i watch fox and hln some but i take neither serious,especially when it comes to foreign policy.
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I am not defending ACORN, but the fact they brought it down with a report that was fraudlent and wrong? There were many things to go after the organization, but the fact they brought it down with a complete lie doesn't irk in the least?
Are you seriously concerned that an organization who wanted to help a fake prostitute and pimp break the law was destroyed?
Seriously, I know you're a liberal, but this goes waaaaaay beyond our different ideologies.
[QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"]Ban all its newscasters from america with me :lol:..i'm a neoconservative bigot racist extremist radical christian after all :P..airshocker
Yes, you dirty conservative you! Get out of this liberal country and bring your nonsense to...France! :P
But..but..:x i have no comeback to that..:([QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"]i'm a neoconservative bigot racist extremist radical christian after all :P..Sajo7I'm a bleeding heart hippy apologist ammoral communist. Gee labels are hard to keep track of. Oh nevermind :x..
I am not defending ACORN, but the fact they brought it down with a report that was fraudlent and wrong? There were many things to go after the organization, but the fact they brought it down with a complete lie doesn't irk in the least?
Are you seriously concerned that an organization who wanted to help a fake prostitute and pimp break the law was destroyed?
Seriously, I know you're a liberal, but this goes waaaaaay beyond our different ideologies.
Strawman, cute. So you don't have a problem with the news blatantly lying?[QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"]But..but..:x i have no comeback to that..:(airshocker
Hah! Victory is mine. :)
I will have to act in a radically christian manner to overcome you... *Forgives Airshocker and prays for him for hours* :P..[QUOTE="GabuEx"][QUOTE="StopThePresses"] Lately? :lol:Logan1616
What are you talking about, Fox News has always been fair and balanced.
Teh lolz are killing me!!!! :P I know! especially when you look at those images[multiple exclamation points to emphasize previous sentence] :lol:People still listen to what Obama says? He lost any credibiity with everybody but the far left (most of this forum) months ago.
I am not defending ACORN, but the fact they brought it down with a report that was fraudlent and wrong? There were many things to go after the organization, but the fact they brought it down with a complete lie doesn't irk in the least?
Are you seriously concerned that an organization who wanted to help a fake prostitute and pimp break the law was destroyed?
........................................................ If you actually looked it up you will see they didnt' help them and thats what I was talking about.. That entire segment was a complete lie and edited.. That right after the head of that department called the police about them..
Seriously, I know you're a liberal, but this goes waaaaaay beyond our different ideologies.
No I do not consider my self a liberal, nor am I defending ACORN in the least.. I am pointing out that ACORN was brought down by a report that was fradulent and completely WRONG.. How are we suppose to trust this new organization in bringing down completely legitimate organizations based on similar reports that are compeltely false? You can't..
Oh what do we have here? Another liberal I hate Fox news thread? Yaaaaay!
I am pretty certain its more then just "liberals" that despise Fox news especially after the numerous snafu's they have done.. The whole ACORN coverage by Fox was clear evidence of this..
However, as I pointed out earlier, people who take Fox News seriously could probably find "liberal bias" in a hamburger. :P I think it was airshocker the other day who said that GabuEx is about as far to the left as you can get. I guess he's never seen EMOEVOLUTION's posts... :lol:Strawman, cute. So you don't have a problem with the news blatantly lying?Sajo7
Asking a legitimate question. I don't care what you think about Fox News, but if you're seriously taking the side of Acorn...I don't know what to say to you.
I am not defending ACORN, but the fact they brought it down with a report that was fraudlent and wrong? There were many things to go after the organization, but the fact they brought it down with a complete lie doesn't irk in the least?
Are you seriously concerned that an organization who wanted to help a fake prostitute and pimp break the law was destroyed?
Seriously, I know you're a liberal, but this goes waaaaaay beyond our different ideologies.
Strawman, cute. So you don't have a problem with the news blatantly lying?Apparently he doesn't as long as it fits his own plans.. For a side to claim they have itegrity.. They sure don't..
However, as I pointed out earlier, people who take Fox News seriously could probably find "liberal bias" in a hamburger. :P I think it was airshocker the other day who said that GabuEx is about as far to the left as you can get. I guess he's never seen EMOEVOLUTION's posts... :lol:StopThePresses
Obviously you didn't recognize the joke for what it was...considerring you aren't Gabu I'm not surprised.
[QUOTE="Sajo7"]Strawman, cute. So you don't have a problem with the news blatantly lying?airshocker
Asking a legitimate question. I don't care what you think about Fox News, but if you're seriously taking the side of Acorn...I don't know what to say to you.
NO ONE IS TAKING ACORN's side for the last time.. We are pointing out that ACORN wasn't brought down for the legitimate corruption it had.. But a report aired by Fox News that was edited and fradualent in every aspect that brought it down..
[QUOTE="Sajo7"]Strawman, cute. So you don't have a problem with the news blatantly lying?airshocker
Asking a legitimate question. I don't care what you think about Fox News, but if you're seriously taking the side of Acorn...I don't know what to say to you.
When did he take the side of Acorn? You're avoiding the original question.[QUOTE="airshocker"]
[QUOTE="Sajo7"]Strawman, cute. So you don't have a problem with the news blatantly lying?sSubZerOo
Asking a legitimate question. I don't care what you think about Fox News, but if you're seriously taking the side of Acorn...I don't know what to say to you.
NO ONE IS TAKING ACORN's side for the last time.. We are pointing out that ACORN wasn't brought down for the legitimate corruption it had.. But a report aired by Fox News that was edited and fradualent in every aspect that brought it down..
Links please, from recognized legit sites that aren't slanted to the left...hell, if you could find conservative news source stating this i'd love it?..Just so i can see..When did he take the side of Acorn? You're avoiding the original question.Sajo7
Because I don't feel like having a conversation with you?
NO ONE IS TAKING ACORN's side for the last time.. We are pointing out that ACORN wasn't brought down for the legitimate corruption it had.. But a report aired by Fox News that was edited and fradualent in every aspect that brought it down..
That's the first time you said that, and the report wasn't fraudulent. Unless you have some link that proves otherwise.
Woops, didn't see your other post. Sorry. :(
I will have to act in a radically christian manner to overcome you... *Forgives Airshocker and prays for him for hours* :P..Xx_Hopeless_xX
Oh no. -Melts-
This thread is going nowhere.Logan1616Who could have foreseen such an outcome! Oh yeah, everybody. :P
*looks at username* I thought right wing folks... thought Obama... was communist? :?People still listen to what Obama says? He lost any credibiity with everybody but the far left (most of this forum) months ago.
Asking a legitimate question. I don't care what you think about Fox News, but if you're seriously taking the side of Acorn...I don't know what to say to you.
NO ONE IS TAKING ACORN's side for the last time.. We are pointing out that ACORN wasn't brought down for the legitimate corruption it had.. But a report aired by Fox News that was edited and fradualent in every aspect that brought it down..
Links please, from recognized legit sites that aren't slanted to the left...hell, if you could find conservative news source stating this i'd love it?..Just so i can see..http://www.mediaite.com/online/rachel-maddow-exposes-foxs-bogus-coverage-of-acorn/watch the video. This exact same thign happened with the lady of agriculture in declaring she was a racist.. Which became a huge embarrassment to Fox News in which they recanted later on finding it was completely edited.. Look I don't defend ACORN, I agree they are corrupt.. But Fox News posted a completely false story..
[QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"]I will have to act in a radically christian manner to overcome you... *Forgives Airshocker and prays for him for hours* :P..airshocker
Oh no. -Melts-
lol :lol: i voted for paladino:)[QUOTE="airshocker"][QUOTE="Sajo7"]When did he take the side of Acorn? You're avoiding the original question.Theokhoth
Because I don't feel like having a conversation with you?
This happens a lot when you've been cornered. . . He answered Subzero's question..lol :lol: i voted for paladino:)xJust_CraZyx
I love Paladino. He's six points behind Status Cuomo in the latest Quinnipiac poll. I hope he wins, dearly.
[QUOTE="Theokhoth"][QUOTE="airshocker"]This happens a lot when you've been cornered. . . He answered Subzero's question.. No he didn't, he just accused him of supporting ACORN, not whether he thinks that Fox News was justified in posting a completely false story.Because I don't feel like having a conversation with you?
Links please, from recognized legit sites that aren't slanted to the left...hell, if you could find conservative news source stating this i'd love it?..Just so i can see..[QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"]
NO ONE IS TAKING ACORN's side for the last time.. We are pointing out that ACORN wasn't brought down for the legitimate corruption it had.. But a report aired by Fox News that was edited and fradualent in every aspect that brought it down..
http://www.mediaite.com/online/rachel-maddow-exposes-foxs-bogus-coverage-of-acorn/watch the video. This exact same thign happened with the lady of agriculture in declaring she was a racist.. Which became a huge embarrassment to Fox News in which they recanted later on finding it was completely edited.. Look I don't defend ACORN, I agree they are corrupt.. But Fox News posted a completely false story..
Then you go and post a liberal show host...[QUOTE="xJust_CraZyx"]lol :lol: i voted for paladino:)airshocker
I love Paladino. He's six points behind Status Cuomo in the latest Quinnipiac poll. I hope he wins, dearly.
me too.[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"] Links please, from recognized legit sites that aren't slanted to the left...hell, if you could find conservative news source stating this i'd love it?..Just so i can see..
http://www.mediaite.com/online/rachel-maddow-exposes-foxs-bogus-coverage-of-acorn/watch the video. This exact same thign happened with the lady of agriculture in declaring she was a racist.. Which became a huge embarrassment to Fox News in which they recanted later on finding it was completely edited.. Look I don't defend ACORN, I agree they are corrupt.. But Fox News posted a completely false story..
Then you go and post a liberal show host... It is actually an article about how she exposed them. With, you know, factual information.http://www.mediaite.com/online/rachel-maddow-exposes-foxs-bogus-coverage-of-acorn/watch the video. This exact same thign happened with the lady of agriculture in declaring she was a racist.. Which became a huge embarrassment to Fox News in which they recanted later on finding it was completely edited.. Look I don't defend ACORN, I agree they are corrupt.. But Fox News posted a completely false story..
Is there an actual video that shows Breitbart's organization edited the one he showed on Fox News?
Fox News is fair and balanced.. at the same time they are radically right-wing.
This seems to be a blantant case of... doublethink! Dear God, Fox News is actively bringing about a new age of Orwellian totalitarianism!
It's a conspiracy.
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"] Links please, from recognized legit sites that aren't slanted to the left...hell, if you could find conservative news source stating this i'd love it?..Just so i can see..
http://www.mediaite.com/online/rachel-maddow-exposes-foxs-bogus-coverage-of-acorn/watch the video. This exact same thign happened with the lady of agriculture in declaring she was a racist.. Which became a huge embarrassment to Fox News in which they recanted later on finding it was completely edited.. Look I don't defend ACORN, I agree they are corrupt.. But Fox News posted a completely false story..
Then you go and post a liberal show host...Why don't you ACTUALLY WATCH IT, in which she showed the entire video.. Furthermore she discloses the information to the actual attorney General of California who investigated ACORN months later which he found the claims to be completely false.. This is no liberal, this is the ATTONERY GENERAL OF california which investigated this.
He answered Subzero's question.. No he didn't, he just accused him of supporting ACORN, not whether he thinks that Fox News was justified in posting a completely false story. They apologized for their error...people love to crucify them over this incident..[QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"] This happens a lot when you've been cornered. . .Sajo7
http://www.mediaite.com/online/rachel-maddow-exposes-foxs-bogus-coverage-of-acorn/watch the video. This exact same thign happened with the lady of agriculture in declaring she was a racist.. Which became a huge embarrassment to Fox News in which they recanted later on finding it was completely edited.. Look I don't defend ACORN, I agree they are corrupt.. But Fox News posted a completely false story..
Is there an actual video that shows Breitbart's organization edited the one he showed on Fox News?
.................. Watch the original one.. If they watched the full version that came out, they would never have been able to make the claims that it supporst the prostitution ring or child slavery.. :|
Then you go and post a liberal show host... It is actually an article about how she exposed them. With, you know, factual information.The video..you know..that he told me to watch..was you know.. a liberal MSNBC talk show host..you know..[QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]
http://www.mediaite.com/online/rachel-maddow-exposes-foxs-bogus-coverage-of-acorn/watch the video. This exact same thign happened with the lady of agriculture in declaring she was a racist.. Which became a huge embarrassment to Fox News in which they recanted later on finding it was completely edited.. Look I don't defend ACORN, I agree they are corrupt.. But Fox News posted a completely false story..
[QUOTE="Sajo7"]No he didn't, he just accused him of supporting ACORN, not whether he thinks that Fox News was justified in posting a completely false story. They apologized for their error...people love to crucify them over this incident..[QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"] He answered Subzero's question..Xx_Hopeless_xX
:| This was no error.. This was blantant.. Are you trying to tell me that they are going to allow some story by some conservative activists on with out doing a background check or doing research of their own? Either they didn't, or their research really sucks... Furthermore the damage was done, and ACORN was brought down for this... Stuff like this scares me, because it basically means that they can do this for really any organization they don't like regardless if they are actually corrupt or not.
Then you go and post a liberal show host...[QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]
http://www.mediaite.com/online/rachel-maddow-exposes-foxs-bogus-coverage-of-acorn/watch the video. This exact same thign happened with the lady of agriculture in declaring she was a racist.. Which became a huge embarrassment to Fox News in which they recanted later on finding it was completely edited.. Look I don't defend ACORN, I agree they are corrupt.. But Fox News posted a completely false story..
Why don't you ACTUALLY WATCH IT, in which she showed the entire video.. Furthermore she discloses the information to the actual attorney General of California who investigated ACORN months later which he found the claims to be completely false.. This is no liberal, this is the ATTONERY GENERAL OF california which investigated this.
I'll just research the incident myself..It is actually an article about how she exposed them. With, you know, factual information.The video..you know..that he told me to watch..was you know.. a liberal MSNBC talk show host..you know..[QUOTE="sajo7"]
[QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"]Then you go and post a liberal show host...Xx_Hopeless_xX
Who quotes the investigation of the Attorney General of California, the actual investigator of ACORN on this incident, in which he found the claim completely fraudlent.. What this has anything to do with left or right is beyond me...
It is actually an article about how she exposed them. With, you know, factual information.The video..you know..that he told me to watch..was you know.. a liberal MSNBC talk show host..you know.. The California Attorney General backed her up on that report.[QUOTE="sajo7"]
[QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"]Then you go and post a liberal show host...Xx_Hopeless_xX
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