This. hahaObama is destructive to America, not Fox news.
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They apologized for their error...people love to crucify them over this incident..[QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"][QUOTE="Sajo7"] No he didn't, he just accused him of supporting ACORN, not whether he thinks that Fox News was justified in posting a completely false story.
:| This was no error.. This was blantant.. Are you trying to tell me that they are going to allow some story by some conservative activists on with out doing a background check or doing research of their own? Either they didn't, or their research really sucks... Furthermore the damage was done, and ACORN was brought down for this... Stuff like this scares me, because it basically means that they can do this for really any organization they don't like regardless if they are actually corrupt or not.
But they don't now do they?...And i'll get back to you on that whole blatant thing after i've done some research on the incident.................... Watch the original one.. If they watched the full version that came out, they would never have been able to make the claims that it supporst the prostitution ring or child slavery.. :|
Oh okay, I didn't know that had the full video. Just read the story. Watching it now.
[QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"]The know..that he told me to watch..was you know.. a liberal MSNBC talk show know.. The California Attorney General backed her up on that report. Which is why i'm researching it for myself..[QUOTE="sajo7"] It is actually an article about how she exposed them. With, you know, factual information.Sajo7
And I said, many things Obama said is 10000x descrtuctive than Fox News. I don't care about Fox News, I don't watch it. But, Obama is the president of US, which means his action has 10000x more influences to US. And seriously, leave freedom of speech alone, Fox News can do whatever they like for all I care. It is freedom of speech. Unless it is matter of national security, Obama should not interfere.magicalclick
The beauty of freedom of speech is that is goes both ways, someone has the freedom to say anything, and other people have the freedom to criticize what they say. That's the value of it.
That being said, politically he probably shouldn't have said anything, though it's nice to see someone speak honestly (and what I believe to be correctly) despite the politics at play.
[QUOTE="Sajo7"][QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"]The know..that he told me to watch..was you know.. a liberal MSNBC talk show know..The California Attorney General backed her up on that report. Which is why i'm researching it for myself.. Of course, you will notice I made that my post was submitted before you announced that however.Xx_Hopeless_xX
And I said, many things Obama said is 10000x descrtuctive than Fox News. I don't care about Fox News, I don't watch it. But, Obama is the president of US, which means his action has 10000x more influences to US. And seriously, leave freedom of speech alone, Fox News can do whatever they like for all I care. It is freedom of speech. Unless it is matter of national security, Obama should not interfere.magicalclickI think a media outlet with as many viewers as Fox News affects America pretty heavily, when they affect their opinion. And I think there's a fine line between freedom of speech and purely fear mongering conspiracy theories with no actual basis being shouted as fact. But I do think Obama shouldn't be playing the blame game right now.
The know..that he told me to watch..was you know.. a liberal MSNBC talk show know..[QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"]
[QUOTE="sajo7"] It is actually an article about how she exposed them. With, you know, factual information.sSubZerOo
Who quotes the investigation of the Attorney General of California, the actual investigator of ACORN on this incident, in which he found the claim completely fraudlent.. What this has anything to do with left or right is beyond me...
I'm researching the i've said numerous times now..and the reason i brought up her political alignment was because i specifically asked for someone who was either not biased or conservative...hence why i'll just do the looking up myself..Which is why i'm researching it for myself.. Of course, you will notice I made that my post was submitted before you announced that however. Which is why i said that..[QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"][QUOTE="Sajo7"] The California Attorney General backed her up on that report.Sajo7
I'd say Obama (more specifically, his policies) is more destructive to America, but that's just me. Not excusing Fox here.
.................. Watch the original one.. If they watched the full version that came out, they would never have been able to make the claims that it supporst the prostitution ring or child slavery.. :|
Oh okay, I didn't know that had the full video. Just read the story. Watching it now.
Take for instance the head of that Acorn center.. FOX wanted to make them look like he was supporting child slavery in asking as much information as possible and being passive.. It would seem that way.. IF it were not for the fact the guy called police RIGHT after they left to inform them on it.. Something Fox conveintly left out.. Not defending ACORN here, I do think they are corrupt for things.. But this was just a complete bogus report.. And it scares me if journalism ran by frauds can bring down organizations, people etc.
[QUOTE="Sajo7"]Of course, you will notice I made that my post was submitted before you announced that however. Which is why i said that.. Yes you posted it, why post it again?[QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"] Which is why i'm researching it for myself..Xx_Hopeless_xX
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]I don't think Obama should make those kinds of comments TBH.....Baconbits2004Why not? Because he's the head of a country and he should keep those thoughts to himself. It's a bit tacky...and will in no way help his political party in elections.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]I don't think Obama should make those kinds of comments TBH.....Baconbits2004Why not?
it helps enforce an us vs them mentality that conservatives will use.
Because he's the head of a country and he should keep those thoughts to himself. It's a bit tacky...and will in no way help his political party in elections.LJS9502_basic
So Obama should protect freedom of speach, while denying his own?
it helps enforce an us vs them mentality that conservatives will use.UnknownSniper65
Hm, her argument about his shirt is a bit flimsy. Until I see a video of him walking out not in the get-up he walked in with, I don't recognize her points.
I can somewhat see her point about the Vera guy, but until I see the AG report(who is a lib) and the Police report, I'm not sure what to make of it. Because it could be either one. And since I have a hard time believeing anything Mad Cow Maddow has to say...well, you get the picture.
Now the last part, the most damning, who cares if she turned away from O'Keefe when he said she was a prostitute? She heard him. She didn't do a damn thing to get them out of the office right then and there. I'll concede the video makers definitely edited the video and didn't give the full context, but that last part is still pretty bad. As soon as the guy said she was a prostitute, she could have asked them to leave.
Now, as with the thing that happened with Shirley Sherrod, I don't see how the video itself is Fox's fault.
I'd say a little of both. Neither Obama nor Fox News are helping america by decrying the other. Your always going to have critics and people that don't like you no matter what you do. But disparaging them and trying to suppress their voice is a bad policy. That's what Hugo Chavez does in Venezuela. He's passed a law where it is illegal for the press to criticize him. I'd rather not have that kind of policy here.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Because he's the head of a country and he should keep those thoughts to himself. It's a bit tacky...and will in no way help his political party in elections.Baconbits2004
So Obama should protect freedom of speach, while denying his own?
It's not about free speech. He's free to say what he wants....that doesn't mean he should. It's a low cIass move.For those people bashing Obama for this statement, why? Obama is a Person just as well as a President, and he is clearly just stating his opinion on something as a Person. Thats protected under the 1st amendment, the same amendment that allows Fox News to function in the first place. It would be different if he were trying to pass a bill to censor Fox News, but since he's not, there is nothing too controversial to see here.
Those are completely outside of this job description. Government should not comment on how private business works. Unless there is a government regulation or national security involved, government should not interfere and not comment at all.magicalclick
For those people bashing Obama for this statement, why? Obama is a Person just as well as a President, and he is clearly just stating his opinion on something as a Person. Thats protected under the 1st amendment, the same amendment that allows Fox News to function in the first place. It would be different if he were trying to pass a bill to censor Fox News, but since he's not, there is nothing too controversial to see here.
Agreed, he just stated his personal opinion, he said nothing to suggest censorship. Plus this was in a magazine interview, not any kind of official press release. If anything Obama is advancing the virtue of freedom of speech. He is challenging a wildly popular media outlet, which will at worse just get people thinking more critically about the issue. It may not be the best for his political party, but it increases the quality of democracy.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Because he's the head of a country and he should keep those thoughts to himself. It's a bit tacky...and will in no way help his political party in elections.magicalclick
So Obama should protect freedom of speach, while denying his own?
Privately, YES. Publicly on behave of the President of United States, NO. There are many things a CEO can not talk on behave of the company. Period.
I don't think this really needs to be stated.... it's true, sure, but it's not going to do anything but put FOX in the limelight even more. Which is certainly not going to hurt them, considering their modus operandi.
Also, it's so damn cute so see the usual suspects in this thread getting riled up and throwing logical fallacies everywhere. Again. Clearly, anyone with a half-functional brain could tell you that giving his opinion on a news channel as an answer to an interview question, however derogatory, does not equal actively attacking them or even more preposterously, attempting to suppress their right to free speech. But hey, it's just context - since when did that matter when talking about Obama?
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Because he's the head of a country and he should keep those thoughts to himself. It's a bit tacky...and will in no way help his political party in elections.LJS9502_basic
So Obama should protect freedom of speach, while denying his own?
It's not about free speech. He's free to say what he wants....that doesn't mean he should. It's a low cIass move. I don't see anything low class about his quote from the article. Is there perhaps more to this story that I'm not seeing?[QUOTE="Genetic_Code"][QUOTE="scorch-62"]Not supporting Fox =/= not supporting freedom of the press.p2250Good point. As I said before, liberals only support "free speech" when it's their own. A better statement would be that they only support "tolerance" when its in line with their beliefs. But then everyone kind of does that.
What a thin skinned baby.
Regardless if you think Fox News is ridiculous or not, it's only because it challenges him and his administration that he singles them out.
It's nice to hear a different perspective, other than all the news stations giving everything he does less scruitiny.
If you don't like it, don't watch it.
He just crying because its's destructive to his reelection.
But he shouldn't have to worry because all the weak minded, fox watchers didn't vote for him, right?
[QUOTE="Genetic_Code"][QUOTE="scorch-62"]Not supporting Fox =/= not supporting freedom of the press.p2250Good point. As I said before, liberals only support "free speech" when it's their own. This is absolutely not true. Obama isn't trying to block Fox News. He was critical of them, sure, but that isn't the same as suppressing their free speech. You can support someone's right to say something without agreeing with it.
Obviously, I say no. :P Just like how I think the Mainstream Media is 'destructive' and 'indoctrinate' to AmericaITT: Liberals say yes while conservatives say no.
Obviously, I say yes. :P
[QUOTE="p2250"][QUOTE="Genetic_Code"] Good point.rragnaarAs I said before, liberals only support "free speech" when it's their own. This is absolutely not true. Obama isn't trying to block Fox News. He was critical of them, sure, but that isn't the same as suppressing their free speech. You can support someone's right to say something without agreeing with it.The president said they are destructive to America, that is a little ridiculous.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]It's not about free speech. He's free to say what he wants....that doesn't mean he should. It's a low cIass move. I don't see anything low class about his quote from the article. Is there perhaps more to this story that I'm not seeing? I just think the president should be held to a higher standard and shouldn't hurl insults in public. He does that too much actually. It doesn't matter if he's asked an opinion on something...he needs to know how to post noncommittal answers for some of them....sometimes I wonder about the intelligence level of our politicians...and then I realize with the amount of compensation involved we don't get the best and brightest anyway.[QUOTE="Baconbits2004"]
So Obama should protect freedom of speach, while denying his own?
[QUOTE="p2250"]This^^ Fox News speaks the truth, other news stations are too liberal to tell everything. And I guess that's why Fox News gets the top ratings over all the other news stations??? Ratings don't mean much if Fox appeals to the lowest common denominator.Obama is destructive to America, not Fox news.
I don't think any real fiscal conservative would want to be associated with Fox.
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