So is this now a thread about gun control now?
The could have used a knife instead, do we blame the knife? Do we ban them now? He could have killed people with anything he wanted. You can't blame the object, it's just a tool, the person is to blame for their actions. Put a gun on a table and tell it to "shoot someone", it won't do anything. You know why? Because only a person can hurt someone with it.
Ever notice how all these massacres always happen in places where no one is allowed to bring guns into? Schools, hospitials, movie theaters, you know why? Because the gunman knows the people are unarmed and helpless, if he knew people in there had guns as well he would never commit an act of violence there.
Stop blaming guns, blame the person and blame yourself for not taking personal responsibility for your actions.
you just said it yourself they were unarmed and helpless. I honestly see the gun debate clearly from both sides. I mean i feel people should be able to have guns if they want and im not even a fan of that at all as guns do far more harm than good. I also see it from the other side though you say it could have been a knife but it couldn't have. He maybe stabs one person and that's all hes gonna get because people are gonna go and stop him. Also that stab wound most likely wont be fatal unless hes a trained killer. When a guy has access to an arsenal that rivals the guns in video games then it changes things because only then can he go and massacre a movie theather. I mean yes the weapon is only a tool but which is worse a made man with a butter knife or one with a nuke? There is no way to solve the issue imo without upsetting one of the sides.
His guns may have been illegal, he did have a glock handgun which is legal, but he also had an AR assault rifle, which is single fire only, but someone could illegaly modify it for full auto. I don't know the exact details of the weapons he used though.
What is strange is he used the emergency exit, usually these are locked from the outside, someone must have opened it up for him. It's what some investigators are saying.
I own guns myself, I know how to shoot them and I am responsible with them. I have long guns for hunting and a 2 handguns, one is a 38 special Smith and Wesson snub nose which I used to use for conceal carry for protection.
I don't like it when people tell me I shouldn't be allowed to own fire arms, it feels like they want to disarm me. Criminals would love a gun ban because that would make it impossible for law abiding citizens to protect themselves, criminals will always have fire arms through the black market, which most gun crimes are using illegal weapons in the first place.
Don't worry about upsetting both sides, that's just politics for you. People will always get upset. My stance is that they should do better background checks and have mental health checks as well, I also think people need to be knowledgable about gun safety and how to use them, especially handguns BEFORE they are allowed to purchase one.
A lot of people just get guns because they want to be "cool" and are just dumbasses, I see it all the time at firing ranges. I don't think those people should have guns.
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