheists, agnostics, and theists of Gamespot. Tonight I have come to spread some divine wisdom that suddenly struck me right before I was about to fall asleep. I've known this for awhile, but there are many atheists on Gamespot and the internet in general. No, I am not saying that your beliefs are wrong, but some of your reasons why science can disprove religion are really bogus. I'm not trying to preach or anything, I just want to address these problems and explain why I think that they are wrong.
So divine wisdom suddenly struck you right before you were about to go to sleep? Also where do you get the idea that atheists are simply atheists because of science? What about the burden of proof? Evidence for what you claim to believe? It's not atheists that are making these extraordinary claims, we simply don't believe in god. We don't "claim" to know how the universe was created, we don't claim to know how everything around us was formed, some look towards the big bang and other theories and some of their own ideas, but one thing all atheists do share in common is the disbelief in god.
Many people who choose not to follow any religion say that their reasoning is based on science, whether it be the big bang or evolution. I respect those who aren't religious just because nothing seems to fit with them. Claiming that something totally unrelated to religion can disprove religion just grinds my gears every time I have to read the same excuse.
Actually the reasoning is firstly based on the absence of evidence that god does exist. We don't simply look up in the sky and claim some imaginary guy did it, we look for the evidence and then use that evidence to prove that the world/universe doesn't need a god to exist. With that also comes the common understanding that while we don't have all the answers, it doesn't mean that god does exist. Science can only be used to disprove religion in the sense that we can use it to prove we don't need a god to exist. Explain how we are supposed to disprove a unfalsifiable hypothesis? We can't, it's just called using logic.
You might ask me, "How do you know there is a God?" My answer is that I just take a look around myself. Objects can be broken down by what exactly they are made up, whether it be material, element, or even how many protons, electrons, and neutrons there are in it. You might now be asking "Well how does this prove in your belief of a God?" My answer for that is that we don't know how the elements were created, or how atoms came to be. In my own opionion, I would believe that a divine entity created everything in the universe, and that we are slowly understanding what anything is made of through science.
Which is pretty common for the average religious person. "I just look around at the world, I don't see how all this could have been made without a god, something just cannot come from nothing!" and yet all this shows is ignorance towards science. It's the ability to look up at the world and disregard actual thought while taking the easy road and claiming "god did it "
Then there are those that "disprove" religion by pointing at the theory of evolution. To me, evolution and Christianity goes hand in hand. The first book, Genesis, can fit right into evolution. Genesis tells about the birth of our species while mixing in metaphors and mythology. Who knows if the first human male and female were ever named Adam and Eve, but if that's what God wants them to be called, then so be it. Everything before the creation of humans through evolution was never really spoken about in the Bible, because it doesn't have any relevancy towards God's interaction with Humans.
What about other religions? Christians claim their beliefs are right, yet disregard others and how is this any different from any other atheist that argues against religion? The only difference is when atheists argue, we argue against all religion. You want to make imaginary links between Gensis and evolution to further claim your beliefs are valid, how is this any different then the atheist looking towards evolution and other theories in a way to say that we don't need a god to exist. The problem with god is that you can change who he is, what he is, how he is etc at a whim, so when a theory like evolution does come along you can make imaginary links between the two.
Finally, the last way that atheists try to claim that a religion couldn't possibly be right is by claiming that the big bang created everything in the universe. In my mind, creationism and the big bang fit perfectly together. A God could have started the events that lead to the big bang occuring. After all the elements are done settling down in space, he forms the Earth for a few million or billions of years to make it hospitable for humans to live on.
Refer to what I said above, this is why atheists cannot disprove god because god is different to every person. World isn't 6000 years old, world isn't flat, earth revolves around the sun not the other way around etc yet you guys can so easily change what you believe to make it fit within your religion. Even though we can disprove large sections of the bible, look at large parts of it with disgust (How many people did god kill in the bible again?) you can change it. "It's the context not to be taken literally, it was just a test, god was just angry because humanity hurt his feelings" etc You can make the story up as you go. Adding links between religion and the big bang and evolution is the same thing and while you can make it make sense, it doesn't mean it's a valid.
Then there are those that don't follow a religion, because they say that religions are too restrictive. You don't have to have the Bible or a priest dictate how you must follow your life. Go ahead and live the way you want to live. Sin a little, nobody is perfect. Just don't sin to spite God. I have only read the first two books of the Bible, yet I can say that I believe in Christianity. When I read the Bible, I read it for divine inspiration, not to learn what I am and am not supposed to do.
The bible in itself is restrictive, it's Christians who pick and choose what they want to believe from it and live their life that way. Which is why you have Christians who are homosexual and Christians in prison who have raped and killed.
Well I'm sorry that this was really long, but I had to get this out of my brain and onto paper. Tell me what you think about my thoughts.
Maybe this will give you a better idea of god:
(cant link gamespot has crappy editor)
Response is in bold
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